The intensity of magical places: locus, plexus and nexus

What follows is my attempt to convert the US version's rules for magical places to the French third edition rules.

Magical places include the Locus, Plexus and Nexus. All three are represented with an Intensity Characteristic, noted on the table below:

D20 Intensity Duration Charges Bonus
1–4 Not Intense 4 hours 10 +1
5–8 Low Intense 8 hours 20 +2
9–12 Enough Intense 12 hours 30 +3
13–16 Intense 16 hours 40 +4
17–20 Very Intense 20 hours 50 +5

The Intensity of a magical place is variable. The GM may roll a d20 to randomly determine the phenomenon's Intensity on the day it forms/starts, plus the daily astrology modifier of its element. The Intensity determines the duration of the phenomenon and the charges it has for recharging Stasis items and other applications. Every 4 hours the Intensity drops by one level and any excess charges vanish. Likewise, every 10 charges consumed reduces the Intensity by one level. If all the charges are consumed before the duration ends, then the magical phenomenon vanishes prematurely.

The daily astrological modifier depends on the day and month. The day applies a +4 bonus to the associated element, and an equal penalty to the opposing elements. The month applies a +2 bonus to the associated element, and an equal penalty to the opposing elements. An Enthronement occurs when the element's astrological modifier is +4 (i.e. the day of the week associated with that element), while a Grand Enthronement occurs when the element's astrological modifier is +6 (i.e. the day of the week associated with that element in a month associated with that element). See my prior post for details.

A Plexus occurs under a Grand Enthronement of the associated element at a location that strongly resonates with that element. Within the Plexus, all spellcasting rolls of that element automatically succeed and need not be rolled. A Plexus provides charges of its element. A Plexus has one or two emotional potentials and a 20% daily chance (a result of 1–4 on the d20) that an elemental beast of the Plexus' element and matching any one of those emotions will spontaneously generate. A Master in High Magic may manifest a Plexus within a magic circle that lasts until the end of the planetary month.

A Nexus occurs under a Grand Enthronement at a location that strongly resonates with one or more elements. Within the Nexus, all spellcasting rolls automatically succeed and need not be rolled. A Nexus provides charges of all five elements based on its Intensity, which are tracked separately. Effectively, a Nexus is a group of five Plexi of all five elements rated the same Intensity. The moment that any single elemental charge pool falls to zero, then the entire Nexus vanishes.  A Nexus has five or six emotional potentials and a 40% daily chance (a result of 1–8 on the d20) that an elemental beast of any element (or combination thereof) and matching any one of those emotions will spontaneously generate.

Locus is a permanent concentration of one or more magic fields, conducive to the appearance of Plexi and Nexi. Within the area of a Locus, all spells of that element receive a circumstance bonus based on its daily Intensity (default to +2 if the GM doesn't want to roll). This bonus is cumulative with the daily astrological modifier. A Locus retains its magical properties indefinity and provides no charges, regardless of Intensity. Under an Enthronement of its element (+4 astrological bonus), a Plexus forms at the Locus. Under a Grand Enthronement of its element (+6 astrological bonus), a Nexus forms at the Locus. The Locus' bonus doesn't apply while the Plexus or Nexus is present. Even after the Plexus or Nexus vanishes, the Locus retains its basic magical properties.

Note that all of the above statements are typical averages. The GM is free to change parameters as suits the adventure or campaign. E.g. a given magical phenomenon might last anywhere from an hour to century, certain sites may host permanent Plexi or Nexi, etc. Other kinds of magical sites mentioned in the US version include the Grand Nexus (aka Agarthan Conjunction) and the Gates of the Dragon. The French version mentions the Omphalos, a permanent Plexus or Nexus, with the various "Dragonlands" (synonymous with the previously mentioned Gates of the Dragon) hosting Omphaloi.

There are no known Loci or Plexi of Solar-Ka. The Solar field is omnipresent and diffuse. It doesn't really concentrate in any particular place, except perhaps in the souls of humans and other mortal animals. A residue of Solar-Ka remains within corpses and decays over time. 

There are no Plexi of Black Moon-Ka, as this Ka lacks Ethers and Rays due to its lack of a planet. The Black Moon field flows, rises and recedes like a tide based on its parasitic insinuation within the other magic fields, particularly Moon-Ka and the Solar-Ka in the living and the dead. As such, it does concentrate into something like Loci of variable Intensity. Their properties are somewhat different that those of the five chromatic Ka-elements, however. (To be explored in another post.)

The Ethers of the Saturnian field are too weak and antithetical to the other Ka to form Rays, so Saturnian Plexi are rare and most that exist were created artificially. Attempts to cast elemental magic automatically fail and any active magical effects are interrupted for the duration of the visit. Entering a Saturnian Plexus causes Nephilim and elementals to spontaneously take Orichalc damage every hour equal to the Intensity, consuming an equal number of charges from the Plexus. Magical items do not take damage from ambient exposure, but cannot produce any magical effect within the Plexus. The Saturnian Plexus' only usefulness to Immortals is that its passing leaves behind Litharge residue that may be used to create Stasis items and other Litharge tools.

Hope you enjoyed!


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