Sorcery paths in N4

As an addendum to my prior post, here’s a brief recap of how the fourth edition handled the five sorcery paths. These were called Labyrinthes de Sapience ("Labyrinths of Wisdom") and Voies de Magie ("Ways of Magic") in French.

Each element has spiritual, material and celestial correspondences. These are represented by lists of words called Domains, encompassing all possible meanings of that word. Literal, figurative, etc.

In third edition, as I explained, these were listed on a universal Analogy Table used by all mages. Words not on the table had to be linked to, from a word on the table, by word chains to use them in spells. At character creation, mages inscribed one spell per level in Magic Techniques: up to 3 spells per Technique. Mages could cast spells without inscription, but it was slightly harder.

In fourth edition, mages started with a blank Analogy Table and had to learn words individually. They couldn't learn words that weren't listed in the book, so it represented a strict downgrade in power compared to the prior edition. As if to compensate for this, mages start play inscribed with all spells in the rulebook associated with their chosen domains.

The choice of Via Magic provides no benefit or drawback: it only demands a tax. Each Via Magica is associated with three Domains. At character creation, or when learning in play, the mage must take these Domains before any others. I give these on the table below:

Favored by… Original French English Translation
La Voie… Associated Domains The Way… Associated Domains
Onirim (Moon) …du Dédale de l’Âme le miroir (Lune), la plénitude (Terre) et l'équilibre (Eau) …of the Daedalus of the Soul mirror (Moon), plenitude (Earth) and equilibrium (Water)
Faerim (Earth) …Naturelle des Sentiers Sinueux l'ordre (Terre), le renouveau (Feu) et le mystère (Lune) …, Natural, of Sinuous Saunters order (Earth), renewal (Fire) and mystery (Moon)
Eolim (Air) …Tortueuse du Labyrinthe Schématique la spiritualité (Air), l'artisanat (Feu) et le kaléidoscope (Eau) …, Tortuous, of the Schematic Labyrinth spirituality (Air), artisanry (Fire) and kaleidoscope (Water)
Pyrim (Fire) …Axiale des Principes Égarants le conflit (Feu), la solidité (Terre) et l'illumination (Air) …, Axial, of Estraying Principles conflict (Fire), solidity (Earth) and illumination (Air)
Hydrim (Water) …Primitive de la Spirale d’Élévation l'inconstance (Eau), la subjectivité (Lune) et la liberté (Air) …, Primal, of the Spiral of Elevation inconstancy (Water), subjectivity (Moon) and liberty (Air)

I prefer the way that Palimpseste n°4 handled these. To briefly recap that: each path granted a benefit that made thematic applications easier, but also inflicted a drawback that the mage risks obsession with the targets of their path.

If I was adapting these, then I would probably use of a hybrid of the two. I would apply the benefits and drawbacks, as well as demand specialization in the three associated Domains. If learning in play, the mage must learn all three associated Domains before he receives the benefit; he suffers the drawback as soon as he learns just one.

I would allow mages the choice of no path. However, in order to learn the Third Circle they must walk a path, as this informs the structure of the occult adventure they go on to gain access to the Third Circle. 

I still need to develop my ideas further…


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