Reorganizing invocations; some ideas from the French 3e

In the 3rd edition of the French version, Nephilim: Revelation, the invocations were completely reorganized compared to previous editions. Here is an overview listing only the invocations from the US version.

The following invocations were reassigned to Malkuth. Malkuth governs entities related to physical protection.

  • Armor of Kabbalah (The)
    • Armor of Those Who Are Born of the Sowed Teeth (The)
    • Imperishable Fabrics of Time, Animated Clothes of Silver (The)
    • Powerful Cuirasses of Fire (The)
    • Silvery Scales of the Ocean Meadows (The)
    • Tempestuous Bands of Ariel (The)
  • Ashim, Doors of Adamantean, with Metal Feet (The)

The following invocations were reassigned to Yesod. Yesod governs entities of instinct and vivacity, that are sometimes warlike and often brutal.

  • Dark Governors of the Powers of Pestilence (The)
  • Lights of the Pharphar Fire Forests (The)
  • Those Who Hit the Scorpions

The following invocations were reassigned to Hod. Hod governs entities that affect thoughts, emotions and memories.

  • Guardians of the Pharphar Wells (The)
  • Implacable Ministers, Living Lamps of the Hidden Altar (The)
  • Kerubim of Exasperation and Confusion (The)
  • Minister of Peace, Clothed with Beryl (The)
  • Procurators Whose Eyes are Basilisks or Ruby (The)
  • Quicksilver Mirrors, Ministers of Resemblance (The)
  • Smiling Tarshishim, Sentinels of the Silver Castle (The)
  • Whispering Rumors of the Lower Waters (The)

The following invocations were reassigned to Netzach. Netzach governs entities related to life, healing and death.

  • Prince of the Salt of Wisdom (The)

The following invocations were reassigned to Tipheret. Tipheret governs entities related to construction, destruction, and movement.

  • Swift Flame Portals (The)
  • Those Who Creep and Nibble
  • Those Who Whisper, the Spirits of the Basalt Forest

The following invocations were reassigned to Geburah. Geburah governs entities related to physical and mental self-improvement.

  • Invoking Voices of the Luminous Desert (The)
  • Kerubim, Agile Inhabitants of the Sunset Homes (The)
  • Spirits of the 24th Part of an Instant (The)

The following invocations were reassigned to Chesed. Chesed governs entities dedicated to law and order, including enforcing it with the sword.

  • Lords of Torment with Diamond Helms (The)
  • Riders Armed from Head to Feet from the River of Dreams (The)

The following invocations were discarded or moved to the 3rd circle:

  • Realm of Elemental Animals
    • Adonai, the Premier Master of Creation, Great Emerald Grail
    • Jade Flowers, Mysteries of the Dark Forests (The)
  • Realm of Spiritual and Elemental Comprehension
    • Orichalka Trumpet, Minister of Dissension (The)
    • Shadow-cloaked Sages from the White Mountain across the Misty Shores (The)
  • Realm of Emotions
    • Powerful Pale Queen of Pain, with Tears of Flame (The)
  • Realm of the Hidden Knowledge
    • Ariel, Prince Freed from the Island of Oblivion
    • Gabriel, Prince of the Kerubim, Master of Illusion
    • Michael, Prince of the Crystal Understanding, Tilfiridian of the Ivory Tower
    • Raphael, the Prince Crucified on the Tree of Life
    • Sandolphan, Princess of the Ashim, Queen of the Wind Rose, Countess of the Cardinal Points
  • Realm of Violence
    • Crystal Net, Ship on the Infinite River (The)
    • Daughters of Lul Faltenin (The)
    • Daughters of Malourene (The)
    • Daughters of Noubosse (The)
    • Daughters of Paline (The)
    • Daughters of Saint Fabeau (The)

The following invocations never had counterparts in the French version:

  • The Dragon Azim, Lord Principality of the First Gate
  • The Gryphon Gazur, Lord Principality of the Second Gate
  • The Undine Valama, Lord Principality of the Third Gate

This list only compares the invocations from the US version. The French rulebook included a bunch more than never appeared in the US version. The effects of these were also reworked compared to prior editions to better fit their new placements. As with my previous post on the Good Ministers, I'm putting this comparison up for reference and I hope to follow it up in a future post on reworking the summoning rules...


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