Magic items

There are several different rules for magic items in Gamemaster's Companion and Enlightened Magic. What follows is a summary and comparison of their effects. I will try providing a more detailed revision and unification in future posts.

Enchanted items and artefacts

(GMC p25, EM p20, 64)

Sorcerers and alchemists may enchant their spells by investing power into an appropriate object.

Sorcerers may enchant an item with no more than a single spell that is normally cast as a ritual (i.e. Ritual Magic, High Magic, and any summoning spells, but not Casual Magic or alchemy). The enchanted item allows the user to cast that spell as if it were Casual Magic: no need to perform a ritual and no limitation to casting on a specific day.

Alchemists may enchant an athanor with a single Black Stone procedure. This allows anyone to produce the procedure with the enchanted athanor, not just the alchemist, but renders it useless for producing any other procedure. Alchemists may enchant an alchemical work of art created using White Stone, allowing the work to retain its effect indefinitely as long as it remains intact. 

A given enchanted item, athanor, or work of art may only ever hold a single spell or procedure. Items that contain multiple spells are known as artefacts, and they are much more expensive to create.

Relics are sentient artefacts normally created by accident. Masterpieces are unique artefacts that may cast spells on their own under the control of the GM.

Magical tools

(LK p53, EM p32, 69)

Sorcerers may enchant their tools to provide a bonus to ritual casting. Alchemists may enchant their athanors to provide a bonus to producing a procedure. The bonus scales with the amount of power invested in the tool or athanor.

Foci and grimoires

(LK p61, 86, EM p61, 100)

A "focus" is a description of a magical ritual or alchemical procedure. When sorcerers design rituals or alchemists design procedures, they create foci to refer to whenever casting those spells in the future. Grimoires contain multiple such foci, which save sorcerers and alchemists time on designing it themselves. Foci recorded in grimoires may also have additional benefits, such as boosted results and reduced thresholds. 


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