The Primes and the Path of the Prime Essence

The Primes are an option for Nephilim PCs introduced in the third edition Le Codex des Nephilim. They're members of The Star who have developed their own Occult Technique to cultivate Prime Essence and use it for unique magical applications. In was revealed in the French metaplot that all Nephilim were descended from aliens known as the Voors (who I previously discussed), and the Primes believed that the way to become Voors again and ride the cosmic wind to the stars was by cultivating Prime Essence. The Primes are contrasted against the allochtones, another faction within The Star who believe that they must build a physical spacecraft in order to travel the stars.

Prime Essence is pure cosmic energy, unfiltered by any celestial bodies. Within the cosmology given, the universe is suffused with Prime Essence. The Sun refracts it into Solar Ethers, which are then refracted again by the planets into the Planetary Ethers, and meet at the Earth's core where they become the Rays and the Ka-elements used by Nephilim. Prime Essence thus contains all of the other Ka-energies within itself and may substitute for them under certain applications.

The Path of the Prime Essence ascends through three Occult Techniques: Elemental Movement, Pentacliquey Apostasy, and Emprise of Ka.

Elemental Movement allows the Prime to manipulate the movement of elemental currents, including Plexi and Nexi. This Technique allows him to draw on the magic fields in a place where they're absent, such as due to the Black Moon or Orichalc. He can intensify an existing Plexus or Nexus. He can even manifest a Plexus or a Nexus, provided that he does so on a day and at a place conducive to natural formation.

Pentacliquey Apostasy allows the Prime to manipulate the movement of his Ka-elements. The Prime can heal magical damage by meditating in a Plexus or Nexus. He can temporarily exchange the values between his neutral Ka-elements, or between his opposed Ka-elements, or days that element is enthroned. He can even temporarily change his Dominant Ka-element.

The Emprise of Ka allows the Prime to cultivate an additional Ka-element: the Prime Essence. He develops a pool of Prime Essence within his Pentacle, linked to his Ka-elements and his simulacrum's Solar-Ka. As Prime Essence is pure cosmic energy, spending it allows him to heal magic damage (even permanent damage inflicted by Orichalc) and learn the Ar-Kaïm's Talents. 

The Star's Arcane Techniques given in the US version's Major Arcana are pretty unimpressive (basically they're good at astrology, astronomy and speaking Adamic), so I would definitely incorporate the Path of the Prime Essence into my campaigns as another Arcane Technique for The Star.


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