Ideas for the "grand rituals"

The Nephilim have developed several “Grand Rituals” (distinct from the rituals used for casting Ritual Magic) used as aids in their learning and casting of the Occult Sciences. In this post I'll be explaining how I'm adapting those to my campaign setting, based both on the US version, a fan wiki, and the French version's Nephilim: Revelation and Nephilim: Legend. The ideas presented here are tentative.

The Ritual of Stasis: Nephilim use this ritual to tap charges from their Stasis item to boost spells and other uses of Ka-energies. Ar-Kaïm who have been bonded to a Stasis item may do the same, but may only charge the five elements available to Nephilim. Selenim require Sarcophagi or other special means to charge and tap Black Moon-Ka.

The Ritual of Sacrifice: Nephilim use this ritual in emergences to ensure a spell succeeds. This costs Occult Development Points (my translation of the French version's XP mechanics) and may only be used when performing a Sorcery ritual. At the GM's discretion, it may be used for other spellcasting rolls such as Casual Magic, Summoning, Alchemy, by Selenim or by Ar-Kaïm.

The Ritual of Inscription: Nephilim use this ritual to inscribe a spell directly onto their aura, allowing them to perform it more easily. There are three different types, one for each of the occult sciences. Sorcerous inscriptions allow the sorcerer to cast Ritual Magic and High Magic spells without rituals. Summoning inscriptions allow the summoner to call entities without a magic circle by using his own Pentacle as the circle, provided that he has made a pact with that entity. Alchemical inscriptions allow the alchemist to prepare procedures faster or more easily. Selenim use inscription for their occult sciences, and Ar-Kaïm who learn the occult sciences may inscribe spells.

The Ritual of Protection: This was introduced in Liber Ka and Enlightened Magic. Magic Circles are a normal part of performing rituals, but Nephilim may draw a Magic Circle without casting a spell to personally protect themselves from being targeted by spells. This doesn't require any skill in Sorcery, only Kabbalistic Lore. Within the protective circle, the Nephilim resists targeted spells using their dominant Ka-element. The Protection Ritual may be drawn by anyone, including Selenim, Ar-Kaïm and mortals.

The Ritual of Recuperation: Nephilim use this ritual to heal magic damage. By immersing themselves and meditating within a source of Ka like a Plexus or Nexus, they heal magic damage faster than usual. Outside of a magical place, they may tap charges from their Stasis item instead. Tapping a Stasis item takes longer and risks failing. Primes may tap their Prime Essence for this purpose.

...and one last optional ritual:

The Ritual of Resistance (Optional): Nephilim may resist spells using the Ka-element of the spell or an opposed Ka-element to that of the spell. Thus, they are most resistant to spells of their dominant Ka-element or their opposed Ka-elements (as they resist their dominant Ka-element against both) and least resistant to spells of their neutral Ka-elements (as they resist using their neutral or opposed Ka-elements). 

In NR, there were no magic resistance rolls except for Solar resistance only possessed by Minor Arcana Initiates and certain other character options who gained Solar resistance. This was probably due to the fact that Selenim and Ar-Kaïm would've been harder to account for given they lack Pentacles. This is proven in NL by the overly complicated rule for Black Moon resistance, which doesn't allow Selenim to resist magic at all except for Moon spells. As such, the GM should disallow this ritual when running mixed groups of Nephilim, Selenim and Ar-Kaïm a la NR.


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