Limits on learning Third Circle magic

To keep this stuff straight, I’m putting it all in once place for reference.

The Occult Sciences

As explained on Nephilim rulebook p44, each occult science only becomes available after a certain date.


Sorcery is prehistoric and all three circles may be learned in any incarnation period. This is the only Third Circle technique that may be learned at character creation.


For Summoning, the first two circles of the Kabbalist Tradition may be learned from circa 350 B.C. onward (rulebook p63, Chronicle of the Awakenings p13). The Third Circle technique, Keys, cannot be learned at character creation [this isn’t explicitly stated but is implied by the lack of eras offering it]. It is only practiced by advanced initiates among the Major Arcana (rulebook p170).

With the GM’s permission, a different Tradition of Summoning may be taken instead and potentially earlier. I’ll explore Traditions of Summoning in future posts.


The First Circle technique, Black Stone, may be learned from 1000 A.D. onward (Chronicle of the Awakenings p16). With the GM’s permission it may be learned as early as the 4th century A.D. by students of Hermes Trismegistus (“Unpublished Alchemy Rules” p3). 

The Second Circle technique, White Stone, may be learned from 1480 A.D. onward (Chronicle of the Awakenings p25, “Unpublished Alchemy Rules” p5).

The Third Circle technique, Philosopher’s Stone, has yet to be discovered and cannot be taken at character creation. The rules for learning it during play are explained in “Unpublished Alchemy Rules” p12-3.

Third Circle

So of the Third Circle techniques, only High Magic is available at character creation. Keys and Philosopher’s Stone are not available at character creation, but must be learned during play at any point from the 1990s onward (i.e. when the game books were originally published).

As stated on rulebook p49, no Third Circle spells of any technique may be inscribed at character creation. In light of the Liber Ka and Enlightened Magic rules, I would further specify that PCs may not begin play with any Third Circle spells in their personal grimoires either but must find or design these spells during adventures or downtime, such as by recovering grimoires with Third Circle spells from caches hidden during past lives.

Later editions of the French version specified that PCs couldn’t start with points in any Third Circle techniques. No High Magic for you! The Third Circle techniques and spells had to be learned during play. Furthermore, initiation into the Third Circle was its own quest that was different for every character and the GM book provided guides and examples for adjudicating the quest. 

I point this out in case GMs want to use it. But to put it in context: the 3rd edition’s Third Circle Sorcery was the construction of an Elemental Realm, similarly to Third Circle Anamorphosis. I suppose it’s okay to let the High Magic technique be the only Third Circle technique learnable at character creation. Even if they can design their own spells, the PCs' starting Ka wouldn’t let them cast much due to the Power Thresholds.

The Obscure Sciences

As of the French 3rd edition similar restrictions apply to the “obscure sciences” practiced by Selenim: Necromancy, Black Summoning, and Anamorphosis. The Third Circle techniques and spells thereof may not be learned nor inscribed at character creation. These were never published officially by Chaosium but I’m adapting them myself in future posts.


Necromancy was refined by Pharaonic Selenim through the Egyptian mortuary cults. The first two circles, comprising the techniques of Phantasmalogy and Desmology respectively, may be learned from 3000 B.C. onward. The Third Circle technique, Thanatology, is not available at character creation.

Black Summoning

The first two circles of Black Summoning may be learned at the same time as Summoning, from circa 350 B.C. onward. The Third Circle technique is not available at character creation.

Black Summoning typically follows the Kabbalist Tradition, describing evocations in terms of the forbidden Sefira Da’ath and the Qlippot. This structure informs Saturnian invocations too (see Secret Societies p67). With the GM’s permission, a different Tradition may be taken instead and potentially earlier as with Summoning above.

[While 1e and 2e of the French said black summonings lived in the doomed fields not unlike Kabbalah, in 3e it was renamed Conjuration and literally conjured elemental beasts from the doomed field.]


Anamorphosis is prehistoric and the Imago may be developed in any incarnation period. The Third Circle is not available at character creation. Instead of techniques, it is composed of Imago Aspects and Emotional Traits (from Chronicle of the Awakenings).

I'll provide detailed rules for Anamorphosis in a future post.

Of course, the information here is subject to change. Hope you enjoyed!


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