Some thoughts on revised generations of immortals

I've explored some of these ideas in previous posts, but I thought it would be prudent to put them all here for consolidation and comparison. This is all purely my homebrew and is completely non-canonical to the official games.

The Saurians, the KaIm, the Old Races, the Nephilim, the Selenim, the Ar-KaIm... they are all Ka-beings. Their Ka dissolves into the magic fields upon disintegration, recycled into the births of future Ka-beings, making them both immortal in a sense and different generations of the same magical meta-race.

The first generation of the Immortals are the Basal Immortals: the KaIm and the Saurians. The Basal Immortals are so named due to their practice of Basal Cycles, in which they would exist in purely spiritual form barely distinct from the magic fields and incarnate within natural phenomena; this is a stable version of the Elementalist Khaiba form. The Saurians were the first Onirim, born in the dreamlands, and the first to awaken to consciousness by incarnating within the reptiles that evolved at this time many hundreds of millions of years ago. When the Saurians raised the Black Moon, the other KaIm were awakened to consciousness. The destruction of the Black Moon resulted in the extinction of the Saurians when their reptilian halves went extinct 65 million years ago. The impact of Orichalka in circa 100,000 BC permanently altered the magic fields, preventing any more KaIm from being birthed from the Nexi. The Basal Immortals are generally assumed to be long extinct by the time of Christ's birth, but a handful have managed to survive well into the present, such as cryptids like Nessie and some of the Xibalban lords of Mexico.

The second generation of the Immortals are the Symbolic Immortals: the Nephilim and the Selenim. They exist incarnated within human bodies, hybrids of human solar-ka (Sol, soul) and the ka of an elemental spirit (known as paredrus or daimonian). The elemental half cannot survive in spiritual form and cannot create new bodies. The elemental lacks the capacity for conscious thought, driven purely by their instinctive passions: their solar-ka gives them their awareness, identity, and will. Nephilim preserve their immortality by bonding their elemental and solar-ka to a stasis object, allowing them to reincarnate and recall past lives. The Selenim are granted ageless bodies by their Black Moon-Ka, so they simply walk through the centuries and assume different aliases.

The third generation are the Astrological Immortals: the Ar-KaIm. Technically, they're just as old as the second generation, but they weren't widely recognized until after the Great Awakening in 1900. The Ar-KaIm are perfect mergers of all the 8 Ka found on Earth, generate their own magic fields directly from the ethers, and have an instinctive comprehension of the astral plane. They can only reincarnate within their own descendants, but by the same token they can experience flashbacks to the lives of their own ancestors from many millennia ago. Some even experience flashbacks to the lives of disintegrated Immortals.

And those are my thoughts for right now.


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