Stasis objects for Selenim?

In this post I discuss rules about Stasis objects for Selenim. I explain how the French version handled Stasis objects for Selenim across its editions, how the US version (did not) handle this, compare the two, then offer my thoughts on the subject.

Shared features

In all editions of the French version, and continued into the English (as confirmed in Serpent Moon and Ian Young's notes), the Selenim were ageless or aged so slowly that they might as well be. Since they could take the slow path through the ages, they did not require a Stasis object to maintain their immortality. Although they did not reincarnate, they effectively treated every century that passed as its own past life era.

In the French version

In the French version, editions I to II (1992–2000), the Selenim did not have access to Stasis objects. While she could retain the Stasis object from her time as a Nephilim and even store her severed Ka-elements within (if she deliberately performed the Ritual of Sundering), she was not drawn back into the Stasis upon bodily death. When her simulacrum died, then she immediately dissolved into the black lunar field. The 1995 supplement Le Livre Noir ("The Black Book") briefly discussed hypothetical "Anti-Stasis" objects for Selenim, but concluded that all attempts ended in failure or severe memory loss—aside from some partial successes that endowed inanimate objects with sapience (compare Relics from US’s GMC). However, there was a notable exception: once the Imago was invested with a few hundred points, then it could effectively serve as a temporary Stasis object for the Selenim and allow her to reincarnate in a new simulacrum after the death of her current one at the cost of a lot of invested BMK. An advanced application available to Selenim who created their own magical Realms was keeping a bank of spare simulacra!

Building on 1e, the 5e supplement added that most Selenim capable of reincarnation sought to cultivate favorable circumstances. They'd attract potential simulacra to Black Moon sites and psychologically prepare them with black summonings and restless. It wasn't always a nightmare, as in some eras (presumably referring to periods like the Kingdom of Carthage) the Selenim prepared "sacred kings."

In the French edition Nephilim : Révélation (2000–2003), the Selenim's Stasis object from her prior existence as a Nephilim would no longer function for her. For reference, binding Nephilim to Stasis items in the French version required the Stasis item's Litharge to be created from the Nephilim's own Ka exposed to Orichalc. (In the US version's Major Arcana, this wasn't necessary and any litharge would do.) This distinction will make sense in a moment.

Le Codex des Selenim ("The Codex of the Selenim") explained she could be bonded to a new Stasis object by secret societies who had developed means to do so while experimenting to turn Selenim into Homunculi. The normal method to create Stasis objects didn't work for the Selenim because she was insensitive to Orichalc: she had to be bonded to the surviving Stasis object of an already dissolved Nephilim to get the Litharge required, or else required "solidified Solar-Ka" only available to a particular secret society. The Selenim couldn't tap the Stasis item for Ka to boost spells because it wasn't and couldn't be charged with Black Moon. Upon the death of her simulacrum, then she would immediately be drawn into the Stasis object. There was no means to charge the Stasis object with Black Moon-Ka in order to release her, so her Ka was doomed to decay into nothing. (The Imago, now associated with its own occult science of Anamorphosis, could not serve as a temporary Stasis object in this edition.) Temperance and the Unnamed Arcanum were working on ways to release a Selenim so imprisoned (although the line was cancelled before any spell came of this AFAIK). A side effect of being bonded to the former Stasis object of a dissolved Nephilim was that she would experience occasional flashbacks from the previous owner's memories, but this provided no mechanical benefits.

In the 3e Codex des Selenim, the Loa Guédé have an emergency ritual where a Selenim’s cult may summon her for reincarnation in one of the cult members. This has side effects, represented by loss of some skill levels. The ritual involves an enchanted “Asson” (a hollowed gourd used in voodoo) to serve as a pseudo-Stasis item.

The 666 experimented with bonding the Selenim to their own original Stasis if it retained her former Ka-elements—or another Nephilim's Stasis with its owner's soul still trapped inside!

Little detail was given, but the Yohual-Tecuhtlin had pyramids which served a similar role to Stasis items. Central America apparently had plentiful Black Moon deposits which gave them a source of sustenance without a human presence.

In previous editions the rules for Black Moon foci, inscriptions and artifacts worked completely differently from those of Nephilim. In 3rd edition these mechanics were standardized across the Immortals. Selenim now used foci, inscriptions and artifacts in exactly the same way as Nephilim. Rules for foci and inscriptions are similar to the US version (specifically the first edition, where PCs couldn't create their own spells; nothing like the Enlightened Magic rules for designing spells were present). Artefacts were enchanted with a single spell that anyone holding the artifact could use, even if they lacked the corresponding Ka-element. This required no roll but cost points from the artifact's reserve (basically ch'awe), which regenerated at the rate of 1 per day as long as it wasn't reduced 0: at that point it permanently lost its magical properties. Black Moon artifacts worked the same way, and didn't spontaneously lose points to the Entropy that afflicted Selenim and black summonings. Artifacts were especially useful to Selenim, who only recovered magic points via their emotional vampirism and thus would benefit from not having to spent any themselves.

Aside, Le Codex also mentioned an extremely rare and valuable artefact known as the Éclat de Lune Noire ("Shard of Black Moon"). This stored five points of BMK that could be spent to boost magic rolls, similar to the Stasis Ritual (an effect that was otherwise unavailable to Selenim). The artefact would spontaneously recharge one point per lunar month, slower than usual. Selenim and other creatures of the Black Moon otherwise could not replenish BMK without draining Solar-Ka from humans.

As explained in the Gamemaster's Book the Third Circle of Necromancy, Thanatology, let the Selenim overcome the limits of their immortality. Upon initiation into Thanatology, the Selenim gained the power of self-resurrection but was limited to nine lives like Catwoman. The Third Circle of Anamorphosis, The Realm, allowed the Selenim to reincarnate upon mastering the Domination Aspect. Otherwise, that was it.

In the US version

The US version was cancelled before the planned Selenim supplement could be released. However, the released books did specify in places that the Selenim developed their own counterparts of Stasis objects named Sarcophagi to survive while the KaIm deteriorated. Parts of the rulebook and Gamemaster's Companion explained that the Nephilim developed their Stasis objects, including the pyramids that allowed pharaohs to remain conscious after death, by studying and reverse-engineering the Selenim's Sarcophagi!

The Serpent Moon supplement established that Selenim had spells to place themselves in suspended animation indefinitely until a preset trigger, or awakening prematurely when provided Solar-Ka by supplicants. 

Ian Young's surviving notes and other quotes explain that the Sarcophagus were created to "sustain the tenuous fields of the Black Moon". The Black Moon field was too dispersed to sustain them by itself, but the Sarcophagus let them replenish themselves eternally while the fallen KaIm were doomed to deteriorate... before their greedy eyes found a much richer source of Solar-Ka in humans.

Although developed independently from the later French editions, the US version effectively combined and replicated the effects of several mechanics from the French version. Although no rules were ever published, the Sarcophagus seemed analogous to a mix of high Imago rating, the Anti-Stasis object, the Asson, the Shard of the Black Moon, the Yohual-Tecuhtlin pyramids, and a bit of Necromancy. The Sarcophagus would passively recharge BMK and allow Selenim to survive without a simulacrum. Although how to create one...?

My ideas for house rules


The normal French rules in every edition state that Selenim die along with their Simulacrum (barring the use of Third Circle magic to self-resurrect), but here's a house rule that says otherwise for those GM's that desire so. If the GM feels this is too far a departure from the Selenim’s overall feel but still wants it as an option, then this is limited. 

Only the most powerful Selenim essences persist after bodily death in spectral form (e.g. those with sufficient knowledge of Third Circle magic), while weaker essences dissolve immediately into the doomed fields. (This is similar to the statement on p15 of the rulebook saying only the most powerful Nephilim could create new elemental bodies after the Fall.) This doesn’t necessarily mean that essence is gone forever, as Ka is recycled by the fields into new elementals as they form and may even retain impressions of memory, but only Third Circle magic may call these essences back to the world of the living.

If a sufficiently powerful Selenim's simulacrum dies, then her essence exits the corpse as an immaterial spirit just like a Nephilim's (see Nephilim rulebook p116-7). By default, Selenim's spirits are considered to have no Stasis object to return to. Instead of gaining Khaiba every hour or rolling Dominant Ka every hour to avoid disintegrating, the spirit automatically loses 1 black moon point from her pool every hour (the benefit of maintaining a pool around her core!). If the pool falls to 0, then the spirit disintegrates into the magic fields forever.

The Selenim's spirit is limited to traveling along the magic fields of the Moon and the Black Moon. If these fields are absent, then the spirit is stuck and doomed to lose black moon points until it finally disintegrates. The local strength of the fields also affects the Entropy rate (see my post on Black Moon sacred sites for details on multipliers).

The Selenim's spirit may attempt to reincarnate in a human being. Since she only has one Ka-element, she only has one attempt to contest her Black Moon Core versus the host's Solar-Ka. If she wins, then she reincarnates. If she loses, then she may not attempt to dominate this host again and must wait another hour before trying again with a new host.

Following an attempt at reincarnation, successful or not, the Selenim loses 2 Ka from her Core. This loss is permanent and may only be replaced through experience. Recalculate her Maximum Pool for her new Core rating, discarding any excess points.

If the spirit is in a place where black summonings don’t suffer Entropy (such as at an Agarthan Nexus or within a magical Realm), then it benefits likewise. At this point, the spirit may enter Narcosis if it cannot find a Simulacrum in time.

This house rule was inspired a by similar one on a French fansite. Since black summonings can roam freely until Entropy takes them, then I figure Selenim should too.

Ex-Nephilim's Stasis object

The Selenim cannot use her Stasis object from her former existence as Nephilim. Upon her Sundering it loses its ability to charge Ka and any remaining points evaporate at a rate of 1 point/hour, just like that of a destroyed Nephilim. While it still retains a sympathetic tie to her that may be exploited by magic (see Liber Ka p55), she can no longer track it by concentrating (if using my house rule for sensing one's own Stasis object), she cannot use the Stasis Ritual (as it cannot store Ka), and it will not draw her essence inside upon disembodiment. 

The Stasis object only provides two benefits:

  1. If the Selenim deliberately performed the Ritual of Sundering, then she could reverse the Stasis Ritual at the same time to store her severed branches inside it. These branches aren’t subject to the evaporation noted above. This makes it feasible for her to be cured by Temperance's rumored spells to reverse the Sundering. It would also allow her to undergo the mysterious death-and-rebirth cycle developed by the Xibalbans...
  2. If the Selenim uses an Initiate Spell known only to certain Unnamed factions like the 666 or the Orichalcians, then she may channel the Ka-element branches saved within her Stasis to perform magical workings requiring those Ka-elements. This is similar to using an Elixir, but since the branches are still sympathetically linked to her this doesn't deplete the saved Ka-elements upon casting. However, she cannot use this to cast Moon spells because that branch was converted into her Black Moon Core.
If the Selenim is turned back into a Nephilim by whatever means, then her Stasis item regains full functionality.

Bonding a new Stasis object to a Selenim

I've thought of a few ways to handle this, but I decided to opt for simplicity.

The Create Stasis spell cannot be cast on a Selenim whose Stasis item from her former Nephilim existence is still intact. However, the spell may be recast to strengthen the weakened bond between the Selenim and her former Stasis item. Since the spell requires the target's Dominant Ka, then only the sorcerers of the Unnamed Arcanum may cast it. Some consider it inadvisable to use a spell designed for Nephilim, while others experiment with it (see Anti-Stasis, below).

If the Selenim is rebonded to her former Stasis item or to a new one, then she regains the ability to track it by concentrating but still cannot charge it or use the Stasis Ritual (as the spell isn't designed for Selenim use). It will immediately draw her essence inside upon disembodiment, as the Stasis Roll automatically fails because it contains 0 Ka—but she makes Stasis Rolls using her stored Ka-elements, if and only if she previously had the foresight to store them inside! As stated above, only the most powerful Selenim essences may assume a spectral form without assistance. Otherwise, the essence is unable to fully exit the Stasis item and enters Narcosis while so stuck. The narcotic essence is entitled to reincarnate only if a mortal physically touches the Stasis item.

Since the design for the Create Stasis spell was ultimately derived from the Selenim's original experiments with Sarcophagi, then mercifully the trapped spirit will not suffer Entropy for as long as it remains inside. However, there is no apparent means to charge the Stasis item and release the spirit to reincarnate. Breaking the Stasis item doesn’t release the bonding but disperses the spirit’s Ka into the magic fields. The Temperance and Unnamed Arcana are working together to devise a spell to release a trapped spirit, but this is slow going due to the general antipathy between the Nephilim and Selenim.

There are very few times that Selenim find themselves bound to a wholly new Stasis item. This is usually done by secret societies trying to make Selenim homunculi or the 666 faction trying to bind Ka-elements to Selenim. 

Creating a Sarcophagus

The spell Create Sarcophagus is a Moon (and Black Moon) spell of the Third Circle. It is the oldest spell ever created by the Selenim and was key to their creation as a magical race, alongside the spell Create Shadow Blade. It involves constructing a large immobile Sarcophagus out of Litharge and other esoteric materials according to precise geometric calculations, inscribing it with highly elaborate Enochian runes, consecrating it with sacrifices of Lunar-Ka and Solar-Ka, and generally enchanting it with the desired magical properties. The preparation and components are elaborate and expensive, as to be expected. It is no small undertaking, but the results speak for themselves.

At the start of each astrological day the Sarcophagus generates black moon points equal to the daily astrological bonus to Black Moon-Ka. It holds a maximum Capacity of 100, although larger and more elaborate Tombs might hold more. The owner may use the Stasis Ritual to draw points from it, either to boost a Ka roll or to add these points to her Black Moon Ch'awe. Through the bond, the owner may always find her way back no matter how far away she is. The Sarcophagus' Ka concentrating power was used to fuel the creation of the first Realms.

For a disembodied Selenim, it provides the same benefits as a Stasis item does a Nephilim and draws her spirit inside upon death. Since it collects black moon points, then the spirit may make Stasis Rolls to be released. As stated before, only the most powerful Selenim essences can assume a spectral form. The spirit doesn’t need to spent black moon points to continue existing. If the spirit cannot find a Simulacrum in time, then it is drawn back to the vicinity of the Sarcophagus and enters Narcosis. Weaker essences automatically remain trapped within the Sarcophagus in a state of Narcosis. However, unlike a Stasis item, the Sarcophagus grants the trapped essence a far larger range to reincarnate. Even if unable to assume spectral form then it can still attempt to incarnate within any Simulacrum within range of its Ka-vision (Ka×5 meters), centered on the Sarcophagus.

The ancient ethereal Selenim weren’t troubled by this because they retained their transformed elemental bodies from their time as KaIm before the Fall, but it became a problem for those who later incarnated and for all those Immortals born after the Fall who never had elemental bodies in the first place. The Sarcophagus served as a physical resting place for ethereal Selenim with their original elemental bodies. Within they entered and exited Narcosis at will, not subject to Entropy as they slumbered. Additional enchantments allowed them to project their senses and continue advancing their magical studies, which formed the basis of the later Pyramids. 

The secret of creating the Sarcophagus is kept in the libraries of the Unnamed Arcanum. The eldest Initiates probably maintain their own Sarcophagi in secret places as last resort sanctuaries. Sarcophagi are generally not created anymore because their large size, necessary for their collection properties, render them immobile and difficult to transport even with large scale modern transportation methods.

Creating an Anti-Stasis

The “Anti-Stasis” is the result of experimentation by the Unnamed Arcanum to miniaturize the Sarcophagus like the Stasis for easier transport. An Anti-Stasis item charges black moon points, allowing its Selenim owner to track it by concentrating, use the Stasis Ritual to boost Ka rolls or transfer between her Ch'awe, contain the Selenim’s essence indefinitely without Entropy, and make Stasis Rolls to release the trapped spirit. The drawback of the Anti-Stasis is that charging it poses a difficulty, as the stingy Black Moon “plexi” don’t yield points to charge it—at least not without more advanced spells (to be detailed at a later date). The owner must charge it with points from her pool in advance and take care not to let it deplete too far lest it trap her spirit indefinitely. For this reason, it is a sanctuary of last resort only and owners are still just as craven as the rest of the Selenim.

During the Unnamed Arcanum’s many experiments with Black Moon Artefacts and the precursors to the Anti-Stasis item, they inadvertently created Black Moon Relics. However, that is reserved for a future post...

Selenim and past lives

The Selenim’s past lives from her existence as a Nephilim are still anchored by her original Stasis item (see my post on Stasis items for details.) As long as it remains intact, rebonded or not, she’ll recall her past lives in the rare event that she reincarnates. If it is destroyed, then she’ll forget those past lives whenever she reincarnates… although as explained that’s unlikely for Selenim anyway. 

The Unnamed Arcanum’s experiments in this regard have yielded spells to rebond an old Stasis item as an Anti-Stasis item, retaining the past lives and gaining all the other benefits. 

Xibalban Stasis items

The Xibalbans developed their own more advanced versions of Anti-Stasis items millennia prior, during the rise of the Blood Dynasties, as part of their unique cycle of death and rebirth. This solved the bonding problem by working for them regardless of their current essence. These provided the benefit of both Stasis and Anti-Stasis items at once, stored their Ka-elements whenever detached and rendered them effectively immune to unintentional Sundering. As Nephilim they reincarnated, while as Selenim they ceased to age. Their Stasis item was key to their cyclical transition, anchoring their past lives regardless of how long said lives lived. Some of the refugee Tlaciques shared the secret of its creation with the Unnamed Arcanum… 

(Await my upcoming posts on The Unnamed and Xibalbans for details.)


Hope you enjoyed!


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