Ten trait metamorphoses?

In the French 5e, metamorphoses have been revised again so that there are 10 manifestations rather than 5. As with the 1e these are purely cosmetic but don't have individual ratings and now risk being detected whenever the character uses magic. [EDIT July 2, 2023: A fan-made conversion of the prior editions’ metamorphs may be found here.]

While I think the Emotional Metamorphosis rules given in Chronicle of the Awakenings are more than adequate, this did inspire me to come up with some ideas for adapting the 5e back to the neglected US version. There are a few different ways I can think of to approach this.

One approach is to simply double the number of Metamorphosis Traits and halve their values. A Manifestation becomes useable when the Trait is 8+. To achieve Agartha, the Nephilim must have a 90% Total and each individual Trait must be 8+. Of course, having to track gains and losses in 10 different Personality Traits may be a bit much to ask.

Another approach is to give 2 Manifestations to each Trait, or another breakdown that gives 10 Transformations total. This would be far easier to keep track of. The second Manifestation could be purely cosmetic, weaker than the first, or equally powerful, depending on how much more bookkeeping the group desires. Many of the published Emotional Metamorphosis already have multiple Transformations per Trait, so a cosmetic approach is consistent with the books.

I think this would nicely complement my other suggestion to give all Traits game effects. A detailed expansion of that post should arrive tomorrow, so see you then!


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