Different types of summoning spells

As part of my rewritten summoning system I took inspiration from real occultism and divided summoning spells into three types: invocation, astral evocation, and physical evocation.

An invocation doesn't cause the summoned entity to appear before the summoner, but causes the summoner themselves (or another target) to exhibit the desired traits of that entity. For example, invoking Mammon makes the invoker better at building wealth.

An evocation summons the entity to appear before the summoner. There are two types: astral evocation and physical evocation.

An astral evocation summons the entity on the astral plane. The evoker then communicates with it through the ritual altar's crystal ball, mirror, or even the reflective surface in the cup of water. This evocation has limited influence over the physical world, but the benefit is that the entity may show the evoker any imaginable image. This type of evocation is extremely useful for acquiring knowledge.

A physical evocation summons the entity on the physical plane. The entity is limited by its powers on the physical plane, but conversely it has more physical influence than an astral evocation. This type of evocation is extremely useful for affecting the physical world. In contrast to an invocation, a physical evocation creates opportunities for the summoner to exploit rather than augmenting the summoner themselves. Both approaches have their pros and cons. 

There are two additional types of summoning spells that may be cast in the field: adjurations and abjurations. These are most commonly cast as steps in a summoning ritual, but by themselves may be cast on entities the summoner didn't evoke themselves.

An adjuration may be cast to dominate and command an entity encountered in the field, even those not called by the adjurer. If using Shemmut to travel the Uat, adjurations are the summoning spells cast to contract/bind entities encountered in astral form without a ritual or prior pact.

An abjuration may be cast to banish or exorcize an entity encountered in the field, even those not called by the abjurer. When transforming elemental beasts into inoffensive forms of their element, exorcizing daemons from their hosts, or banishing a summoned being back to its home plane, abjurations are the spells being cast in these situations.

Hope you enjoyed!


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