Some ideas for Initiate Lore

In the third edition, the lores for arcana and secret societies were divided into two different skills: one for the uninitiated and one for initiates. I like this division and intend to expand on it in my campaign based on the third edition rules. 

The Exoteric or Outer Lore represents knowledge about a particular secret society, including their philosophy: a Major Arcanum, the Templars, etc. The Inner or Initiate Lore represents initiation into the secret society, their secret teachings, and the initiate’s rank within the organization. As usual in third edition, these break down into Profane (Layman), Apprentice, Companion (Journeyman), and Master. (Occultists use trademen ranks irl btw.)

Initiation into secret societies like the Templars grants an awakened Solar-Ka. The Initiate can see in monochromatic Ka-Vision and resist magic with their Solar-Ka. Different secret societies have different benefits for initiates. For example: the Mithradites cultivate their own Solar-Ka techniques, whereas the Fraternitas Saturnii develops Spells of Saturn.

Arcanum membership is divided into the outer membership and the Initiates. The outer membership of the Major Arcana, those are yet to be initiated or chose to forgo initiation (e.g. due to seeing tribal membership as a distraction), have limited access to some Arcane Techniques. Initiation into a Major Arcanum grants access to Arcane Techniques, including Initiate Spells. For example, an Initiate of The High Priestess gains an equal level in the Shemmut Technique for free! As Major Arcana notes, only about 10–25% of membership are Initiates.

Arcanum membership provides an Exaltation Bonus and Arcane Techniques. Arcane Techniques includes bonuses to mundane skills as suits the Arcanum, Initiate Spells, and Arcane Skills providing magical benefits like influencing people with Thes, astral projecting with Shemmut, or exploiting machines with Machine Empathy.

I still need to work out the exact bonuses…


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