Another way of understanding the Olamot

I'm not an occultist myself and my knowledge of the occult is practically nil, so I've never really understood concepts like the Olamot nor how to authentically simplify them for a gaming context. However, I've found one explanation someone else already did for a gaming context.

In Craig Cochrane's Immortals Handbook: Ascension, he mentions the Four Worlds of Assiah, Yetzirah, Briah and Atziluth by name and describes them in simplified form for a gaming context. He assigns them to different dimensions, axes of a coordinate system, that make up our universe. These dimensions are, respectively, Space (technically three dimensions), Time, Matter and Spirit. (Da'ath, "The Abyss", is the dimension of Thought.)

So I thought I'd recap that here and explain it in terms of the emanations. Within the Kabbalistic context, the Four Worlds are successive emanations of the Divine that give form and existence to our universe. The first emanation is Atziluth and it is pure spirit, the soul and the energy of the universe. Then emanates Briah, the matter and physical composition of all. Then emanates Yetzirah, the time in which events occur. Then emanates Assiah, the space in which events occur. Each subsequent emanation has the dimensions of all prior emanations, thus Assiah has spirit (i.e. Ka), matter, time and space.

This is why astral projection, in which the projector's spirit enters Uat aka Yetzirah, allows the projector to instantly travel between points corresponding to locations on Earth. The astral plane is unbound by space.

This is why summoned beings become increasingly powerful as ones ascends the Four Worlds. With each World ascended the inhabitants are no longer bound by lower dimensions, and retain at least some degree of this when summoned to Assiah.

The Four Worlds aren't just a concept limited to Summoning, but underly all Occult Sciences. Summoning ultimately derived from Sorcery, after all. Sorcery and Alchemy both manipulate Assiah, but in different ways. Sorcery directly manipulates the Ka composing the magic fields to produce changes, while Alchemy activates the residual Ka within material substances to indirectly affect the magic fields.


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