The importance of magical names
Inspired by some ancient and long forgotten discussions on the old mailing list, I decided to dedicate a post to the concept of magical names in Summoning. The following is my musings on the subject, without specific rules text.
The use of magical names is a vital part of the occult science of Summoning. Just as the names of targets provide magical connections for casting Sorcery, they provide connections for invoking and contracting named entities. There is power in names: naming an entity allows the summoner to call or compel the entity directly. Invoking a divine name allows the summoner to compel entities beholden to that name: e.g. speaking "The power of Christ compels you!" to exorcise a demon.
In order to summon a specific entity, you must know its specific name. This can take any number of forms such as conventional words, occult sigils, musical notation, etc. The name must be written, spoken or performed as part of the summoning ritual.
Acquiring a name generally requires researching texts on summoning, reading grimoires like the Ars Goetia or the Sefer Atziluth, consulting with other summoners, going on astral sojourns, and even consulting with other summoned entities. Getting names of other entities out of an entity you've already summoned requires bargaining, conniving or outright forcing it.
A specific name is not strictly necessary to summon an entity, but there are pitfalls to summoning without a specific name. The summoner has no guarantee that anything will answer a less specific call, has little influence over what does answer, and may not be prepared to contract it. He will not be able to compel the entity by speaking its (unknown) name, but he can still invoke divine names to compel it.
Like their names, the nature of entities is wildly variable. There are angels, demons, aliens, tulpas, godforms, good ministers, and more. Different Arcana have their own Initiate Spells reflecting their own studies, such as The Devil's qlippothic demons, The Hierophant's personalized hierarchy of godforms, or The Star's celestial beings. Whether they have an independent existence, are created by the personal or collective unconscious, a combination thereof, or if there is even any difference is a matter of heated debate among the summoners.
Some entities are unique, whereas others might constitute a whole species. This is what makes names so important in directing evocations, as without a specific name (or in the event of failure or fumble) the summoner might summon a different entity of the desired species, a different species of entity located in the same realm of influence, or an entity from a completely different realm within the same circle of the technique used. Summoning Swift Ones of the Portals of Flame will summon any entity matching that description, whereas summoning Saalindra, Tear of the Unexpressed Sadness will summon that specific individual, and calling out "Is anyone out there?" into the void is just asking for trouble.
...and those are my thoughts so far. Later I'd like to touch on warding circles, which are basically the opposite of summoning circles and prevent summoned beings from crossing. Hope you enjoyed!
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