Mixing Black Stone and White Stone to create substances with psychotropic effects?

In the unpublished revised Alchemy rules, the three circles were divided into specific purviews: the physical, the mental, and the spiritual, respectively. Black Stone creates alchemical substances that physically alter the target. White Stone creates works of art that inspire the desired feeling in witnesses. Philosopher's Stone creates meditations that produce the desired effect in souls by sight or touch. 

While transcribing and translating the French third edition, however, I was inspired to think of a gap in these rules: what about psychotropic substances? Rather than producing a lapel that makes viewers perceive the wearer as more charismatic, what about giving someone a potion that makes them more positively inclined? As of the RAW, there's no way to do this because White Stone doesn't craft consumables.

But could it work as a combination spell using both Black Stone and White Stone? I wonder...

The Black Stone version of Coagulation of Understanding allows the alchemist to translate text, even computer code, from one language to another. This effect seemingly defies the otherwise physical nature of Black Stone because it transforms information itself, but it sets an interesting precedent. It was kept during adaptation into Enlightened Magic, whereas the procedure Draught of Understanding was cut. Draught imparted a bonus on skills to targets, the type of skill varying by the circle of the procedure. This effect was folded into the White Stone version of Coagulation, replacing the prior effect of allowing viewers to understand each other across language barriers.

Maybe I'll devise some formulae for a future post. Hope you enjoyed!


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