Dowsing and manifesting a black plexus?

As of third edition, the strength of the local Black Moon field is irrelevant unless using house rules. The Black Moon is either present or it is not: in the latter case, the Selenim’s occult sciences are impossible. 

However, to complement my post on Black Moon sites, I present spells for dowsing and manifesting Black Moon Fields similarly to Sorcery from Liber Ka. These spells may be cast using either Necromancy or Black Summoning, since there’s not really a Black Sorcery equivalent. Both involve manipulation of the Tenebrae: corruption and domination, respectively. (I’m currently working on proper rules for black magic. Stay tuned…)

Dowse Black Moon Field 

Circle: Initiate Spell (Unnamed Arcanum)

Ka-element: Black Moon 

Threshold: First Circle (Necromancy) or First Circle (Black Summoning)

Range: Ka-vision 

Duration: 10 minutes 

Description: This spell allows the caster to know the direction of the nearest Black Moon Field. Once the spell has been cast the caster slowly turns in a circle, looking in all directions. The location of the closest Black Moon Field will be visible as a Stygian blue dot on the horizon. The closer the caster is to the Field the larger the size of the dot. To find the Field, the caster need only travel in the direction of the dot. This and all other Dowse Plexus spells only function while the caster is using Ka-vision.

Unlike Plexi, this dot’s intensity varies. This corresponds to the Field’s own Intensity POT (see my post on Black Moon sacred sites for details on POTs).

This spell may be used to find the territory of a Black Moon Realm, which appears shrouded in impenetrable darkness, but doesn’t reveal Gates.

Manifest Black Moon Field

Circle: Initiate Spell (Unnamed Arcanum)

Ka-element: Black Moon 

Threshold: Third Circle (Necromancy) 90% or Third Circle (Black Summoning) 90%

Range: Present 

Area: Special 

Duration: Month 

Common Components: Placing a circular obsidian mirror, obsidian globe, black moon shard, or map of the moon’s dark side into the center of the magic circle. 

Description: This spell creates a Black Moon Field at the site of the ritual. This Black Moon Field is the same size as the magic circle used to enclose the ritual. The Field has characteristics identical to those of a natural Field and lasts until the end of the current Planetary Month.

The Black Moon Field’s Intensity POT equals the spell’s magic modifier (see Enlightened Magic p12). On a Critical Success, it has the characteristics of a true Plexus: it recharges BMK at the rate of 1 point per hour and BMK rolls succeed automatically. Selenim and Black Summons don’t suffer Entropy within a Black Plexus. Nephilim within a Black Plexus are contaminated with BMK at the same rate and must make a Sundering check every hour.

It may be possible to permanently alter the local field strength, but doing so has noxious side effects in the surrounding environment. Accelerated decay, plague outbreaks, hauntings, etc. are all possibilities.

The Selenim's sarcophagi is essentially an artificial Plexus, but it requires esoteric components beyond a single spell. Do Black Plexi exist naturally? Some passages in the French suggest so, particularly in Central America—Chicxulub crater is where the heart of the Black Moon crashed. But right now I leave it up to GMs…

I’m still not sure about these spells, but I can always revise it later. Hope you enjoyed!


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