Stasis item overflow

Stasis items have a fixed capacity, which is a function of its enchantment and bond to its owner. Attempting to overfill a stasis item results in the excess charges bleeding off into the environment. This causes weird phenomena like random poltergeist activity, bizarre power outages, rains of frogs, etc. similar to that caused by a Paredrus in Narcosis.

​There are a few situations in which this happens, not all of which you would expect. I’m still working on my rules, so these may change.

  • Leaving a Stasis item in a Plexus or Nexus after it has fully charged. A Stasis item only holds 20 charges.
  • Releasing and reincarnating a Paredrus from a Stasis item after charging it in a Plexus. A Stasis item only stores 4 charges of each element while the Nephilim is incarnate.
  • Losing Pentacle branches as a result of becoming Selenim. The lost branches are automatically sucked into the Stasis item, displacing any charges of that element.
  • Casting the Ritual Magic Spell Stay of the Centuries. This spell requires Initiate Lore (Justice): M. This exorcises the Paredrus from a Nephilim and returns it to Stasis, forcing out the existing charges to prevent any release.
  • An Ar-Kaïm suffering from Overcharge may instinctively expel their excess charges into their surroundings, producing these effects.


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