What are the Black Elements, really?

In a prior post I mentioned the "black elements." These were basically evil versions of the conventional elements, briefly mentioned in both Serpent Moon and Major Arcana. I find that idea a bit silly, though. But the third edition French version has an idea that I think salvages this...

The Black Moon is most strongly linked to the Moon field, but in truth it insidiously insinuates itself within and parasitizes all the magic fields. There is no Black Fire-Ka, Green Fire-Ka, Bitter Water-Ka, Dead Air-Ka, or whatever else you could think of... these are all manifestations of Black Moon-Ka.

In the French version, there's a black summon named "Those whose Touch is a Red Iron." They're creepy green fireballs. The text states that they seem to echo Fire-Ka in their appearance in Ka-Vision. Are these Black or Green Fire-Ka entities? More or less, if you interpret Black Fire-Ka as the Black Moon's parasitizing of the Fire Field.

In my planned rules for Black Summoning, I intend to introduce a variety of black elementals that reflect not only Moon-Ka but the other Elemental Ka too, as well as entities that erode, defile and destroy these elements. Here are a few examples of the names I've devised:

  • Skoll, the Mocker Chasing the Sun: This entity appears as a great black wolf whose eyes reflect the Sun. It consumes Solar-Ka, whether in mortals or Immortals.
  • Hati, the Scorner Chasing the Moon: This entity appears as a great black wolf whose eyes reflect the Moon. It consumes Lunar-Ka, whether in Immortals, elemental beasts or summoned beings.
  • The Dark Furies, Extinguisher of Saturn's Blade: This entity appears as a woman with talons in place of her extremities, writhing snakes for hair, baroquely worked armor of an oily black metal, and membranous wings covered in red feathers. She neutralizes Orichalc into Litharge, both in weapons, amulets, and elementals.
  • The Cursed Left Hand, the All-Consuming Wind Tunnel: This entity appears as a black hole in the summoner's left palm. It creates a vortex that vacuums Air-Ka and Fire-Ka.
  • The Clawed Wanderer, the Reluctant Enemy of All Living Things: The entity appears as a bizarre reptilian creature with a love of vegetation. Unfortunately, its mere presence blights nature and poisons water. Earth-Ka and Water-Ka are poisoned and eroded.
Stay tuned... Hope you enjoyed!


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