Are a Nephilim's successive incarnations the same person or not?

As I recounted in a previous post, my campaign redefines the nature of Nephilim. Bestial elemental spirits (known variously as daemonians, paredri, or Bene-Elohim) are born from Nexi under Grand Enthronements, then fall in love with and bond to a mortal's Logos or Atman (immortal divine soul) to create a Nephilim. When a Nephilim dies, their Ka disintegrates into the magic fields. If bonded to a Stasis Object, however, they can persist after death, reincarnate in the future by finding their Logos' new simulacrum, and draw upon the experiences of their Past Lives because of the Stasis Object's link to their Animas or Karmas (mortal sidereal spirit).

Are the Nephilim's subsequent incarnations different versions of the same person, or different people linked together by the elemental spirit? I think it depends on your perspective. Some see the Nephilim as a merger of multiple different people, while others see them as different lives of the same person. This is further complicated by the condition of Sekhat, in which a Nephilim can confuse their present and past lives, or even be outright possessed by a malignant past life. Nephilim are complex beings with the memories and experiences of many mortal lives, as well as the revelation that their Ka originally hails from a perfect bodiless existence that mundane life pales in comparison to. It is not surprising that the opposing secret societies like the Templars and Carbonari mistake them for wicked possessing spirits.

What of the elemental spirit? It was not always part of the Nephilim and it demonstrates characteristics of an independent entity, such as its Passions and conditions like Narcosis and Khaiba. Are the other elemental beasts just incomplete paredri? Most disturbingly, the archives of the Major Arcana record that there are only two classes of elemental beast with 5 Ka-elements: the paredri and the dragons. Is there a connection? 

Contrast this against the Ar-KaIm. I haven't changed their metempsychosis compared to the original French, so they create an interesting parallel to the Nephilim. Instead of an elemental spirit they have a Heart that simply cannot exist without a simulacrum. Unlike the Nephilim's Ka-elements, the Ar-KaIm's Heart isn't bound to the same Logos, but limited to the same bloodline. It must be transmigrated to a new simulacrum by ritual while the current simulacrum is still alive, which leaves the former simulacrum soulless and doomed to waste away and die. This preserves the experiences of past simulacra, but because the Logos is not the same then the connections to the Animas are weaker. The Ar-KaIm retains the personality of his current simulacrum and recalls largely the impersonal skills of his predecessors.

According to some accounts, Ar-KaIm that practice Tibetan Yoga transmigrate their Heart upon death: it enters the Astral and then reincarnates within a zygote. Does the Heart follow the Logos to a new simulacrum? Does it reincarnate within the bloodline? The mysteries never end...


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