The magic system
The Nephilim magic system underwent several revisions, with the most recent version of the rules presented genericized in Enlightened Magic (so check that out for the full details). What follows is my attempt to unify, codify, and simplify the magic system. Nephilim practice three types of magic or "occult sciences." The nephilim don't see what they do as magic, but as the applied knowledge of manipulating the universe. These occult sciences are Sorcery, Summoning, and Alchemy, in order of their development. The occult sciences are each divided into three circles, and advancing to the next circle requires mastering the previous circle. Sorcery The rules for sorcery were extensively revised in Liber Ka and a genericized version of this revision was published in Enlightened Magic . Most of the differences are minor (e.g. name changes, some spells absent, some spells changed element), but there is one big change: the EM rules don't have a lunar element, so lunar spells...