Anamorphosis explained, part 1.5

Once the Anamorph has mastered the Morphs and completed her Imago, then she may advance to the Third Circle: constructing a Black Moon Realm. 

Third Circle: The Realm

At the Third Circle, the Anamorph is now able to construct a Cursed Realm within the Pavane, similar to how a Sorcerer of the Third Circle may construct an Elemental Realm within the Astral. The Realm is anchored both to a physical place on Earth and to the adjacent Pavane. As it absorbs more SK for the Anamorph to paint or sculpt with, the nascent Realm grows larger and detailed. It reflects both the geography of its earthly territory and the aesthetic desires of its Anamorph. It also acts as a bridge between the earthly plane and the Anti-Lands, allowing egress between them. With the Imago serving as her major-domo, the Anamorph may rule as her new Realm's Sovereign.

The Realm is complex and has several parameters for the Anamorph to worry about. It has 4 Characteristics (adjective) of its own: Density (Dense), Attendance (Frequented), Intensity (Intense), and Attraction (Strong). It has 7 Morphs or "Aspects" (see below).


When selecting a territory in which to anchor her Realm, the Anamorph must select a place based not on size but on unity of tone and atmosphere. Cities and countries are too diverse, but a huge desert like the Sahara may be suitable.

The Territory is defined by several technical parameters: Attendance, Emotional Intensity, and Extractable Solar-Ka.

  • Attendance measures the average daily population of the Territory. While higher population has more SK, it more easily attracts attention. This ranges from Not Frequented (e.g. a few people in some sewers or an isolated plateau) to Very Frequented (e.g. over a thousand people in a squalid city block).
  • Emotional Intensity measures the quality of the emotions experienced, identically to the Satisfactory Potential but on a larger scale. The more emotional the place is then the more SK is available, but the more publicized and famous it is. This ranges from Not Intense (e.g. leaves few memories, like an airport corridor) to Very Intense (e.g. a strong emotional machine, like an amusement park, a prison, or a torture chamber).
  • Extractable Solar-Ka (ESK) measures the SK extractable over a lunar month. This is given by comparing the territory's Attendance against its Emotional Intensity. This ranges from 100 points per lunation at Not×Not to 900 points/lunation at Very×Very.


After selecting a suitable territory according to the parameters above, the Anamorph constructs an Anchor under the full or new moon. This costs 50 bullets, which may be paid in installments. The Anamorph must then successfully perform a ritual to begin construction, rolling Black Moon-Ka modified by Rituals versus Hard Difficulty. At this point, the Imago falls out of the earthly plane and into a pocket within the adjacent Pavane: it is no longer linked to the Anamorph by strings but to the Anchor.

Upon creation, the Realm has a number of Foundation points based on the amount of BMK invested in the Imago: 120 bullets in the Imago translates to 10 Foundation points, while 600 translates to 50. 

These Foundation points are distributed between the Realm's seven Aspects (see below): 1 point for Apprentice level, 5 points for Journeyman level, and 10 points for Master level, not cumulative. Every Aspect must be rated at least Apprentice for the Realm to exist. The text doesn't note whether these costs are cumulative or not.

Any leftover Foundation points are converted to points in the Realm's Pool, 1 bullet translating to 100 points in the Pool. If the Pool is too small to contain these points, then the excess is permanently lost.


To increase the Aspect levels after the initial construction, the Anamorph must spend BMK from the Realm's Pool and perform additional rituals under the full or new moon. Journeyman level costs 500 points and requires a Fairly Hard test, Master level costs 1000 points and requires a Very Hard test. The cost may be paid in installments, but a failure on the ritual wastes half of it while a fumble wastes all of it.

As with the preceding circles, the text doesn't specify whether the Anamorph needs to spend Agartha Points too. 

The Anamorph may continue to add Aspects to their Imago too, with no apparent limit. The Imago's Morphs are independent from the Realm's, with the exception of the Defense Aspect (see below).

Conversion notes

The rules for converting characters from prior editions (N1 and N2) allows converted Anamorphs to set aside Foundation points for later before they've found a suitable site for their Realm. The rate given here is 5 Foundation points per Occult Technique bullet set aside. However, this contradicts the above rules for constructing Realms: the number of Foundation points is based on the Ka invested in the Imago! Presumably these are bonus points?

Density and Perils

The Density Characteristic measures the Realm's overall power. It is used to resist attacks, but also increase the Entropy and Depths' Syndrome. Density is rated from Not Dense to Very Dense. To calculate the bullets and level, count the levels in Aspects: an Apprentice Aspect translates to 1 bullet, an Journeyman Aspect to 4 bullets, a Master Aspect to 8 bullets.

The Realm is subject to two perils: Entropy and Depths' Syndrome.


The Realm suffers from Entropy like all Black Moon creatures. It must continually siphon Solar-Ka from the earthly territory in which it is anchored, or it will dissolve into the Pavane. This is measured as a simple rate.

The Realm suffers Entropy attacks once every lunar month. It first attacks the Realm's Pool. The rate depends on the Realm's Density. At Not Dense it loses 10 points/lunation, while at Very Dense it loses 600 points/lunation. 

When the Pool is empty, Entropy attacks the Aspects: each day, an Aspect loses a level until all are reduced to Apprentice (no Aspect may have a lower level). When the Realm's Aspects are all reduced to Apprentice, Entropy attacks the Imago's Aspects: it destroys one Aspect per day. When all the Aspects are annihilated, the Imago and the Realm disappear.

Depths' Syndrome

The Realm is naturally drawn by gravity towards the depths of the Anti-Lands and the Unknown Place. The denser it gets, the stronger this gravity becomes. The Anamorph is thus forced to continually secure it to Earth, to the Solar-Ka of her subjects.

This tendency is measured by a Characteristic, from Not Strong to Very Strong. The Strong level increases by 1 bullet per lunation. This is multiplied by the levels of Density: 1 bullet per lunation at Not Dense to 5 bullets per lunation at Very Dense. At the time of foundation, it is Not Strong (1 bullet). 

When the attraction is Very Strong (10 bullets), or 50+5 bullets total, then the Realm detaches from Earth and is sucked into the Anti-Lands. If not destroyed, then it grafts itself onto one of the pillars in the third stratum that most closely matches it nature.

Aspects of the Realm

The Realm has seven Morphs, with fixed effects, simply called “Aspects.” These are ExtractionPoolFascinationDominationResistance to EntropyResistance to Depths' Syndrome, and Defense. Much like the Domains in third edition Magic (Sorcery in the US version), each level in an Aspect provides increasingly powerful qualitative benefits.


The Realm casts a shadow over its earthly territory, extending tendrils to caress the spirits of the inhabitants to absorb their Solar-Ka. At Apprentice it draws 10% of the ESK, 50% at Journeyman, while at Master it draws 100%.


The Realm has its own Black Moon Pool, though has a limited capacity and any excess escapes back into the Pavane. This Pool is drawn from to continue construction of the Realm. The Anamorph may draw points from it in lieu of personally Assuaging. At Apprentice the maximum capacity is 200 points, 500 at Journeyman, while at Master it is 1000 points.

Selenim and any other Black Moon creatures within the Realm don't suffer Entropy themselves, as the Realm's own Pool provides a buffer.


The Realm's mere presence influences the territory, exerting a fascination on the inhabitants and others who frequent it. They are less and less keen to leave, so the population tends to grow and increase the ESK. At Apprentice there is no variation, 10% at Journeyman, while at Master the ESK increases by 20% each year. The only limit is how easily the territory supports its population. 

This Aspect may be used against entities that wander into the Realm or are summoned by other conjurers. This requires a Density+Fascination vs Ka test.

This Aspect may potentially be used to attract entities from adjacent Anti-Lands if the Anamorph doesn't practice Conjuration, but this is only mentioned in passing with no rules given. 


The human inhabitants of the territory are subject to the Realm's domination. The higher the Domination, the more control exerted. Giving an order requires a Density+Domination test vs target's SK. 

At Apprentice, the Anamorph may give simple orders that don't contradict the target's deep conviction or transgress strongly against local social norms. 

At Journeyman, complex orders that don't endanger the receiver.

At Master, the Anamorph has absolute control and the population obeys blindly. By passing a Very Hard test, the Anamorph may transmigrate her Core to a new simulacrum; her former simulacrum becomes a regular inhabitant of the territory, but behaves like a zombie.

Resistance to Entropy

The Realm spontaneously resists Entropy. The higher the resistance, the weaker Entropy is. At Apprentice there is no change, at Journeyman it is divided by 1.5, while at Master the Entropy loss is divided by 2.

Resistance to Depths' Syndrome

The Anamorph can strengthen the anchoring to resist the gravity. At Apprentice the attraction decreases by 1 point/lunation. At Journeyman it decreases by 3. At Master the attraction decreases by 5 points/lunation, rendering it harmless.


Realms may come under assault by enemies among the Immortals or the mortal conspiracies. This Aspect abstractly represents the Realm's defenses, such the inhabitants becoming aggressive, the Imago's Aspects emerge from the very shadows, or the Imago attacks enemies directly. The Realm resists with Density+Defense. 

At Apprentice, the Realm induces aggression in the inhabitants against any attackers and instantly warns the Anamorph wherever she is, but cannot unleash supernatural forces. 

At Journeyman, Aspects of the Imago emerge from the shadows to strike intruders. This costs points from the Realm's Pool. The inhabitants will attack with extreme violence.

At Master, the Imago can attack intruders directly. The player makes a Not Hard Density+Defense test and pays 20 points from the Realm's Pool; on success, the Imago manifests all its Aspects at once and is only vulnerable to magic damage. The Realm can equip each inhabitant with an Imago's Aspect, paying for each manifestation from its Pool.

Advantages of the Realm

The Anamorph can freely transfer points back-and-forth between her personal Pool and the Realm's Pool at will. Whenever she needs to spend points, such as to perform the Occult Sciences, she can draw them from the Realm's Pool instead of her personal Pool.

Each point in the territory corresponds to point in the Realm and vice versa. The Anamorph may freely teleport between her Realm and its territory. She cannot teleport between points within her Realm or its territory, but she can circumnavigate her Realm to appear anywhere within the territory regardless of mundane obstacles.

When she reaches "Apotheosis" (i.e. all Aspects mastered), the Anamorph is omniscient within her Realm, its territory, and its entire population. She can appear anywhere and in "psychic vampirism."

The founding of her Realm doesn't prevent the Anamorph from using her Imago normally, even outside the Realm.

Agarthic Quest: Apotheosis

An Anamorph who has mastered all Aspects of the Third Circle merges with her Realm, becoming a place herself. She is omniscient and can project her spirit and omnipresence throughout her earthly territory. Perhaps she will become a god within the nightmarish landscapes of the Anti-Lands' Third Stratum. She has reached Apotheosis, a sinister counterpart to the Nephilim's Agartha... or so it is rumored...

Unfortunately, the Anamorphosis Occult Quest was never published before MultiSim went under, so we can only ever speculate what the rules would've been.

A new Black Moon?

Although not given in the rules for Anamorphosis, the backstory for the Cult of Lilith confirms that channeling Ka to Lilith's Realm was their method of raising a second Black Moon before they were foiled. Since then, the Codex des Selenim notes they've discovered ways to link their own Realms and still intend to create a new Black Moon this way.

"Welcome to my humble abode..."

This section in the GM book provides additional information on Realms.

Touring the Realm


There are two ways to enter a Realm. The first is to be invited by the Anamorph who authored it. All you need to do is enter the territory: there, at the bend of a street or obstacle, a visitor may enter. The second is to sneak inside: to do this, you must defeat the Realm's Defense.

If you trick the Anamorph into inviting you, then you can bypass the Defense. This may be done for many purposes.

You can enter the Realm from an adjacent Anti-Land. This has the advantage of bypassing the earthly territory, whose inhabitant may be hostile.

The scenery

The landscape reflects the Anamorph's personality and is shaped according to her whims. Generally, it appears as a dark twisted reflection of the territory on Earth: sunlight never penetrates, the atmosphere is tortured and sordid. At the heart, the Imago sits on a throne, seemingly asleep. Around it gravitates a malign whirlwind, the Realm's Pool.

Realms overlook those Anti-Lands that are symbolically close to them. A door or window allows you to contemplate the dreamscapes. The player is recommended to make a detailed plan of his Anamorph's Realm and agree with the GM on which Anti-Lands are immediately adjacent.

The denizens

The only regular inhabitants are the Anamorph and her Imago. That said, the Selenim can summon entities with Conjuration to populate the Realm and perhaps defend it. No creatures of the Black Moon, including the Anamorph and entities, suffers Entropy in the Realm: the Realm's Pool acts a shield.

Entities blindly obey the Anamorph who summoned them to her Realm. Any foreign entity that enters the Realm risks falling under the Anamorph's domination. To maintain control, the other conjurer must pass a Conjuration test against the Realm's Density modified by its Fascination. If he fails, then the entity falls under the Anamorph's control and only leaves on her order.


Leaving a Realm is as easy at entering it. If the Anamorph allows the visitor to leave, then he leaves without problem. If the Anamorph refuses, then the visitor must pass an Enlightened test against the Realm's Density modified by its Fascination.

Assaulting the Realm

If an Anamorph is protected by her Realm and the wall of her territory, then destroying the Realm is the only way to reach her. Likewise, destroying her Realm is the only way to claim the territory from her. This is the surest way to ruin the Anamorph's morale: of the few who experienced this sad fate, who saw the collapse of centuries of work, most took their own lives.

In any event, assaulting a Realm with the intent to destroy it is always a long, costly endeavor. This campaign lasts months, if not years or more.

Besieging resources

Depriving the Realm of Solar-Ka is the surefire way to make it collapse on itself, eaten by Entropy. You must physically eliminate the population from the territory. This has the major flaw of ruining any future attempts to establish a Realm on that territory, given the lack of inhabitants. This abuse attracts authorities who will get involved to protect the population, as well as alerting the Major Arcana and other secret societies.

Another complementary method is to send gluttonous entities to exhaust the Realm's Pool. This weakens the Realm: it cannot use the Imago's Aspects and it suffers Entropy seizures.

Besieging the Aspects

It is possible to damage the Realm's Aspects. This requires extensive occult knowledge, and the methods are too diverse to summarize here. Sending greedy entities is the most common solution, but here they devour the Aspects instead of the Pool.

Any attack on the Aspects involves confronting the attacking parameter against the Realm's Density modified by Defense. It can be quite arduous.

Besieging the Imago

The Realm is based on the Imago, which links it to the territory through the Anchor. If the Imago is destroyed, then the Realm collapses on itself and the debris sinks into the Anti-Lands.

First you must reach the Imago. You can trick the Anamorph into inviting you, then take advantage of their lowered guard to attack the Imago with a destructive spell or artifact. The blow must be fatal, otherwise the response will be quite violent.


There are many ways to assault a Realm not described here. However, this always remains limited by the immensity of Realms. Even after successful assaults, you must still wait for Entropy or Depths' Syndrome to finish the job. This decline may take a while, giving the Anamorph time to counterattack and consolidate the defenses, such as bringing reinforcements through a passage to an adjacent Anti-Land.

The weapons are never equal in this confrontation. Entities may be shock troops, but always risk falling under the Realm's Fascination and turning on their conjurer.

Perhaps an aspiring sovereign is better off looking for another territory...


The rules for Realms are serviceable, but have some gaps and oddities here and there. MultiSim was planning to release one or more supplements to further detail the Occult Sciences, but unfortunately went under before that could happen.

The biggest oddity I noticed is that Anamorphosis seems to cost only Black Moon points from the character's Pool rather than Agartha Points like other Occult Sciences. This reads strangely to me and seems to be another instance of the third edition not having sufficient proofreading and playtesting. 

As you might realize, constructing a Realm permanently ties the Anamorph to a specific territory and severely limits their movement if they don’t want to leave their Realm unattended. For this reason, the Heritors of Babel fan group wrote an alternative Third Circle in Vision-Ka #6 titled “Allomorphosis.” This allows the Anamorph PC to continue advancing through the Third Circle without limiting his movement and playability. As a fan article, recapping those rules is outside the scope of this post, however. Maybe a follow up?

Bonus: The Fuliginous Shade

In third edition supplement Codex des Selenim, a new option is introduced for playing Ethereal Selenim. These were Selenim who became so before incarnating in human bodies or suffering the bite of Orichalc, so they don't operate the same way as the subsequent generations of Selenim. 

One key distinction is that they cannot construct an Imago! Instead, they have a Technique known as the Fuliginous Shade, which allows them to assume the form of their opponents' worst nightmares in order to debilitate them in combat or even cause them to flee in terror. This also allows them to use Ka-vision without giving up mundane sight at the same time nor the visible tremors that accompany activation.

Constructing a Realm is difficult for them because they cannot collect as much BMK as easily as later generations. Most of the Ethereals were only able to establish Realms within the magical environment of Mesoamerica, due to its proximity to Chicxulub and the high saturation of ambient Black Moon fields. 

They became the Yohual Tecuhtlin ("lords of the night"), described in the most detail in the 2e supplement Exils. Their entry in the Codex doesn't provide all the details, unfortunately, so it feels incomplete. Oddly, the Fuliginous Shade seems to be a retcon to the earlier Exils, as that supplement mentioned that the Yohual Tecuhtlin created Imagoes. Not that retcons are anything new for this game...

Hope you enjoyed!


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