Can Selenim join Arcana other than Death, and vice versa?

Initially the lore assumed only the Unnamed Arcanum accepted Selenim, and vice versa. However, the third edition Gamemaster's Book notes that it is possible for (at least some of) the other Arcana to "adopt" a minority of Selenim. The majority of members remain Nephilim, however. Although some Arcane Quests are reserved for Nephilim, like those of The Magician (see Gamemaster's Screen) and The High Priestess (see Vision-Ka #3), others like those of The Moon (see Vision-Ka #5) have paths available to Selenim. The Al-Mugawir campaign supplement notes that Selenim adopted by Judgment have integrated their Simulacrum's Solar-Ka and may learn to cast the solar Occult Science of Qiyas.

The reverse is not true. The 13th Arcane Quest, the Bronzen Sublimation (see Gamemaster's Book), is reserved for Selenim. Death is a haven for all magical beings who carry the Black Moon within them: Selenim, Serpentaries, 666's Rejects... 

I still need to research how the French handles it, but I find the idea of Selenim in Arcana other than Death to be interesting. I find this more interesting than restricting them to Death, as it allows Death to further specialize and makes the Selenim's choice of quests more flexible and creative. Even if the French doesn't have much further detail, I will be happy to devise my own...


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