How do Nephilim balance their mundane and magical lives?

Over in the US version's fandom back in the day, a big deal was made over the Nephilim being body snatchers and how this made them unsympathetic. Furthermore, the role of the Simulacrum and the Nephilim's relationship to his Solar-Ka remained woefully undeveloped beyond "his family becomes concerned and stages an intervention that you have to escape." I agree to a large extent, which is why in my campaigns the Nephilim are hybrid entities akin to Star Trek's trill, the Avatar from Avatar: The Last Airbender, Leto II from God Emperor of Dune, etc. 

But one old recurring proposal I disagree with is the idea that Nephilim need to balance the mundane and magical sides of their life, or else suffer increased Shouit and other risks. The simple fact of the matter is that 1) their advancing metamorphoses make it increasingly difficult to blend in unless they're Hanged Men, and 2) dealing with mundane minutiae is boring when Chaosium tried to advertise play as a mix of The X-Files and Indiana Jones!

If your PC’s Simulacrum is a lawyer and the Metamorphosis is a Phoenix, then how do you expect to keep the transformations from interfering with his career? Why would you want to? 

This is true for all three magical races of the Immortals. The Ar-Kaïm suffer a similar problem with elemental manifestations. The Selenim don't age and thus cannot frequent the same crowds for too long without arousing suspicion.

While initially an Immortal might try to maintain their personal relationships, they will inevitably need to cut close ties for the most part if they hope to go on adventures and advance their occult development (read "The Shadow Out of Time" by H.P. Lovecraft for inspiration). While their friends and family won't think they're turning into a magical creature, after enough fraternization they will start glimpsing the metamorphosis manifestations (which are psychological and spiritual transformations to the PC's aura and bearing rather than physical in my campaigns, to match Liber Ka's subtlety theme) and misinterpreting it as something mundane like a viral disease, drug addiction or mental illness. So Immortals always need to keep mundane folks at arms length, unless they know they can absolutely trust the other person not to risk their secrecy. This is where cults come in handy.

Of course, if your group would like the option to roleplay "playing house," then don't let that stop you. I might find it boring, but that's just me! Since Ar-Kaïm can only reincarnate in the descendants of their first incarnation's bloodline, they need to maintain a social connection if they want to be immortal...


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