Another revision to my brief glossary of sacred spots

I have some revisions to present for my prior categorization of sacred places. I apologize for the intrusion.

Plexus: A particular magical phenomenon that appears at an analogous landmark when and where two rays of the same magic field meet, lasting anywhere from an hour to a century. This allows the recharging of Stasis items and the performing of difficult magical operations of the Enthroned element. Plexi only form for the five elemental Ka and very rarely for Saturnian-Ka.

Nexus: A rare magic phenomenon that appears under Grand Enthronements where rays of all five elemental fields cross, creating a Plexus of each element in the same place. This provides the same benefit as a Plexus, but for all five elements. A Nexus may give birth to a Paredrus or an Ar-Kaïm; the Immortal's Dominant Ka is determined by the analogous landmark. 

Analogous Landmark: A landmark providing the conditions favorable to the appearance of a Plexus, Nexus or Bitume-pouch, with Dominant Ka depending on the site. Examples include the heart of a forest, the top of a mountain, a volcanic caldera, a nuclear power plant, a ruined church, an old cemetery, a century-old tree, or an alignment of stones. Destroying the landmark removes these favorable conditions.

Sacer Locus: An analogous landmark hosting a permanent concentration of one or more magic fields, favoring the routine appearance of a Plexus during Enthronements or a Nexus during Grand Enthronements. This provides a persist bonus to spells of that element cast in the vicinity, even when a Plexus or Nexus isn't currently present.

Bitume-pouch: A place where the Black Moon field is strongly concentrated or "ascendant." It lacks rays but instead moves in currents and "pools" via parasitism and ricochet off the elemental fields. This typically forms around analogous landmarks like abattoirs, battlefields, cemeteries, hangman's trees, etc. At this point, even Nephilim and Ar-Kaïm without BMK can perceive the Black Moon field that is usually invisible to them. Selenim favor these places for magical workings. At these spots Serpentaries, and Nephilim contaminated by Lunar Entropy, overhear the Tenebrae as a seductive murmuring.


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