Valkyrie and Fury metamorphs
In this post I present my suggestions for new metamorphoses. These are loosely inspired by some discussions I saw on the US mailing list and the unfinished Ex Oculis fanbook.
The Valkyrie and Fury are a pair of Eolim metamorphosis archetypes, representing the corruption of the Black Moon even within the seemingly distant magic field of Air. The Valkyrie is a spiritual, focused, or yang archetype, whereas the Fury is a material, unfocused, or yin archetype. (Assuming such distinctions are relevant in your campaigns.) Of all the Air metamorphoses, they are the most physically inclined.
I find a good/evil dichotomy too simplistic and boring, so I wrote both archetypes with good sides and bad sides. Both Valkyries and Furies commonly find themselves drawn to Strength, Justice, Judgment, The Tower and The Devil. Ironically, Valkyries prefer joining The Devil and Judgement whereas Furies prefer joining Justice and The Tower. Both are equally likely to join Strength: Valkyries enjoy fighting agents of the Beast for the joy of fighting, whereas Furies enjoy rightfully punishing these violations of the cosmic order.
Other notes
My campaign conceit is that their visibility is spiritual rather than physical. The transformations may be seen in Ka-Vision, although uninitiated mortals without activated Solar-Ka can only even get momentary glimpses. The transformations cannot picked up by cellphone cameras or other mundane means, but may be captured by special Kirlian photography employed by The Chariot and other cutting edge secret societies. If this is not the case in your campaigns, then ignore those bits.
I provide suggestions for both general approaches (bonuses to analogically relevant actions, a la French 5e, comparable to directing or fulfilling) and unique magical effects that appear at 16+ points of development as explained in Chronicle of the Awakenings. The latter is equal to the Pas Occulté ("Not Hidden") level under French 3e-style rules. I leave the exact rules vague so that GMs and players may put their own spin on it. Although I give effects for all traits, CotA specifies that each Metamorphosis usually has about 2 or so game effects; GMs are free to limit each Metamorphosis to only 2 out of those described, or whatever else desired.
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AVACYN by Bastien Lecouffe Deharme |
Known as the Valkyrie in Norse myth and the Morrigan in Irish myth, with similarities to the Keres of Greek myth. They’re minor goddesses of war with corvid features. According to myth they would look over the battlefields for the souls of valiant warriors to ferry to Valhalla.
Energetic (vs Lazy)
Valkyries are filled with boundless energy that they learn to release and inspire in others. This may be channeled through indiscriminate violence, or more constructive pursuits like activism, parkour or friendly sparring.
Transformation(s): screeching raven’s voice.
Approach(es): inspiring people, particularly those like activists and warriors, by appealing to their emotions; athletics; endurance.
Magical Effect: may incite people into emotional frenzies, akin to the effects of stimulant drugs.
Adaptable/Pragmatic (vs Stubborn)
Transformation(s): lowered body temperature.
Approach(es): stealth, particularly against detection by night vision and thermal vision; resistance to temperature extremes; resistance to deprivation; deception.
Magical Effect: no longer needs to eat, drink or even breathe, so long as the magic fields are present to nourish her (Earth for food, Water for drink, Air for breath). Can walk on hot coals or swim through freezing water, so long as the magic fields are present to warm or cool her (Fire for warmth, Moon or Water for cool).
Reckless (vs Calm, Prudent)
Valkyries grow increasingly reckless in their eagerness to prowl battlefields, often leading to accidental injuries to themselves and others. A phantom blood stains their auras and eventually those of others around them.
Transformation(s): blood-stained locks, appearing increasingly fresh as metamorphosis develops.
Approach(es): endurance; athletics; attacking; making impressions; accidentally offending.
Magical Effect: projects an aura that causes stigmata. This inflicts wound penalties without actual damage.
Uncaring (vs Altruistic)
Their exposure to the worst of humanity's violent tendencies leads Valkyries to grow emotionally distant from humanity. As they grow distant from the emotions, plights and causes of those around them, so too do they grow distant from the very earth itself until they lift off it entirely.
Transformation(s): raptor-like feathers, eventually avian wings.
Approach(es): dodging; parrying; balance; resisting emotional manipulation; resisting mental or physical pain.
Magical Effect: flight. When observed by the uninitiated, simply appears to be a large bird of prey.
Aggressive/Warlike (vs Protective/Peaceful)
Valkyries love conflict, especially war. They are driven to find and fight enemies, no matter what the cause or battlefield (whether literal or metaphorical like business, influence and territory). They become hypersensitive to conflict and its aftermath. Even if they didn't cause death, they grow to track it easily even before it occurs and analyze its aftermath.
Transformation(s): raptor-like eyes.
Approach(es): intimidation; observation, scrutiny, vigilance (particularly of anything related to violence and death); violence; selective Ka-vision to detect manifestations of the Black Moon.
Magical Effect: May sense where (or to whom) death has occurred or is likely to occur.
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Furies by GENZOMAN |
Known as the Erinyes and Eumenides in Greek myth, or Dirae in Roman myth. They’re chthonic goddesses of vengeance. According to myth they would torment wicked souls in Tartarus and punish evildoers on earth by inflicting curses.
Angry (vs Joyous)
Furies, as the name implies, are full of fury. They are bitter and resentful of humanity's worst impulses that demand punishment. When they inflict their anger upon others, the result is a curse of madness. Usually they direct this towards those they deem deserving... usually.
Transformation(s): perpetually angry expression, glowing red eyes, harsh rasping voice, raptor talons.
Approach(es): intimidation; causing emotional harm; hand-to-hand combat; climbing.
Magical Effect: venomous talons dripping with psychotropic venom, inflicting the curse of madness on those scratched.
Conservative (vs Rebellious)
As jailors and tormentors, Furies are rigid in their thoughts and concerns. They obey the laws of the past and are suspicious of the new. As they come to understand themselves, this rigidity extends to their own movements and those around them.
Transformation(s): eternal youth (cosmetic, not physical), unnatural stillness.
Approach(es): stealth; balance; resisting emotional manipulation; asserting authority.
Magical Effect: paralyze onlookers? enforce obedience? [At this point I'm unable to think of an interesting effect.]
Idealistic/Honorable (vs Cynical/Dishonorable)
Through brutal and violent, Furies are still idealistic honorable beings who believe in the best of themselves and others in their own vicious way. Regardless of whether or not they individually think the world overall is getting better or worse (to them, cynicism is not pessimism), they obey the laws of cosmic justice when deciding who to punish and imprison. As they advance in their adherence of the moral high ground, they are rewarded by transcending the physical ground entirely.
Transformation(s): feathers, eventually membranous feathered wings.
Approach(es): dodging; parrying; balance.
Magical Effect: flight. When observed by the uninitiated, simply appears to be a large bird of prey.
Prudent (vs Reckless, Unpredictable)
Though ferocious, Furies are not stupid. They observe their surroundings and wait for opportune moments to strike when their targets least expect. They grow snakes for hair that see everything around them, until eventually they become impossible to surprise.
Transformation(s): snakes for hair, always watching.
Approach(es): observation, scrutiny, vigilance; foresight; escaping or controlling grapples (the snakes bite at the grappler).
Magical Effect: has 360 degree vision; cannot be surprised except by magical stealth.
Vengeful (vs Forgiving)
Though appointed as the jailors and punishers of the wicked, the Furies do not take their job dispassionately. They are utterly unforgiving, driven by vengeance to right wrongs and punish evil-doers. Eventually this drive transcends mundane senses, allowing them to unerringly tracked those they deem deserving of their punishment.
Transformation(s): coldly burning eyes.
Approach(es): intimidation; observation, scrutiny, vigilance (particularly of disliked people).
Magical Effect: vengeance sense as Baba Yaga. May track those who have wronged her, whether the slight is perceived or genuine.
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