A listing of Approaches

In this post, I’m gonna explain "Approaches" and provide some lists of correspondences. When an Immortal performs an action that resonates with a Ka-element, then he may apply a bonus to that action; these were known as Meta-Characteristics in editions prior to 4e. Each Ka-element is associated with a Characteristic (1-3e), a list of Skills (4e), and an Approach (5e), as I'll explain below.


Characteristic associations were introduced in 1e and modified in 3e. For Nephilim and Ar-Kaïm, the associations work like so:

Ka Characteristic
Air Intelligent
Earth Endurant
Fire Strong
Moon Magnetic
Water Agile

In 1e/2e these bonuses were constant, whereas in 3e they must be deliberately activated. A Characteristic under the influence of the Pentacle is a "Meta-Characteristic." Fumbling a Meta-Characteristic test inflicts Khaiba points.

Although Ar-Kaïm have them, Solar-Ka and Saturnian-Ka aren't associated with any specific Characteristics in 3e.


In 3e Selenim lacked any Meta-Characteristic. However, as to compensate the Selenim may curse mortals by casting the evil eye: this inflicts an equivalent penalty to one Characteristic. A Characteristic under the influence of the evil eye is "Cursed."

As a house rule for 3e, I would allow Selenim to use Meta-Magnetic based on their Initiated (Black Moon-Ka) Characteristic.


Ar-Kaïm use their Solar-Ka to calculate the magnitude of all Characteristic bonuses. A Characteristic under the influence of the Sun is "Exalted." As with Nephilim, a Fumble inflicts Khaiba points and loss of points from the associated Ka-element Pool. The latter risks aggravating Instability.

Fifth edition's passive bonuses

Although 5e doesn't have Characteristics—and thus no constant Meta-Characteristics—per se, the Nephilim's Ka-elements do provide some persistent passive benefits. Earth-Ka adds physical heath boxes, Fire-Ka increases damage, Water-Ka increases initiative and movement, Air-Ka increases sagacity in research, and Moon-Ka helps with going unnoticed.

Curiously, Selenim calculate all these bonuses with their Black Moon-Ka at halved value... with the exception of the bonuses from Earth-Ka and Moon-Ka.


Skill associations were introduced in 4e aka 20th anniversary edition. The bonuses apply automatically and don't need to be deliberately activated. The following lists include the Ka, the associated Skills, and examples of Specialties (i.e. sub-skills).


  • Acrobatics: stunts
  • Administration: rationing, stewardship, supply, institutions
  • Dance: Carole, Minuet, ritual
  • Debate: dispute, humor, rhetoric, demonstration, proselytizing
  • History: Crusades, hagiography, myth of Hyperborea, Irish mythology, Judea
  • Interrogation: confession, Inquisition, torture, Socratic
  • Law: Anglo-Saxon, retaliation, Roman, Talmud,
  • Literature: Elizabethan theatre, mythology, religious texts, comedy or tragedy, Epics
  • Mathematics: Arithmetic or geometry, axioms
  • Perception: In the dark, surprise attacks
  • Politics: British Empire, caliphate, clans, kingdom, papal intrigues
  • Research: Antikythera Mechanism, Internet, Computer systems
  • Rifles: Arquebus, musket
  • Thrown/Projectile Weapons: Bolas or Spear, Axe, Bow or Javelin, Sling or Blow pipe


  • Architecture: Ancient Egypt, Neolithic, Romanesque or Gothic, temples
  • Blunt weapons: Club, shield
  • Botany/Zoology: Arboreal Forests or Tundra, moors or bogs
  • Climbing: climbing urban, trees
  • Empathy: fear, a feeling of your choice
  • Endurance: Torture, long Marches, Extreme Temperatures, lack of sleep
  • First Aid: medicinal berries, incantations, cuts
  • Heavy Weapons: catapults and ballista
  • Intimidation: humiliation, nobility, divine curses, disturbing appearances, Savagery
  • Orientation: constellations, maritime, tundra, urban maze, Stars
  • Riding: Dragon-effect of choice, horse
  • Sculpture/Pottery: stone, tiles, Clay, Marble
  • Survival: Desert, Fire making, Wastelands


  • Animal Handling: Elephants, Crocodiles, Horse
  • Athletics: Running, Tennis
  • Authority: Command, Occult advisor, Screams
  • Automatic Weapons: Suppressing fire, Weapon of Choice
  • Bladed weapons: Axes, swords, knives
  • Craft: mechanisms, Brick, woodworking
  • Eloquence: Charisma, Rant, Sermon
  • Explosives: black powder, Wildfire
  • Law: Rights, Legal Processes
  • Poetry: Epics
  • Strategy: Ambush, Maritime, Roman army
  • Physics/Chemistry: Quantum Physics
  • Search: Police Procedures


  • Acting: Commedia dell'arte, tragedy
  • Corruption: Patronage, bribery, indulgences
  • Conceal: Hide stuff, Camouflage
  • Disguise: masks, wigs
  • Dodge: Diving for Cover, Footwork, Unarmed combat
  • Fast talk: Benefit of the doubt, Storytelling
  • Games: Senet, Chess
  • Intrusion: Avoid Guards, Theft
  • Legerdemain: sleight of Hand, Pick pockets
  • Psychology: Vendetta, Galen of Pergamon
  • Photography: Analog, Digital, Sport, Glamour
  • Poison/Drugs: hallucinogens, plant poisons
  • Seduction: Adultery, Courtesy, Gallantry


  • Biology/Medicine: Anatomy, Averroes' medical treatise
  • Etiquette: Arcanum XII, heraldry
  • Geography: cartography, British Isles Indus Valley
  • Hand guns: duels, Colt 45
  • Linguistic: Ancient Greek, Egyptian or Sumerian hieroglyphs
  • Music: harpsichord or opera, Gregorian chant
  • Negotiate: barter, commodities, precious metals
  • Painting: illuminations, tenebrism, Mannerism
  • Pilot/Drive: Vehicle type, Stunts
  • Stealth: bush or Cave, Forest
  • Swimming: Diving, Long Distance
  • Tracking: Dragon-effects of a chosen element, indigenous style
  • Unarmed Combat: Bite


In 5e, "Approaches" were introduced for each Ka to replace the Meta-Characteristics of prior editions. These don’t apply to specific Characteristics or Skills (which 5e lacks anyway) but to actions that analogically resonate with the associated Ka, as given on the table below:

Approach of Ka…

How the action is carried out


Through analysis, evaluating all consequences, in a planned way, using knowledge


Defensively, backing up, taking hits


Without subtlety, without worrying about the consequences, in a visible way, using force


By charm, trickery, deceit


By circumventing the problem, by adapting to the situation, by imitating another situation, by using flexibility and adaptability


Used in opposition against all tests of social manipulation and for perception tests.

Black Moon

Relies on manipulating the target's emotions. It is not necessarily a subtle ability: fear is an emotion and intimidation is a vector like any other. When in doubt, treat its technical aspects like those of the Moon-Ka.

As you can see, it's an attempt to distill all the prior editions.


3e doesn't have a Solar Meta-Characteristic, but the Minor Arcana's Initiates are able to use their Solar-Ka to resist Spells targeting them. Immortal Initiates, if any (they exist!), are able to learn Solar Resistance too! However, Solar Resistance doesn't seem to be available elsewhere (e.g. the Quest for Al-Mugawir doesn't mention it).

In 5e Solar-Ka represents willpower and awareness. Only certain initiates of the Minor Arcana have learned to use the Solar Approach. None of 3e's rules for Immortal's using Solar-Ka or Qiyas have been adapted, not to my knowledge.


Using Meta-Characteristics or Approaches may inflict consequences.

In 1e, 2e, and 4e the bonuses are automatic and have no consequences.

In 3e a Fumble inflicts Khaiba on Nephilim and Ar-Kaïm, plus loss of Ka for Ar-Kaïm that potentially risks aggravating Instability. Selenim need to spend BMK, which they refresh by Assuaging mortals.

In 5e using an Approach increases visibility of the Metamorphosis and accrues points of Effet-Rosenkreutz (equivalent to Occult Curiosity Potential in the US version).

In my campaigns...

In my campaigns, I use a variation of the 3e rules but expand the applications as per the Approaches from 5e. In the event that the Approaches are found too broad or vague, then I refer back to the 3e Meta-Characteristics and 4e Meta-Skills for guidance. I allow Selenim to use both 3e's Curses and 5e's Black Lunar Approach. I don't allow Immortals to use the Solar Approach unless they earn it as part of a Quest.

Hope you enjoyed!


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