Some ideas for Narcosis

The rules for Narcosis underwent a number of revisions in the French version. For my own campaigns, I wanted to have some guidelines for handling this. While this post won't provide detailed rules, I will go over my ideas so far.

Progression of Narcosis

Narcosis actually has two stages progression: crystallization and anchorage. Furthermore, the effects of anchorage vary depending on whether the Nephilim is incarnate or not.

A paredrus outside of a human body, and unable to return to stasis, is subject to crystallization. The exact cause is unknown, but some suspect it is an immune response to the trace amounts of Orichalc present in all the magic fields. Its Ka-elements retract and contract, like Sektet, eventually rendering it unable to move. At this point, the paredrus enters Narcosis shock and anchorage begins. 

Once fully crystalized, the paredrus' Ka-elements bleed into and gradually merge with the surrounding magic fields, a process known as encysting or fossilizing. This slow progression is caused by the paredrus' link to its Stasis item, to the Solar-Ka of past bearers. A paredrus without a Stasis item will dissolve immediately into the magic fields and be lost forever.

Sites that host such Narcosians will display paranormal activity and acquire reputations as haunted (or sacred) among any local mortal populations. Poltergeist activity, rains of frogs, or the spawning of elemental beasts may occur. The exact manifestations vary depending on the dominant Ka of the Narcosian, and their intensity depends on a combination of the Narcosian's Ka level, the amount of time it has been encysted, and the current concentration of ambient magic fields. For example, a Narcosian at the site of a recurring Nexus or persistent Plexus will be quite powerful.

Narcotic while incarnate

Although an incarnate Nephilim is insulated against Narcosis shock, this bleeding of Ka can still occur even then. Whenever the Nephilim astral projects or fumbles Ka rolls, they can risk this bleed. Their Ka-elements can extend from their body and merge into the local magic fields, splitting between their body and the site of anchoring. In its early stages, this condition manifests simply as an obsession with the site where the Ka has become anchored. As it advances, the Nephilim will become increasingly dependent on that site: first they will need to visit it regularly to maintain their Ka, then they will become physically unable to leave, and finally at the terminal stage their paredrus will dissociate from their simulacrum and encyst upon the site as described above.

Some groups, particularly those that run globe-trotting adventures (or at least across the big ol’ USA), will find this fixation on a particular place to be too limiting. Alternatively, the leaking Ka doesn’t anchor in one place but submerges and reemerges from the magic fields. The psychological effect manifests as a growing obsession with the Dominant Ka and aversion to the Opposed Ka-elements, in both physical and magical manifestations.

For example: In the early stage, an Onirim becomes more comfortable on moon-lit nights, but doesn’t enjoy grilling and campfires like she used to. At the extreme end, a Pyrim will live at the site of an active volcano, only venturing out for necessities and always carry a torch; he refuses to do even that under moon-lit nights or the lightest rain. (Credits to Ex Oculis for the idea.)

Releasing a Narcosis

While a Narcosian may potentially release themselves from this state, it is exceeding rare. Most of the time, they must be released by the assistance of Immortals. The longer a Narcosian has been encysted, the harder it is to release them. 

The simplest method is to empty the Narcosian's Stasis item of all charges and allow it to vacuum at the paredrus. However, there is no guarantee that this vacuum will be able to break the encysting, and even if it does it will still take time to break the bonds and gather the Ka.

Temperance Initiates have devised special rituals to retrieve Narcosians. 

However, this is not without danger to the rescuers. The Narcosian may be resistant to attempts at liberation and fight back by manipulating the magic fields.


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