Immunity to bullets?

One house rule I saw over in an adventure archived from the old mailing list's files was that Nephilim were effectively immune to ranged weapons. (This presumably applies to Selenim and Ar-KaIm too, but that wasn't explicitly mentioned.) As author Jeff James put it:

The second change is because I like the highlander feel of having people running around with swords and duelling on skyscrapers. Nephilim allows this, of course, but it really doesn't make any sense for your average templar to use a sword if he can spray the nephilim with an M16. So I have decided that only damage at short range (when 'auras' can interact) is effective on nephilim. Long range damage is healed by the Ka of the nephilim at a very fast rate (probably depending on his Earth-Ka, or maybe the physical closeness of his Major Ka-elements). The exception, of course, would be Orichalka bullets, which damage the Ka even if the body heals. This gives a very good reason for templars and other secret societies to practice martial arts, especially the use of swords and knives.

Acute roleplayers will have noticed that these are in fact changes taken straight from the game 'Immortal', which I perfectly acknowledge. In fact, considering the similarities in background between Immortal and Nephilim, I strongly recommend reading Immortal for any Nephilim GM out there.

I would treat this fast healing from ranged damage as a passive application of Raw Magic. Some groups may find this too silly or unsubtle for the subtler enlightened magic rules, but other groups might prefer the more cinematic tone or think it could be flavored with more subtlety. So I point this out here for any game archaeologists reading this. Hope you enjoy!


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