Touching a Stasis item

In the French version second edition, a new rule was added where a Nephilim in Stasis possesses any human being who touches the Stasis item regardless of its current contents. While this may be a bit much since it precludes the Stasis item being transported by looters or museum employees unless they all miraculously wore gloves, I do think the idea can fit into my revision of Nephilim as symbiotic fusions.

If a Stasis item containing an elemental essence is touched by a mortal who is spiritually sympathetic to that essence’s history, then the essence will incarnate within them and they become Nephilim. This doesn’t require the Stasis item to be charged. A Stasis item is marked by fate and its not uncommon for the Simulacrum to dream about it before finally encountering it and incarnating the essence.

An elemental essence released by charging a Stasis item generally cannot incarnate except within a sympathetic Simulacrum. This doesn’t require a resistance roll because the mortal is willing on an unconscious level and isn’t limited by the mortal’s Solar-Ka rating, but still costs 2 Ka because the fusion is spiritually draining to the elemental essence.

The same restriction applies in the rare instance that a Selenim essence is encountered within a Stasis item. (See my post on Selenim stasis items for more details.)

An Ar-Kaïm essence trapped in a Stasis item will generally recoil from any potential Simulacrum who isn’t a blood relative of its previous bearer. At least in the French, where it only ever incarnates in them. If using the symbiotic Nephilim conceit, then GMs may waive this I guess? Alternately, you could keep it as another way to distinguish Ar-Kaïm from Nephilim.


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