Where do Serpentaries come from?

The Ar-Kaïm of the House of Serpentarius, also known as Ophiuchus, are an anomaly among the Ar-Kaïm due to their dominant Ka being Black Moon. An Ar-Kaïm's House (and thus dominant Ka) is determined by the zodiac month under which their Heart was "born" within a Nexus formed during a Grand Enthronement. But there are no Enthronements, and thus no Grand Enthronements, of the Black Moon. So how are Serpentaries born in the first place? Thus far I haven't yet found explicit suggestions in the third edition books I've read so far, but I do have some ideas.

The House of Serpentarius lacks a zodiac month of its own and is explicitly stated to be parasitic on the other Houses, just as the Black Moon parasitizes the other elements. If a Nexus forms in a place where the Black Moon fields are particularly concentrated, such as a cemetery or necropolis, perhaps the Black Moon then transforms any resulting Ar-Kaïm into a Serpentary?

During times of syzygy (full or new moon), Black Moon "protoplasms" are formed in the nightmare realms that can hitch a ride on a passing dreamer or near-death experience to incarnate as Selenim. Maybe Serpentaries are born when this happens to someone becoming Ar-Kaïm, incorporating the proto-Selenim into the Heart as it forms?

A darker possibility is that Serpentaries are created by the third circle of Necromancy, Thanatology. When a Master Necromancer attempts to resurrect a destroyed Ar-Kaïm, they are resurrected as a Serpentary regardless of their original house. 

In the Players' Book the Serpentary iconic character is specified as having incarnated at the Pere Lachaise cemetery, suggesting that he was the result of a Nexus in the cemetery being parasitized by the Black Moon... or he was resurrected there by a Master Necromancer.


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