What are Fraternities?

In the French version, a type of organization known as a “fraternity” was introduced. Fraternities are secret societies in which only Immortals and their allies hold membership. They encompass the role of the Arcana factions described in Major Arcana, but include organizations with pan-Arcana membership. A faction within an Arcanum is an example of a fraternity, as would be a faction that straddles multiple Arcana, or one with relatively fluid membership. A fraternity is an alliance of Immortals that doesn’t necessarily limit itself to any particular Arcanum, but exists in parallel to the Arcana.

A given immortal may have positive or negative relations with a given fraternity. A PC may have a contact in a fraternity or be owed a favor by one as a past life asset, or as a past life burden may have an enemy in a fraternity, hatred from a fraternity, or owe an obligation to a fraternity. (I’ll explain assets and burdens in a later post.)

I like the idea because it fills a void in the US version’s fluff. So I’ll be sure to make use of it in future posts…


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