Chinese zodiac for Ar-Kaïm?

In the fanzine Palimpseste issue #1 and issue #2, Houses based on the Chinese zodiac are introduced. These work different from the Western houses: they lack a fixed dominant Ka. The sign is determined by the year in which the Revealed is "born", while his dominant Ka is determined by the temporal circumstances of his birth. A Nexus that formed in a forest would birth a Heart with dominant Earth-Ka.

In the French version's cosmology, the Chinese Nephilim used magic to purify the Ka of China's magical landscape. Air-Ka and Moon-Ka became Wood-Qi and Metal-Qi. This renders them immune to Black Moon contamination, so there were no Chinese Selenim (although there were "Khan" in Siberia who wanted to invade). So only those Ar-Kaïm born in China would display Chinese zodiac Houses.

(In the US version, Chinese Nephilim are called Xian-ren but nothing more was written about them. Ian’s Selenim notes specify they coexisted with the Chinese Selenim or Xixiegui.)

I still need to translate and adapt the French books on Ar-Kaïm, so trying to figure out how to adapt Chinese magic to the US version is a whole other thing...


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