Nephilim is actually in the plural?

The word nephilim comes Hebrew and is actually in the plural form. You can have a group of nephilim, but not a nephilim. The singular form is apparently naphil. An interesting trivia, and inspiration for roleplaying.

What about the other game jargon ending in -im? Eolim, Faerim, Hydrim, Onirim, Pyrim, KaIm, Selenim, and Ar-KaIm? Doesn’t work so well for those…

Might need to inflect the words for plural? Eolian, Faerie, Hydra, Oniros, Pyro, Kaian, Selene, Ar-Kaian?

Or add an -s to make it plural? Eolims, Faerims, Hydrims, Onirims, Pyrims, KaIms, Selenims, and Ar-KaIms? 



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