Orichalc damage across the editions

I thought it would be a nice exercise to compare the rules for Orichalc damage across editions.

First edition

(This also applies to the US version.)

If a Nephilim is cut by an Orichalc weapon, then roll 1d20. The Nephilim's Ka is reduced by that amount and the Ka-elements are recalculated accordingly. The Orichalc weapon's Capacity is reduced by the same amount, turned into Litharge.

Second edition

Orichalc weapons have a Capacity and a Virulence Potential. The latter cannot exceed Capacity. When the Orichalc touches the Nephilim, the Nephilim rolls Ka vs Virulence POT. Upon failure, then the Nephilim's Ka and the weapon's Capacity are permanently reduced by the Virulence. Upon success, then this loss is halved (rounded down). A disembodied Nephilim automatically fails to resist.

On Saturdays when the Saturnian astrological modifier exceeds 7, then the Virulence increases by the excess (+1 if the modifier is 8, +2 if 9, etc.). This cannot raise Virulence above three times its normal value. Certain rituals allow Virulence or Capacity to be increased.

Third edition

Orichalc weapons have a Lethal Level ranging from Not Lethal (1) to Very Lethal (5), a Damage value ranging from 1 to 8, and a Capacity ranging from 2 to 300. This only applies to magical damage. The physical statistics are those of a mundane weapon.

The steps for resolving damage work like so:

  1. Physical and magical damage inflicted by an Orichalc weapon are resolved independently.
  2. If the weapon deals any physical damage, then the Nephilim rolls Initiated (Dominant Ka) vs the Orichalc's Lethal Level. Neither the strength of the attacker nor the armor of the defender are accounted for.
  3. Modify the weapon's Damage parameter by the result of the soak roll: ×0 on Critical, ÷2 on Success, ×1 on Failure, ×2 on Fumble. This amount is subtracted from the weapon's Capacity.
  4. That amount is further multiplied by ×2 to determine the damage inflicted on the Nephilim. This is permanent magical damage, subtracted from the character's Initiated bullet points. Recalculate the Ka-elements accordingly. 
  5. The Nephilim adds +3 bullet points to Khaiba per strike.
  6. If Initiated (Dominant Ka) is reduced to 0 (i.e. below Not Initiated), then the Nephilim perishes.

Fourth edition

When a Nephilim is subject to magic damage, then they naturally recover if it came from an elemental source. When a Nephilim is struck by Orichalc, then their Ka is permanently reduced by the points of damage inflicted. Only spending Sapience Points (i.e. experience points) will recover it. Additionally, each strike forces the Nephilim to make a Khaiba check to determine if they gain a Khaiba point.

An Orichalc weapon has a magic damage value, such as 4 for a dagger or 8 for a sword. It inflicts that amount of magic damage per strike. The weapon's magic damage value is reduced by 1 point per strike against a Nephilim's Ka, until it reaches 0 and no longer inflicts magic damage.

Fifth edition

When a Nephilim is struck by Orichalc, he must roll an opposition test of his Dominant Ka versus the Orichalc's value (plus the attacker's Solar-Ka if he can mobilize it). If the Orichalc wins, then the Orichalc's Ka and the Nephilim's Dominant Ka values are both reduced by 1 degree. If the Nephilim wins, he suffers 1 degree of regular magic damage.

Magical damage inflicted by Orichalc reduces Dominant Ka, but not the other Ka-elements. The Pentacle is now unbalanced and will suffer the deleterious effects of dragonization. (However, no rules are provided for these side effects.) The Nephilim will need to seek help from Temperance.

If the Nephilim's Dominant Ka is reduced to 0, then he becomes a Cruxim (a Nephilim with a cross of four Ka-elements instead of a pentacle). He is amputated, weak and vulnerable, allowing the opponent to attempt to turn the Nephilim into a homunculus if he has the required abilities and equipment.

If the Cruxim continues to suffer Orichalc wounds, then his next Ka-element to be destroyed is one of his Neutral elements. If this second is reduced to 0, then he enters permanent Narcosis (even while incarnate) and his remaining Ka-elements gradually disperse into the magic fields until death ensues. The dying Nephilim is not coherent enough to become a homunculus, but he can be drained for a Ka reserve (equivalent to an Elixir in the US version).

Hope you enjoyed!


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