What is a magical aura?

A magical aura is an arrangement of a person’s spiritual essence (or soul), allowing them to perform magic or not. As introduced in the French version, different character roles have different magical auras.

Mere mortals have a Solar Core composed of the singular Solar-Ka, Nephilim have a Pentacle composed of the five Ka-elements, Selenim have a Black Moon Core composed of the singular Black Moon-Ka, Ar-Kaïm have a Heart composed of 2–8 Essences, “magic bohemians” have the Brume (“mist”) composed of trace amounts of all 8 Ka, and the Kwisatz Haderach has a Prism composed of all 8 Ka plus Brume. 

A couple other variations exist too, represented by flaws taken at character creation. Cruxim are Nephilim with only four Ka-elements, forming a Cross. Rejects are hybrids created by 666’s experiments: Nephilim whose Moon-Ka has been transformed into Black Moon-Ka without sundering their Pentacle and Selenim who had 1–3 Ka-elements grafted to their Core. The Necronim, of which only two examples were documented, have the five Ka-elements plus Black Moon-Ka… but for whatever reason may only incarnate within corpses: reanimating as hybrid Restless Immortals.

The spirits of the dead, or ghosts, have a “residual Solar-Ka.” (I’d call it a Solar Residue for reference purposes and to slightly better distinguish it from the living.)

Interesting stuff. I hope to explore it in my own campaign materials.


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