Selenim in other Arcana?

In most editions of Nephilim, the Selenim are relegated to membership in the Unnamed Arcanum. In third edition, however, this changed. The Unnamed Arcanum was formally rechristened as "Rebirth", accepting only Immortals whose Dominant Ka was Black Moon: Selenim and Ar-Kaïm of Serpentarius. Meanwhile, it was explained that the other Major Arcana were not limited to Nephilim: they could theoretically accept Selenim and Ar-Kaïm.

This is a bombshell revelation that raises numerous questions. Of particular interest: how can Selenim contribute as members of the other Arcana if they cannot practice the elemental Occult Sciences of the Nephilim?

Well, I had a few ideas of my own regarding that. In the US Major Arcana book, it is mentioned that Selenim can learn certain Arcane Techniques like The Emperor's Thes and The High Priestess' Shemmut. A number of the Arcane Techniques do not seem to rely on particular elemental spells and could perhaps be adapted for Selenim use.

But what of the others? What Initiate Spells could Selenim cast? Well... perhaps they can develop their own equivalents. But how?

I have found a notable example in the published material. In the French Nephilim Gazette, Immortal #3, we are introduced to a Selenim who practices a new branch of Conjuration at the second circle: the Appeal of the Healer. No Evocations are given due to lack of space, but we do get details about their theme. The NPC in question created about ten, ranging from simple pain relief to the regeneration of injured organs or limbs, including the elimination of foreign organisms in a human body. Thus, these Evocations are a logical extension of the first circle's Appeal of the Pacifist. They do not work on magical afflictions or on the different Ka.

Essentially, the Selenim can contrive substitutes for certain elemental spells using their own occult sciences. In this case, healing spells are replicated using conjured entities. This would allow Selenim to contribute as members of other Major Arcana without being able to practice elemental magic.

In future posts I'll try to share my ideas for the individual Arcana... hope you enjoyed!


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