
Showing posts from December, 2023

What are the decans?

In astrology, the zodiac signs  are ruled by particular planets  and divided into  three decans per sign  as shown on the figure below:  In the French 3e supplement  Codex des Ar-Kaïm , the concept of Decans is introduced as an additional way to define a character's personality. Each House has its own emotional nature, further modified by the character's Decan. All Houses have three Decans, except for Serpentarius that has none. In other words, the combination of House and Decan serves a similar role to the Nephilim's Metamorphosis. In the US version, this would be represented by BRP's Passions (or Personality Traits as they're labeled in Chronicle of the Awakenings ). I'm still trying to figure out how to integrate Passions into the Ar-Kaïm rules, as Ar-Kaïm lack metamorphoses but the concept overlaps heavily with the Essences mechanic (i.e. their magic points). Ar-Kaïm display environmental manifestations as a result of their Essence values and ...

Alchemy across the editions

As I did more and better quality research, I discovered that my old post on alchemy in the French version was full of numerous errors and inaccuracies. In this post, I will try my best to rectify that and provide a more accurate picture of alchemy in the French version. In all editions of the game, alchemists had to specialize. They had several different paths available to them. Based on their choice, the alchemist constructed a tool that produced a substance. The alchemist cast formulas using that substance, applying it to the target, throwing it into the air, and so on. In all editions except third, each Circle of Alchemy was rated as a single Technique. Second edition (1996–2000) The second edition was a direct refinement of first edition (1992–6), so I do not list the first edition separately.  In this edition, there were three Constructs: the Athanor, Crucible and Alembic. Each produced a Substance governed by a Process mastered by a Figure of the Glorious Alloyage. This sche...

Another revision to my brief glossary of sacred spots

I have some revisions to present for my prior categorization of sacred places. I apologize for the intrusion. Plexus:  A particular magical phenomenon that appears at an analogous landmark when and where two rays of the same magic field meet, lasting anywhere from an hour to a century. This allows the recharging of Stasis items and the performing of difficult magical operations of the Enthroned element. Plexi only form for the five elemental Ka and very rarely for Saturnian-Ka. Nexus:  A rare magic phenomenon that appears under Grand Enthronements where rays of all five elemental fields cross, creating a Plexus of each element in the same place. This provides the same benefit as a Plexus, but for all five elements. A Nexus may give birth to a Paredrus or an Ar-Kaïm; the Immortal's Dominant Ka is determined by the analogous landmark.  Analogous Landmark: A landmark providing the conditions favorable to the appearance of a Plexus, Nexus or Bitume-pouch, with Dominant Ka de...

A new perspective on Bohemians: introducing the Brumairians!

In a prior post I recapped that the French version depicted Roma people (here called "Bohemians") as magical creatures, how racist that was, and how someone suggested removing the racial component. In a subsequent post , I mentioned how I opted to name the Western Tradition (as Major Arcana calls it) to the Bohemian Tradition in memory of their roots as refugees from Akhet-Aton. I wrote those before I actually started transcribing, translating and reading the Bohemians supplement. Ignoring the racism, it introduces two concepts: the Boheim ("Bohemia") and the Brume ("Mist"). Paraphrasing from the introduction of the book: The Boheim is an inspiring, creative and libertarian force that inhabits all humans, but few recognize. It is the flame that illuminates certain artists, but also certain political leaders —Che, Gandhi, Zapata and Aung San are examples of this “enchantment”. It embodies courage, thirst for freedom, strength to resist all oppression, the...