Spending experience points instead of Ka points?

Although the BRP rules don't have experience points, the third edition Nephilim: Revelation switched to an original d20 roll under system that introduced experience points. Mundane Characteristics and Skills were increased through study and training, but occult Characteristics and Skills were increased by spending experience points. As such, these points were named Agartha Points (AP). In third and fourth edition, the Sacrifice Ritual cost 1 bullet/point of Ka to ensure a Spell is cast.

In fifth edition, which again changed the system, these points were retained but renamed to Sapience Points (SP). Ka sacrifice to ensure a spell is cast was replaced by spending SP instead. Additionally, no mention of bloodletting is made: the expenditure occurs automatically while casting the spell. I prefer this over the prior editions, as it reduces the already laborious book keeping involved with tracking Ka points.

It should be easy enough to retrofit this rule to third edition. A Ka bullet costs 2 AP, so a cost of 2 AP can replace any instance of sacrificing Ka bullets. Ka is already used to track magical damage, so reducing book keeping would be a good choice here. I intend to adopt a fifth edition style of tracking temporary and permanent magical damage on separate tracks, but that's outside the scope of this post!


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