A map of the French cosmology

I neglected to post it in any of my prior posts touching on the French cosmology, but below are some maps of the cosmology taken from the French books. These should give a useful picture of how the cosmology works.

Circa Nephilim: Revelation

Circa Nephilim IV

The cosmology was originally codified some time in second edition and consolidated in third edition (Nephilim: Revelation). It hasn't changed significantly since to my knowledge. The Summoning Worlds of the French version aren't include in the above maps. They form their own category separate but adjacent to the Astral.

By contrast, the US version never had a chance to develop its cosmology. The most we get is that there's an Astral Plane where summoned beings come from and dreams may be entered from, known as Yetzirah to Summoners and Uat to the High Priestess. There's also the Subtle Planes of Agartha aka the Akasha, but their relationship to the Summoning Worlds (of which the Astral is one) is never explained.

One fan theory on the defunct US mailing list posited that the Summoning Worlds were part of the Subtle Planes. I personally make the connection that the Astral/Uat/Yetzirah is the material manifestation of Moon-Ka, whereas Assiah (our physical world) is mainly the material manifestation of Air, Earth, Fire and Water. A lunar materiality is thus false, inconstant, and changing: the lands of dreams. This explains why Assiah and Yetzirah are both explored in the first circle of Summoning: they're two sides of the same world.

As one progresses further through my higher worlds (Briah and Atziluth), the elemental Ka are subsumed into the Akasha. The Akasha is the physical manifestation of Solar-Ka, basically humanity's collective unconscious. You can visit the memories of various myths and legends, and events occurring on Earth affect the Akasha and vice versa. Although closely associated with Agartha, the Akasha is accessible to sub-Agarthan Immortals.

I still need to develop my ideas. Hope you enjoyed!

Addendum 11/12/2024: I found a much better map on a French fansite.


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