Anamorphosis explained, part 1

As with Necromancy (part 1 and part 2) and Black Summoning (part 1 and part 2), I’m recapping the 3e Anamorphosis rules in anticipation of my own take for the US version.

As with Necromancy and Conjuration, third edition set out to make Anamorphosis playable. I think it succeeded and I really like what they did. It isn't perfect and there's definitely room for expansion, but that's true of anything!

“Anamorphosis” is a pun referring to a real art technique. This technique is featured in the 2007 horror film Anamorph, if you want the inspiration. The Imago itself is comparable to a tulpa.

Using Anamorphosis

Theory and progression

Unlike the other occult sciences, Anamorphosis doesn’t have foci, artifacts, or even conventional spells. Instead of conventional spells, this obscure science has "Aspects" that are personalized to each practitioner or "Anamorph" and his "Imago."

Selenim don't have a metamorphosis like Nephilim. However, they can concentrate Black Moon-Ka and channel it through literal self-portraiture to create an elemental creature known as the Imago. The Imago is permanently linked to its creator and constantly trails behind her like a malignant shadow, unable to move very far. The Imago is sentient, can hold conversations with its Anamorph, and even has a self-preservation instinct, though it cannot perceive the material world and this remains purely conceptual to it. The Anamorph is able to manifest the Imago's Aspects on her own body, mimicking the Nephilim's metamorphosis. 

Anamorphosis is divided into three circles like the other occult sciences, though the text notes that the distinction between the first two circles is artificial and used as a matter of convention. The first two circles are divided into three occult skills each, known as "Morphs." An Anamorph must master a circle before advancing to the next. Each Morph may have any number of Aspects attached to it. The Imago isn’t “complete” until each Morph has at least one Aspect, meaning it isn't sentient or able to rule a Realm until then.

Unlike Metamorphosis, the Anamorph's Aspects have actual game effects (in the French version metamorphs are purely cosmetic, never receiving anything like Chronicle of the Awakenings). The Aspects are fairly powerful and easily let the Anamorph be a monster in combat, easily dwarfing even a raging Jinn. This is how they dominated the Promethean Glaives (equivalent to US version's Orichalka Men) during the Selenim Wars. This is intentional and intended to balance the Selenim's relatively limited black magic against the Nephilim's broader elemental magic. This compensates for their lack of reincarnation, so that your PC can go on adventures rather than cravenly hide from potential demise.

Although those given in the book mostly specialize in combat, the book says that players are free to invent their own. Is is entirely feasible for an Anamorph to specialize in unnamable beauty, unparalleled intellect, and so on. The fanzine Palimpseste 1 shows this in action, introducing several new spider-themed Aspects on page 4.

As with the other Occult Sciences, Anamorph PCs start with one free Aspect per level in the Occult Techniques of Anamorphosis. Although Aspects are presumably bought with Agartha Points (AP, i.e. XP) just like other Spells, the Anamorphosis section includes construction costs that are paid with points from the PC’s Black Moon Pool. This seems to be a leftover from prior editions, as it doesn't fit with the way AP is used to buy everything else and would allow players good at accounting to accumulate Aspects far faster than other PCs accumulate Spells.

Construction and activation

To construct an Aspect, the Anamorph must draw or paint it in their studio. Via symbolic magical means, the BMK spent will condense into the depicted Aspect. The construction cost may be spent in installments, but is immutable once completed. There is no limit to the number of Aspects an Anamorph may add to his Imago.

Although the art studio and it contents is necessary to construct Aspects, it is merely a symbolic tool. So unlike destroying an athanor that is invested with the alchemist’s own Ka, destroying it does no harm to the Imago or the Anamorph. The Anamorph may be upset for sentimental reasons like any mundane artist, but suffers no magical consequences.

To activate an Aspect, the Anamorph rolls the associated Morph against a difficulty set by the Circle. This induces a trance during which the Anamorph can do no other actions. Aspects cannot activate if the Black Moon Field is absent, but fortunately few places have this problem.

Aspects are divided into passive and active. The former take effect as soon as activated, while the latter vary depending on how the Anamorph uses them.

First Circle

At this circle, the Anamorph cannot describe the Imago but at most evoke it. The first circle has three Morphs: Head, Extremities, and Skin. Construction costs range between 10-20. Activation costs range between 2-6.

The possible fumbles are: the Aspect aroused is paralyzed for a day and night, the Anamorph is hideously disfigured until next twilight, points of the Imago evaporate and must be rebuilt, the Aspect manifests as useless atrophy for the duration, the Anamorph's current Black Moon Pool is halved.

Aspects of the Head (passive)

Feline eyes: the Anamorph can see in lowlight conditions as well as broad daylight.

Salamander gaze: the Anamorph can see in thermal vision, even through thin walls.

Fish face: The Anamorph can breath underwater.

Canine muzzle: The Anamorph can track or identify someone by smell.

Bat ears: The Anamorph can hear with superhuman acuity.

Telescopic eyes: The Anamorph can focus on objects hundreds of meters away.

Dark beauty: The Anamorph negates social penalties due to other Aspects.

Aspects of the Extremities (active)

Dorsal spines: used for attack or defense.

Claws: used for attack, but prevent using firearms.

Pincers: crustacean pincers, good at grappling but incapable of fine manipulation.

Hooves: the feet become hooves, useful for attack. Interfere with balance, but insensitive to heat, acid or other sources of damage.

Venomous tongue: thirty centimeter tongue that injects venom, causing damage.

Fangs: several rows of razor-sharp fangs used for combat.

Hooks: replace the hands and make it impossible for fine manipulation or holding objects, but useful for hanging or tearing flesh.

Aspects of the Skin (passive)

Although the Anamorph may have multiple Skins, only one may be activated at a time.

Epidermal chaos: the Anamorphs skin constantly shifts in color and texture like a kaleidoscope, distracting opponents.

Reptilian skin: the Anamorph is more resistant to Spells targeted directly at him.

Feathers: the Anamorph is easier at all movement-related tasks (running, flying, balancing, hand-to-hand, etc.).

Hellish epidermis: the Anamorph's skin causes flammables to combust on contact and inflicts burns on contact.

Mineral skin: the Anamorph gains minimal armor that doesn't restrict movement.

Sclerotic carapace: the Anamorph gains heavy arthropod armor that even protects from magic damage, but restricts perception and movement.

Chameleon epidermis: the Anamorph's skin changes color and texture to match surroundings. While not invisible, he becomes harder to spot.

Second Circle

At this circle the Anamorph can construct the most important Aspects, the substance and basis of the Imago's being. The second circle has three Morphs: Appendages, Limbs, and Torso. Construction costs range between 15-30. Activation costs range between 2-8.

The possible fumbles are: the Imago runs away for hours preventing activations, the Anamorph loses consciousness for minutes, the Imago spontaneously loses points that must be rebuilt, the Anamorph loses a point from his Core, the Anamorph and anyone nearby becomes hideously disfigured for a few minutes.

Aspects of the Limbs (active)

Pair of humanoid arms: may be built multiple times to get an additional normal action per pair, but starting from the third pair each pair is harder to coordinate. Activation cost is only paid once for all pairs.

Pair of humanoid legs: same as the pair of arms. Makes balance and movement easier, but each pair starting from the fourth pair are harder to coordinate. 

Telescopic arms: the Anamorph may stretch his arms up to ten meters, but doesn't grow additional elbows.

Telescopic legs: same as telescopic arms, but the Anamorph can stretch his legs up to ten meters.

Multi-fixations: the Anamorph can freely rearrange where his limbs attach anywhere on his body.

Autonomous limbs: the Anamorph can detach his limbs and control them remotely (e.g. a hand crawling on fingers), but only receives touch sensation.

Illusory limbs: the Anamorph grows thirty limbs in any combination anywhere on his body, but these are illusions without materiality. This can easily frighten opponents, who have no way to pierce the ruse other than touch.

Aspects of the Torso (passive)

Fetid Mist: the Anamorph's torso seems to be composed of foul black mist swirling with nightmarish faces. He gains an additional normal action per turn.

Forest Horror: the Anamorph's torso resembles a tangled mass of brambles, foliage and humus, giving off an unbearable stench of rotting plants. He spontaneously regenerates two HP each turn. 

Aspects and Characteristics: technically five Aspects that must develop separately. Each is associated with a Characteristic (Strong, Agile, Charming, Endurant, and Intelligent) and increases it by one level when activated. Respectively, these are named Biomechanics, Beast's Torso, Disturbing Charm, Disproportions, and Cerebral Mantle. They're just as grotesque as you might imagine.

Aspects of the Appendages (active)

Wings: the Anamorph can fly.

Tentacles: the Anamorph grows a pair of five meter tentacles that may be used to grapple and strangle.

Tail: the Anamorph grows a prehensile tail, five meters long and studded with barbs. It may be used twice each turn, independently of all other actions.

Prehensile hair: the Anamorph grows long writhing hair that may be used to hold and manipulate ten objects of less than one kg each. It can operate mechanisms require minimal force like a switch, but not the trigger of a firearm.

Suction cups: the Anamorph grows ten suction cups useful for climbing on walls ad ceilings, grappling, etc. The grip is so strong that only cutting will release the target.

Fins: the Anamorph swims with ease at 10 km/h.

Eyestalks: the Anamorph grows fifteen ten centimeter flexible eyestalks. His field of visions extends to 360 degrees and he cannot be surprised.

Third Circle: The Realm

This Circle will be detailed in a follow up post, as it represents a dramatic shift in capabilities and focus that is completely different from other occult sciences. Stay tuned!

Coming up...

In part 2 of this series, I will recap rules from first and second edition that weren't carried over into third edition. In part 3, I will recap the plans for the scrapped US adaptation and share a few of my own ideas for adaptation. Hope you enjoy!


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