What is archemy, again?

In a prior post, I referenced the etymology of Archemy as deriving from archimastry. According to another sourceArchemy comes from archè ("principle") and mia ("one"). [Although I cannot find any corroborating sources for this latter part's etymology. Perhaps it derives from Italian mia ("mine") or Latin monas ("one; unity")?] Therefore meaning “the principle of unity”. Thus, Arkhémia is “the land of the principle of unity”, an apt name.

In French fanzine Vision-Ka #2–3, a fan introduced an original occult science of Archemy designed specifically and solely for Ar-Kaïm. It displays noted similarities to Alchemy and is suggested as a path to Qiyas. The name is a play on Alchemy (which it resembles in some respects), Ar-Kaïm (who practice it) and archetypes (which informs how spells work). It involves invoking archetypes in order to get symbolically appropriate benefits, with the practice relying on physical catalyzers, ambient telluric energy, and the archemist's own Heart of Ka like an athanor.

I'm definitely incorporating VK's Archemy rules into my campaigns, although I may rename it to "Archemetry" or "Archemancy" (and archemists to "archemetrists" or "archemancers") in order to avoid confusion with Alchemy (and alchemists).


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