Traditions of Summoning?

As I alluded to in prior posts, I came up with the idea to divide Summoning into a number of separate Traditions that view its function differently. Here I explain the traditions of Kabbalah and Theurgy most common among the Western Tradition.

While all summoning traditions use the same basic rules, they're considered distinct circles and techniques.


(This based directly on the rulebooks and the French.)

The Kabbalist Tradition or Kabbalah views Summoning in terms of the Olamot and Sefirot. It developed at least few centuries prior to the birth of Christ, but exploded in popularity through the teachings of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. This is the most common summoning tradition among Nephilim of the Western Tradition.

Each Circle corresponds to an Olamot: 0th Circle Assiah, 1st Circle Yetzira, 2nd Circle Briah, 3rd Circle Atziluth. Each Circle is separated from next by a series of occult veils: the Veil of the Profane or Maya, the Veil of Paroketh, the Veil of the Abyss or Da’ath, and the Veil of the Presence of the Most High.

There are 10 magical techniques, each corresponding to a Sefira on the Tree of Life: Malkuth in Assiah; Yesod, Hod, and Netzach in Yetzirah; Tiferet, Gevurah, and Chesed in Briah; Binah, Chokmah, and Kether in Atziluth. 

Kether lies beyond the Veil of the Presence of the Most High: crossing this veil is synonymous with reaching Agartha. So this technique isn’t available to PCs.

The Black Kabbalah is a variant of this Tradition that encompasses entities of Black Moon-Ka and Saturnian-Ka. It was developed by the Selenim of Carthage through cross-pollination with the Nephilim Kabbalists. These entities are described in terms of the Forbidden Sefira Da’ath and the Qlippot or Tree of Death. Only Selenim and a rare few secret societies practice this sub-Tradition, although Kabbalists believe that The Devil summons its elemental entities from Da’ath too.


(This based on French 3rd edition Conjuration and on Ramos-Tavener’s history and notes.)

Theurgists don’t believe in the existence of magical worlds where entities live their own lives until summoned. They believe that all entities are conjured from the natural cycles of the magic fields, by the will and imagination of the summoner, or even drawn from the collective consciousness of humanity. The Theurgic Tradition practices refinements of the spells of elemental control given in the Gamemaster’s Companion. They conjure and command these elementals with greater efficacy and specificity than the Kabbalists can ever hope to.

This tradition has root in ancient times and in many different cultures, but became popular in the Western Tradition around the same time as Kabbalah.

Theurgic Summoning is divided into Three Circles with one technique each: Lesser Theurgy, Greater Theurgy, and High Theurgy. Lesser Theurgy summons naturally occurring entities like daemons and elemental beasts, as well as partly conceptual entities like greater elementals and genius loci. Greater Theurgy and High Theurgy concern wholly conceptual entities drawn from the Nephilim’s consciousness, collective or otherwise. They also practice an arcane technique known as Invocation, which invokes the magical names of various deities to boost rituals.

Theurgy is practiced with a religious fervor by The Devil, who feel it brings them closer to the magic fields. Kabbalists claim they draw dark forces from Da’ath and the Qlippoth, while Strength claims they conjure the spawn of the The Dragon.

Strength uses it to better understand—and thus better fight against—elemental beasts and other forces of The Dragon. They developed their own arcane technique of Dracomachy or “Beast Battling”, which allows them to dowse, weaken, dominate, capture, and even bind elementals into weapons and tattoos.

Black Theurgy is practiced by Selenim theurgists, who call it Conjuration. Much like Alchemy, they perform it in tandem with a mundane musical Perform skill to mold or sculpt the desired entity. Conjurers claim each entity matures from one of the countless embryonic motes of passion, madness or terror carried along the currents of the Tenebrae.

Some wonder whether there’s really a difference between the worlds of Kabbalah and the collective consciousness tapped by Theurgy. Many Summoners have stories of consulting Third Circle entities or Sovereigns to help them along the Golden Path. Are these beings rulers of their own magical realms, expressions of the Summoner’s own desire to achieve, or some combination thereof? Are the various stories of wars between elemental rulers accounts of true events, or did the act of telling these stories make them true?

The mind of the philosopher boggles…


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