Dream Magic?

Something that I think would make an interesting alternative occult science would be Oneiromancy or “Dream Magic”. The only times I’ve found this mentioned was in an article in the Chaosium Digest mentioning that Australian Nephilim practiced Dreamtime magic, an archived page mentioning that Oneiromancy in general is practiced worldwide with variations for culture, and a document suggesting ideas for dream magic spells. The second offers names for circles and nothing else: Lucidity, Influence, Entrance and Prophecy—a hypothetical fourth circle! The fandom got pretty weird…

So here’s my current ideas on collating the subject:

Oneiromancy is an ancient occult science, possibly at least as old as Sorcery. For unknown reasons it remains obscure to the Western Tradition but was studied and applied by other Traditions like the Mayan and Australian Aborigine. It is something of an inverse of Summoning, in that it projects the caster’s spirit into the magic fields rather than calling spirits therefrom. It has some similarities to the Major Arcana’s Shemmut technique, but is a true occult science with three circles rather than a single technique. Each circle has its own individual spells rather than a single broad effect.

Like the other enlightened occult sciences, the three circles each have distinct purposes and scopes. The First Circle affects the people, places, and spirits of the waking world insofar as they relate to dreaming. The Second Circle projects one’s mind into the dreaming world to travel and interact with the chimeras that inhabit it. The Third Circle remains mysterious…

Actually not so much. In the French 3e it was clarified that the third circle of Sorcery was the creation of an Elemental Realm in the astral plane. Since this contradicts Liber Ka, then I figure third circle Dreaming is as good a place as any to migrate it!

I’d have to develop it in more detail, so these musings are subject to change…


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