The Good Ministers of the Ayres

Many of the names for the entities in the Summoning rules are drawn from a list titled “The Good Ministers of the Ayres” that appears in The Magician's Companion by Bill Whitcomb and Mysteria Magica by Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips. The Good Ministers are organized into 91 sub-orders of the Enochian Aethyrs and the titles of which come from the Aurum Solis, an order of magical practitioners contemporary with the Golden Dawn (supposedly). Despite the mention of Olamot and Sefirot in the game fluff, these entities aren't related to Kabbalah but come from Enochian magic.

The original names were distorted by being translated from English into French and then back into English by translators unfamiliar with the original source. For example, "The Swift Ones of the Portals of Flame" was garbled into "The Swift Flame Portals." If I was revising the summoning rules, then I would go back to the original names.

The descriptions seem to have been made up by the French authors, and are far more concrete than the abstract descriptions in the original sources. Their role in the game is usually completely divorced from their descriptions in the original books. Again, I would draw from the original source if revising the summoning rules to be subtler and closer to real occultism.

While Ken Hite said he didn't think the summoning rules needed revision due to drawing from real grimoires, I don't agree. The names need fixing to remove the translation errors and the effects need to be subtler along the lines of the other enlightened magic rules. There are 70 names given in the list, which I think is more than enough for a core set of entities if I was writing the effects from scratch.

I include the traditional ordering, names, elements, zodiac signs and descriptions below, since they're very difficult to find online. The only convenient source I found was this old page on the Wayback Machine that includes a list of tasks cross-referenced by the appropriate minister. As a rule of thumb: summoners should consult the list of tasks first then the list of ministers, but I’ll provide detailed rules for summoning in a future post.

Summoning the Aurum Solis: The Thirty Aethyrs

Ordo 1: LIL πŸœ„

1 ♐️ Rainbow-vestured Guardians of the Limbeck of Blood. Thy blood and thine, ye slain of earth, thy blood and thine ye sufferers, is in the limbeck: yet behold, hour by hour it diminisheth for the flame is set beneath and the spirit riseth up thence. Rejoice now with the keepers thereof! In all works of celebration shall they aid: in those also which seek understanding, courage, and joy of spirit.

2 ♒️ The Dwellers in the Lake of Sapphires. In perfect harmony and unity these inhabit, and in most sincere truth: wan are they and fair of form, and in their dark hair they twine as it were garlands of clear blue reeds. All that they may, they weave together: all works of integration will they make their care.

3 ♎️ The Flame-clad Amethysts which adorn the North. Now like to the lightning, now like to misty rain are these as they dance: their music is as of cymbals ringing from a great distance. These will aid in rites to inspire followers for the Work, to charm away opposition, to win allies: but to win love to thine own self invoke them not.

Ordo 2: ARN πŸœ„

4 ♋️ Lords of the Plain of Chrysoleth. In feasting and gladness, in music and mirth are they seen, who are all human of aspect. They hear and know strange and far things, and the thoughts of men. Of their dominion are works of consecration, and the making of the Magical Link: also operations inaugurating a new enterprise to influence others.

5 ♉️ The Angers of the Olive Mount, Captains of Ruin. These are seen as giants, vast of form and slow in movement. Yet do they swiftly hear when any calls their aid, if on three successive nights before that of his rite he will but take olive oil, mingle this with sand of the sea-shore, and macerate leaves of bindweed therewith: and this burning fumigate his place of working at the tenth hour of the night. Their aid is of high avail in works intended to preserve continuity in conditions of change, to perpetuate tradition, to mitigate the effects of vicissitude: or to promote loyalty.

6 ♉️ The Dwellers in the Pillared City. These have their abode upon a hill in shape as a cone, and builded from foot to summit upon a broad spiral terrace. Each round is the like of each, and each side differs from other: so on foot move the Dwellers through variety, or move they by flight upward and downward in one aspect. Call thou upon these winged pilgrims if thy rite be for productive journeying whether earthly or astral, or if the art of bilocation be thine aim.

Ordo 3: ZOM πŸœ„

7 ♐️ The Whispering Ones, Spirits of the Basalt Forest. Forms of gleaming emerald, dwellers among dark boughs and shadowy leaves, they are but slightly hidden yet oft go unknown. Most bounteous are they, if thy works be of their kind:— formation of an artificial elemental for benevolent purposes, or any other work to further the interests of other people.

8 ♎️ The Comfort of the Just, the Woes of Hyssop, Rue and Wormwood. These move in knots and in rings, armed with scourges: ever and anon they howl, as they were smitten. Yet is their movement a dance, and their howling an oblation. These will assist in all operations intended to control the Lower Watcher or Dweller at the Threshold: likewise all works concerned with the fulfilment of natural responsibilities or with the furtherance of a mature attitude to life.

9 ♑️ Samite-robed Ministers of the Wave-carven Altar. These appear as maidens, with flowing hair and with eyes downcast: yet do they carry rods of power and commandment. They will aid in works performed to attain understanding of human needs, or in works dependent upon such an understanding: they will give assistance also in any work involving telepathy.

Ordo 4: PAZ πŸœ„

10 ♑️ The Lords Invincible, Leaders of the Silent Ones. These appear as young women, vigorous and laughing of aspect. They will give assistance in all works of protection, likewise in operations relating to any aspect of the upbringing of children: those to whose aid they are called will be victors.

11 ♑️ The Mighty Spirits, Voices of the Throne. Fast thou three days and call upon their aid in any works of thaumaturgy, any works to be produced as “signs” or “evidence.”

12 ♓️ Lissome Ones of the Habitations of Twilight. Their teeth and claws are marble white as milk, yet will they offer no harm to the pensive or the solitary. If by Art Magick thou dost strive to find congenial fellowship, or to gain from natural forces (as by gambling, or by agriculture) these are for thee. Yet, to keep their aid, all that thou doest must be free from undue haste and from greed.

Ordo 5: LIT πŸœ„

13 ♈️ The Panoplied Horsemen of the River of Dreams. These have the aspect of young horsemen, armoured as knights, having over their armour surcoats of green and gold. Pennons of gold with devices of green they bear also upon their lances. The mists about the river part at a shallow ford: the knights make the crossing in joyous companies. The aid of these is to be invoked in the high consecration of the Grail, and in all works of the Grail. Most potent and benign are they: yet are the mists of that river filled with strange images, and if thou dost undertake this work and make this invocation, look guardedly that thou forsake it not for aught else that may appear within thy fancy until this work be well concluded.

14 ♎️ Princes of the Waters of Death. Changing winds and currents alike serve their advance. Call then upon their name for aid in operations to explore emotional experience, or to develop the imagination.

15 ♒️ The Governors of Continuance. These blue-robed recline upon couches of alabaster, and discourse of the unity of past and future: for to them past and future are one, and are ever-present. They are to be called upon in works intended to nullify a force, or to affirm contentment and stillness, or for negation in any form.

Ordo 6: MAZ πŸœ‚

16 ♌️ Guardians of the Wells of Pharphar. These watch over the unfailing sources of a torrent of swift radiance amidst dunes of crystalline fragments: they dip their hands to give drink of living flame to all who come to them. Works of fulfilment and of equilibrium are theirs: they are sought also in New Sowing, and for the transcending of Time.

17 ♓️ Children of the Seven Thunders, Oracles of the Undefiled. Voices of the sword of lightning are these, terrible to hear: and for each voice shineth the face of a child of splendour, golden and ruddy. And these are their works that they will aid: To rule indirectly, to show the way, to teach, to heal, to nourish, to protect, to foster.

18 ♌️ Host of the Amber Ships, the Lamps of Awe. Many and many are these, many and glorious. Their bodies are as flames of great stillness, and in each a most lofty and potent countenance. These will forward such works as to find entrance to other spheres: they are apt to aid such as would command wonders or would be instructed by oracles.

Ordo 7: DEO πŸœ‚

19 ♋️ Princes of the Salt of Wisdom. Slight of form and placid of countenance, these are all golden in hue, golden is their vesture and very luminous are their eyes. Their aid should be sought in works of healing, whether of diseases or of injuries: also in works wrought to strengthen the Nephesh: also for rites inaugurating a new enterprise in a just cause.

20 ♊️ The Flame-bearers, the Mighty Crowned Spirits. Each sits enthroned beside each, at the circumference of a space proportionable to the shadow of the Earth. Their countenances may not be seen for bright-shining: for each wears a crown having 64 points, and each point is a fire of radiance. Let thy voice go forth to· them when thou wilt perform such mighty works as those which culminate in, or involve, resurrection or regeneration.

21 ♒️ Swift Ones of the Portals of Flame. Deepest blackness is the visible aspect of these, but too rapidly do they move for the eye to dwell upon them. Theirs is the solution of specific problems: they will aid also in ceremonial methods of occult research, or in solemn dedication of thy studies.

Ordo 8: ZID πŸœ‚

22 ♌️ The Diamond-helmed Lords of Vexation. Keen are their blades, a multitude: they guard the secret fords of Hakirath, and keep the last of the Seven Bridges, which is the drawbridge. Thou canst win their aid In works for sundering the magical link, likewise for works undertaken to achieve independence of environment or of associates.

23 ♈️ The Mighty Ones, Breastplates of Fire. As a great company of free warriors mounted upon wyverns, these go forward silently, one flame encompassing all. Their delight is in operations of transmutation: seek then their aid in such, or in operations for the realisation of a paramount wish, or for the fulfilment of an ambition. To any one of these will they assist: be certain therefore that it is thy true desire.

24 ♐️ Princes of the Torch-lit Labyrinth. Mail-clad and helmed are these, and seated each before his banner: white and green, scarlet, azure and black tremble the sacred emblems. Ask thou the help of these in no work save one: the consecration of the Spear.

Ordo 9: ZIP πŸœ‚

25 ♊️ Iron-shod Lords of Splendor. Horned helmets these bear, and cloaks of scarlet. The times of their full power are in the far past, and in the time yet to come: but in all ages are they awake to earthward. One word they heed from all who call upon them for aid: the name of friend. If they seem to defend the bonds of blood and of marriage, it is but as the parties therein are also friend and friend: all duty they laugh to scorn, the self-seeker also do they laugh to tenfold scorn. Yet in works undertaken for friendship’s sake, or for furtherance of a friend’s interests, but call upon them and they will heed instantly: no offering they seek, and no promised veneration.

26 ♑️ The Governors of the Blackened Waters. These appear in form terrible, even as that which tradition averreth of sea-bishops: their bodies green and scaled, their wings, beards and the webs of their feet crimson, and having upon their heads seeming mitres of violet and gold. If thou be so earnest to obtain somewhat that thou wilt have it at whatever cost, then before thy rite burn to them upon glowing charcoal a lock freshly cut from thy hair, with 5 drops of thine own blood drawn from thy right thumb, and sprinkled with some grains of salt of the sea: while this burns call upon these Governors, and state clearly thy desire.

27 ♐️ The Ministers of Glory, Summoners of the Harps of Iron. These keep their beacon-fires upon the highest summits: vast are the flames thereof. Seek their aid in works to influence public opinion, to propagate ideas and ideals.

Ordo 10: ZAX

28 ♒️ The Clarions of Orichalc, Ministers of Dissension.

29 ♎️ The Princes of Justice, Millstones of the Mighty.

30 ♐️ The Ministers of Guerdon, the Blue Flames of the Last.

Ordo 11: ICH

31 πŸœ„ ♑️ Tresses of Myrrh and of Asadulcis, Voices of Persuasion. Tall and supple are they, with limbs of youth, but their garments are heavy and dim as night and their faces are not seen. Some bear vessels of various shape, wrought of marble and of agate: some speak strange words of counsel. Their care is for works that would bring equilibrium out of unrest: also for works of transubstantiation, and for the art of talismanic consecration.

32 πŸœ„ ♍️ The Noises of the Lower World, the Sighing Rumour of the Waters. Hardly are these to be seen, whether by sight earthly or spiritual: a sighing are they and a laughter, and a calling amid a wind: else are they like forms of glass that turn and move in endless swayings. Yet the heart of each is as it were a thin flame of changeful blue. Pour to them, before thy rite’s beginning, a libation of white wine mingled with salt: upon barren earth pour it, or upon sand. They will aid in works of transformation, and in all works designated to produce change of circumstances.

33 πŸœ‚ ♊️ The Implacable Ministers, Living Lamps of the Concealed Shrine. As heads graven of limestone seen in the midst of a furnace, so fiercely and so brilliantly glow these in whiteness. Their assistance may be sought for works of levitation, teleportation, or any magical work with the object of transcending an obstacle or passing a barrier: only before calling their name, look thou dwell for seven days poorly, eat no cooked food, and speak no needless word.

Ordo 12: LOE πŸœ‚

34 ♍️ Wielders of the Blades of Division. These inhabit a fair garden, wherein the leaves and blossoms are of light. Their name should be called for aid in magical operations to explore philosophic concepts, or to increase capacity therein.

35 ♏️ Dark Governors of the Powers of Pestilence. These are seen under the aspect of winged heads, their countenances expressive of most acute intelligence, their wings of lapis lazuli, gliding swiftly. They will aid thee for works performed during adverse tides, if there is need that such be done: also in operations seeking success in diplomacy.

36 ♉️ Princes of the Sanctuary, Rulers of the Forces of Conquest. All ruddy with sparkles of light are these, their faces and their vesture, as if they were of iron heated to redness. That which they try, they touch: if it be worthy it is transformed to brightness, if it be not worthy they leave upon it blackness as of burning. Theirs is the Red Work: theirs also are all works to attain renown and dominion.

Ordo 13: ZIM

37 πŸœ„ ♑️ Keepers of the Mystery wherein are the Swords 600,000 of length. Sandals they have of bronze, tunics of flashing crystal: in ranks and files are they seen, and each looks upon each with one countenance: also that which one of them does, they all do the like. The aid of these may be called for all works of Art Magick performed by means of a mirror, for all works dependent upon the powers of sex, and for all works effected to increase psychological perception or insight into matters touching the Astral World.

38 πŸœ„ ♈️ Spirits of the Incensory of Confoundment. Wild are their whirlings and their hissings, these many-headed, these many-handed, with tearing fangs of steel and flinty claw. As scarlet and livid flames mingled with grey smoke they leap and writhe, and seek to draw all that they can within their clutch. Theirs are all works of malediction, of cursing and of destruction.

39 πŸœ‚ ♎️ The Daughters of Death, Guardians of the Secrets 8987. These go in majesty, with tall crowns upon their hair: winged are they, with pinions of changeful flame. Deep counsel is theirs: if thine be a work to attain the powers of interpretation, or to open a means of progress whether of the mind or in earthly things, or to find the keys of lost knowledge, these be for thee. Seek their aid too, if thy work be to prepare the Hand of Glory.

Ordo 14: VTA πŸœ‚

40 ♌️ Builders of the Wine-press, Foundations of Zeal. Small are they of stature, mighty of limb, and their countenance is as the setting sun. Theirs is the pool of purple and the wall of hewn rock: huge works have they made, huge works shall make without speech thereof. To them commend works undertaken to gain leadership in social affairs, to defend a lawsuit or a matter of reputation.

41 ♎️ The Priestesses of Wrath, the Daughters of Storm. Swarthy are these of hue, jewelled with splendours: they move, they leap with potent flashings: they rend the vapours. Before thy rite, in a wild and secret place make offering to these of red wine mingled with honey, if thy purpose in working be to obtain good fortune in love, or toward the ceremonial making of a Love Charm. Do likewise for all works concerned with increase in personal attractiveness or in popularity.

42 ♓️ The Lords of the Column of Flame. Very powerful be these in high matters that touch upon the earth:— in consecration of a new building or temple, or magical works undertaken to obtain such a building: or rites to purify a location of adverse spirits or influences. But if thou dost see the form in which these Lords appear, tell not of it lest confusion be multiplied.

Ordo 15: OXO πŸœ

43 ♐️ Veiled Sentinels of the Onyx Causeway. As white smoke rising, beheld in a vertical and Immobile shaft of light, so vibrant and so unmoving shine these. They celebrate established unity, even of the highest: their power confirms the works of Unity Attained.

44 ♑️ The Pale Queens Mighty in Sorrow, the Tears of Flame. Their faces are of crystal, their robes are burning rubies, as with loud wailing they pass across a purple air. Before thy rite, call unto these in the dawn softly, and in some high place: so the work be to meet spiritual challenge, or to make assault upon enemies, to inspire them with terror, to rule them through their discords.

45 ♓️ The Mighty Sons, Reapers of the Harvest of Firedrakes. Who would stir the forces of abundance: who is for honour, riches, health: seek ye these strong ones who exult with laughter, who gather and bind the terrible sheaves of destiny.

Ordo 16: LEA πŸœ

46 ♉️ Spirits of the 24th Part of a Moment: Timeless Movers. These show themselves as men, or as lizards that go upright; but as figures seen across bare rocks in burning sunlight do they tremble and quiver, seeming for less space than a second to be gone. Thus instant by Instant they go and return: and In the Instant when they are gone, they are departed a vast distance to another place, even so to return. Thus do they almost dwell presently in two regions of the universe: thus test they knowledge by knowledge and truth by truth. Great is their aid for works of evocation, for works that require a very high degree of activity in the Light: or of veracity.

47 ♊️ Calling Voices of the Bright Wilderness. These are of a region of whiteness, which cloudlike builds to any form. They themselves appear most often in likeness of whirlwinds or waterspouts that sway and move with a gliding motion: but changeful and melodious is their song. They stir the minds and bodies of those who seek them with fitting rites, to the magical dance and to mystical drama in all its modes: any magical use of the creative arts is of their nature.

48 ♓️ The Smiling Brothers, the Sentinels of the Silver Castle. In tunics of pearl, in surcoats of manifold hue, they guard walls of strong shining: their laughter is a lash of more avail than many arrows. Potent allies are they if thy work seeks converse with beings of the Higher Light, or if it be thy design to promote acuteness of intellect.

Ordo 17: TAN πŸœ

49 ♉️ Laughing Children of the Arrows of Cimah. These appear as white mares rearing and plunging, casting from their shining flanks the purple and peacock breakers of a level shore. Seek their aid for all works of blessing, or for any works or rites undertaken in a spirit of devotion to tradition.

50 ♌️ The Princes of Power, Voices of Thunder. Upon thrones of majesty these are established, each in his own hall: in heavy mantles of grey are they enwrapped, their hair and their beards are as black smoke curling upon itself. Their aid is given to those who seek it for works pertaining to leadership in high projects, or to magical direction of human affairs: but they will not answer to the first entreatment nor yet to the second: utter then the Call of the Ayre three times for these Princes.

51 ♐️ Garlanded Ones, Knowers of the Mind that Shall Be. These appear in the likeness of sphynges that have the faces of young boys, but old in wisdom: their garlands be of serpents, which speak to them, and to which they give drink of yellow wine in goblets of alabaster. These Garlanded Ones will aid in works performed to attain an understanding of living creatures, or In works dependent upon such an understanding: they will guide also in magical explorations of the realms of Nature.

Ordo 18: ZEN πŸœ

52 ♌️ The Shields of the Sky, the Wings of Mail. Strong is the song of these, as the voices of trumpets or of the organ: at the sound of their coming, the columns of granite quail and lean one to another. Seek their aid if thou wouldst have any work that thou desirest, performed by the hands of others: likewise for any work that is to be done in partnership.

53 ♎️ The Mercies of Everlastingness, the Vessels of Salt and of Honey. Pale Spirits are these, appearing in wide robes of whiteness: and in the midst of the brow of each, a shining flame. With them an odour as of myrrh, and of opoponax, and of lavender and of many sweet and bitter herbs. Many of them bear flasks of tears, and jars with offerings to the Shadowed Ones, that all be done in due measure. Seek therefore their aid in celebration of all rites of the dead, whether funerary or commemorative, whether Samhuinn also or Parentalia.

54 ♓️ Empalled Regents of Splendor, Governors of the Glittering Fane. These are seen as tall and stately forms swathed about in great mantles of azure, some light, some deeper in hue, some as the midnight. Their aid is meet for any operation that is performed to win ability to counsel wisely: if thou wilt call upon them for this work, on the eve of thy rite sleep thou upon a hill-top where is no human habitation, and on arising make obeisance to the place of sunrise.

Ordo 19: POP πŸœ

55 ♓️ Keepers of the Mouths of the Winds. The habitations of these are as craggy islands in a lake of silver. Their aid is sought in works for the development of practical wisdom, and in works generally of an austere nature or purpose.

56 ♏️ Shadow-mantled Sages of the White Mountain beyond the Shores of Mist. Wouldst thou travel in thy flesh or in spirit to the foot of the sheer cliff-face which underlies their abode? Wouldst thou win their esteem or compassion with rites, austerities, meditations a thousand times repeated? Nor weariness nor zeal will move them: yet if thou call upon their name, they shall assist in operations which seek to receive inspired thought or mystical understanding, or to develop capacity for such.

57 ♍️ Lords of the Heavens of Crystal. These are encompassed in a shining place everchanging, with tints of the rainbow and with sounds of strange voices singing: very calm is their aspect. Their heed is for works seeking to explore and to comprehend music, natural rhythm, harmonies: also for all works dependent upon the occult use of colour.

Ordo 20: CHR πŸœ

58 ♌️ Princes of Dominion, the Mighty Princes of the Lesser Seal. Great is their power in all works which seek to produce reform: great is their power to release influences of change upon the earth.

59 ♊️ Smiters of the hands of scorpions from the necks of the Living. Pale are they, and their garments are as ashes: yet are their eyes of diamond, and their hands as burnished blades. They fly swiftly without wings, and no place is sealed to them: they murmur, and the caverns beneath Barcaea have heard them. The White Work is theirs to aid, and also any work towards gaining new skill or power.

60 ♎️ The Crimson-robed Princes of the Wasteland. Upon the black rocks of the land of desolation have the Princes cast their mantles, and they brood wordless: arouse them not for light cause. Where works are performed for victory in thought and word, as in matters of law, they will aid: great power and high truth they will bring also to the consecration of a Sword.

Ordo 21: ASP πŸœ

61 ♓️ Those who pour upon the Earth Waters of Vision from Cups of Celadon. Vast eyes are theirs, orbs of granite and of bland turquoise: some among them bear pallid cups of gracious form, others bear sweet-sounding harps. Grey Is their vesture, girded with banded scarves of blue and russet and crimson. They will aid in works of skrying, and of converse with Elementals: in all works which require services to be performed by true Elementals, these of the Waters of Vision if sought will aid thine authority.

62 ♏️ The Sickles that Chaunt of the Day of Reaping. Their bodies are of silver mingled with gold, and in form as the leaves of tall reeds: greatly exulting is their song, but the words of it are concealed. They will give most strong assistance to works which would bring about the formulation of well-grounded plans, and the establishment thereof: also to works performed to gain visions of truth.

63 ♍️ Prophets of the Strong Tower, the Criers of Victory. These will give aid in works concerned to establish or to maintain peace, inward or outward: also works to turn aside the weapons of an assailant, or to avoid mischance.

Ordo 22: LIN

64 🜁 ♓️ Daughters of the First, Strength of the Halls of Marble. These are seated at height and height: tremendous murmurings circle about them: in their hands are emblems of dominion. He who calls upon their aid shall gain it for rites of invisibility: like wise for works mathematical (such as the calculations of astrology) or other purposes of an abstract nature.

65 πŸœ ♈️ The Comforters whose Eyes are Basilisks of Ruby. Dark are their taloned heels, dark from time’s winepress and the vats of death. Turn thy gaze only upon their talons, for most dreadful is their countenance: look not upon it as in silence they come, but utter thy will if thy work be of their kind: mighty is their aid. These be for all works of Art Magick which depend for operation upon the material remains or the psyche of the dead (except such works as are comprised in 53 above).

66 πŸœƒ ♓️ The Stewards of Fury, the Jasper-headed Princes of Rage


67–87 πŸœƒ The Powers of the Vials of Wrath. (In operibus de sigillo AEMETH.)

Ordo 30: TEX πŸœ„

88 ♓️ The Hoarse Voices, the Thorn-clad Sisters of Vengeance. These run barefoot over the land and upon the waters. With their hands they twist the spear and beneath their feet they trample the caltrop. They flee, and smite not: yet through them is the slayer slain. They give aid for works undertaken to win success in commerce, for ceremonial works of divination in all forms, for operations toward recovery of stolen property.

89 ♋️ The Beryl-clad Ministers of Peace. All veiled are these in a starry shining, bluish and greenish: and with them moves a shrill and joyous music of flutes. In troops do they go upward and downward, as moving in free air and not in bonds of earth. Works which concern them are those to further the interests of fraternal association, to give peace of mind, and for the circulation of earthly benefits.

90 ♊️ Bringers of Lights to the Feast. These seem as a great host of small golden birds, but of countenance human: most rapid of flight, and their voice is as the chiming of bells. Before thy rite, pour unto them the water of a swift-flowing stream, if the purpose of the operation be to work a good of which thou shalt not be known as the author.

91 ♍️ Singers at the Hidden Loom in the Citadel of Truth. These are mantled in sad colours and upon their heads are garlands of rue, yet do they go upon the backs of lions. They will assist if thou dost call upon them at the institution of the Great Work: also for works of compassion, and for rites seeking protection during the night watches.

In the list of works included in the table above, naturally not every shade of possible application is expressed. Only hints could be given, and these are in many instances necessarily vague:— a greater explicitness would err by too closely limiting either the range or the level of application.

Hope you enjoyed!


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