Natural Onirim?

The origins of the Nephilim have been subject to various revisions and retcons over the course of the game's editions and adaptations.

In the first edition, French and English, it was mentioned in passing that new Nephilim could be born from Nexuses. In the English version, it is assumed that a Nephilim's first incarnation occurs shortly after the Nephilim was born from the magic fields.

In the second edition, French only, it was clarified that all Nephilim were former KaIm. After the Fall of Atlantis, no Nephilim were ever born again. Instead, the beings born from Nexuses are "astrological Nephilim" who lack pentacles and incorporate Orichalc into their essence.

In the third edition, French only, the astrological Nephilim were named Ar-KaIm. Furthermore, it was established that "natural Selenim" were born on the astral plane and incarnated in passing dreamers, bypassing existence as Nephilim entirely. Incidentally, Nephilim disembodied on the astral plane can pull the same trick to reincarnate.

This has made me wonder whether there could be "natural Nephilim" born on the astral plane in a manner analogous to natural Selenim. Since the astral is the plane of dreams, I think if such natural Nephilim were born spontaneously, then they would be Onirim by default.

What do you think?


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