Onirim metamorphosis archetypes: The Ophidians

In the French version, all the Onirim metamorphs were variations of the Snake ("Serpent" in French) collectively named “Ophidians.” These were the Chimera, Lamia, Medusa, and Naga. In 4th and 5th edition, a generic Onirim and Ophidian metamorphosis was introduced. What follows is some my ideas for adapting them to the US version and Chronicle of the Awakenings.

In the French

Here's an overview of the French version, excerpted and translated from the books:

All other Metamorphoses are variations of the Snake, accentuating this or that aspect of the lunatic humor. Beyond the mood itself, the Ophidians all have one or more reptilian aspects in common, a mark of the influence of the Black Moon. 

The Chimera is the embodiment of the dream and its infinite variations. For the Chimera, dream and nightmare are the two facets of a marvelous deleterious seduction, and all means are good to yield to it and make others discover it.

Transformations: White hair and black eyes, Black claws, Scaly skin, Opiate scent, Hypnotic voice.

The Lamia is the expression of reciprocal desire, with all that is disturbing and elusive. She seduces by necessity by playing with mystery and ambiguity. It is never certain that she really seduces or that she simply slips into the forms of other people's fantasies. Often taken for an unscrupulous manipulator, the Lamia seeks above all to reveal to beings that she rubs shoulders with their true nature, that which they repress or misunderstand.

Transformations: Moving hair, Slender hands, Pale scaly skin, Vanilla scent, Atonal voice.

The Medusa passes for a manipulative and gently crazy. She is the explorer of the Unconscious, of its contradictory and wild expressions. Many give in to its traps which lead them into maze where their minds multiply, fragment into truncated and simplistic personalities. The Medusa is also dangerous for itself because it often takes refuge in the delights of prolonged daydreams.

Transformations: Pointed canines, Hooked hands, Scaly skin, Aggressive smell, Insinuating voice.

The Naga is the whole complexity of the lunar cycle. On moonless nights, he can only reflect external elemental influences: he captures emotions, moods, and restores them in an exaggerated, sometimes caricatural way that goes so far as to frighten himself. He is then playful and impulsive. But at full moon, he takes on the calm and meditative face of the star, immersed in nostalgic and mute daydreams. He sees the beauty that hides in everything and remains delighted and amazed. It disappears behind the world to become nothing more than a pale and fleeting dream.

Transformations (according to the phases of the moon):  Big and black eyes / Prismatic hair, Slow gestures / Slippery hands, Sparkling skin / Variegated skin, Odorless / Smell of powder, Crystal Voice / Shrill Voice.

In the 4th edition

In the 4th edition, all Dominant Ka had a single generic metamorphosis that the player could freely customize. The aspects of previous editions were retained while the prior archetypes were listed as suggestions: For Onirim, this broke down like so:

Headreptilian or feline pupils, silver eyes and hair, eyes polished like mirrors...
Handsclawed, loss of nails, atrophied, intangible, smooth, icy, scaly...
Skindiaphanous, milky, opaline, translucent, fine hairiness, pearly...
Odorhellebore (repellent), mandrake (very strong), tuberose (heady, exhilarating), odorless, opiate...
Voicemagnetic, sibilant, insinuating, bewitching, suave, sensual, dark...
Myths & TalesSnake, Chimera, Medusa, Lamia, Naga...

This is a simple recounting of the metamorphoses of past editions.

In the 5th edition

In the 5th edition, these were combined into a single generic Ophidian metamorphosis alongside the Snake. In 5th edition, all metamorphoses had a total of ten transformations that included both the aspects of prior editions as well as new ones.

For the Snake, these were: No Smell, Wheezing Voice, Cold Skin, Reptilian Eyes, Abnormal Thinness, Unhealthy Aura, No Eyelids, Forked Tongue, Atrophied Hands, Scaly Skin.

For the Ophidian, these were: Asymmetrical Face, Opiate Smell, White Hair, Hypnotic Voice, Black Claws, Totally Black Eyes, Elongated Skull, Chilling Aura, Milky Skin, Snake Tail.

I might do a post on metamorphoses with ten transformations in the future, but for now I'll skip it.

For the US version

The emotional metamorphoses rules in Chronicle of the Awakenings work differently than those in the rulebook. Each Metamorphosis has exactly 5 Personality Traits, each with one or more transformations attached. As the Trait increases, the transformation becomes more visible to others (see the rulebook). When the Trait reaches 16+, these transformations become "real" and affect the game world as described. Most of these transformations are cosmetic and have no game effect, but about 2 Traits per Metamorphosis have direct game effects that may be exploited by the player.

In the writeups below, I list direct game effects for all Traits so that groups may choose which provide a direct game effect. If the GM allows, then all Traits may provide direct game effects at rating 16+.

Regardless of the number and detail of transformations attached to a Trait, there is usually only a single contiguous or thematic game effect per Trait. But we're all broken that rule loads of times!

I made these up while flying by the seat of my pants, so groups should feel free to invent their own if they find these unsatisfactory.

The Ophidian, generic

For the "generic" Ophidian archetype, here are some examples of assigning Personality Traits and game effects to the Transformations listed in 5th edition. Groups should feel free to invent their own to suit their character concepts. Multiple Personality Traits are suggested for each Transformation so that players may build a personalized metamorphosis without any opposing or duplicated Personality Traits.

Trait Transformation Game Effect at 16+
Private, Suspicious or Unpredictable Asymmetrical Face Good at hiding, as the the Phoenix’s Loyal Trait, the Undine's Prudent Trait or the Duergar's Private Trait.
Manipulative or Indulgent Opiate Smell If Manipulative: may suggest to receptive individuals, as the Baen Shide. If Indulgent: may recall sensations experienced as the Snake, or treat CON higher as the Satyr.
Modest or Private White Hair Becomes harder to detect with Ka-vision, as the Baen Shide's Modest Trait.
Manipulative or Social Hypnotic Voice If Manipulative: may suggest to receptive individuals, as the Baen Shide. If Social: may calm individuals or groups, as the Elf's Altruistic Trait.
Cruel, Destructive or Reckless Black Claws Grows clawed hands and armor, as the Djinn's Destructive Trait, or clawed hands and feet, as the Satyr's.
Prudent, Spiritual or Vengeful Totally Black Eyes If Prudent: may see in up to total darkness without penalty. If Spiritual: may prophesy as the Tecarian. If Vengeful, may track wrongdoers as the Baba Yaga.
Private or Suspicious Elongated Skull Gains 3-4 armor points, or technically fast contortionist reflexes.
Pragmatic or Uncaring Chilling Aura May freeze liquids or inflict frostbite by touch, inversely to the Djinn's Destructive Trait.
Deceitful Milky Skin May generate minor illusions, as the Duergar.
Prudent or Suspicious Snake Tail Sensitive to vibrations in the air and ground, making the Ophidian almost impossible to surprise.

The Snake and the Ophidian are paired metamorphosis, as explained in the Nephilim rulebook p28. The Snake is the material, unfocused or yin side of the Onirim, whereas the Ophidian is the spiritual, focused or yang side of the Onirim. Alternately, they're both material and spiritual because this distinction doesn't exist for the Onirim...

The Chimera

An existing conversion of the Chimera metamorphosis may be found here

The other Ophidians—the Lamia, the Medusa, and the Naga—are converted below.

The Lamia

[The following quote and Chinese portrait translated from the second edition supplement Le Ka.]

"The most outstanding figure of our Fraternity has always been El-Saiph. When disagreements arose, he always ended up reconciling us with a smile. But the others resented him for what they saw as seductive manipulations. They were too proud to indulge in El-Saiph's game and recognize that his presence among us obsessed them. Their real problem was that he never offered them reassuring and comfortable certainty, and this because he was incapable of it. 

I think that in the end I was the only one who really knew him, if that's possible. I gave in to desire, which others channeled into resentment, and he opened up to me. We worked almost in symbiosis and I always discovered it increasingly, as I could hope for. I always knew that he concealed a fragile and dreamy nature, but he always denied it, repeating to me that it was only because I wanted him to be so." 

—Excerpt from the Memoirs of Odhallyn, Naiad [Hydrim metamorph] of the Fraternity of Adamic Researchers/Seekers, 1816.  

Chinese Portrait

If I were..., I would be...

  • A natural phenomenon: A mirage
  • A metal: Chromium
  • An animal: The cobra
  • A color: White
  • A mythical being: Pandora
  • A famous person: Mary I "Bloody Mary" Tudor
  • An activity: Seduction
  • A work of art: Syrinx, L. 129, solo flute piece by Claude Debussy
  • A weapon: Innocence
  • An object: A rattle (the instrument)



As the Lamia grows more curious, her eyes and subtle movements become serpentine and hypnotic. Those she talks to become enraptured and invested in answering her questions. The Lamia is typically more interested in people than in other things, so the entranced become eager to share gossip or even intimate details of their own lives.

When this Trait reaches 16, the Lamia gains the same effect as the Angel’s Curious Trait, but the target wants to find the answer on the Lamia's behalf.


As the Lamia becomes more deceitful, her hair grows oily, darker than the night and seems to move and writhe of its own accord. Meanwhile, her body and limbs grow seductively slender and lithe.

When this Trait reaches 16, the Lamia may calm people as the Elf's Altruistic Trait, beguiling them with an illusion of trust and calm.


As the Lamia grows more indulgent, her eyeshadow, lips and fingernails grow iridescent and pearly. She appears as if made-up, but wears no cosmetics. Those around her are entranced and cannot help but indulge themselves too.

When this Trait reaches 16, those around the Lamia gain the benefits of both the Satyr’s and Snake’s Indulgent Traits’ game effects. They must make Idea rolls to resist indulging to sickening excess or falling into reveries. The Lamia herself is unaffected.


As the Lamia grows more manipulative, she exudes a pleasant vanilla scent and her voice oscillates through sweet and strange syncopated rhythms. Those around her are intoxicated by her scent and subliminally influenced by her voice.

When this Trait reaches 16, the Lamia may make suggestions as the Baen Shide’s Manipulative Trait. If used on a target already affected by her Curious Trait, Deceitful Trait or Indulgent Trait, then the target resists with only half of his Solar-Ka. If the target is affected by two or more of these, then he automatically fails to resist.


As the Lamia grows more prudent, her skin grows paler until it becomes milky white and develops a layer of fine scales resembling alabaster or marble. Her caution and preparation are reflected in her new defenses.

When this Trait reaches 16, the Lamia gains 4 armor points. These are equally effective against magical attacks, such as the Magic Bolt spell.


The effects of the Lamia's Curious Trait, Deceitful Trait and Indulgent Trait synergize. If a target is affected by two at once, then his resistance is halved. If a target is affected by all three, then his resistance automatically fails.


[The following quote and Chinese portrait translated from the third edition rulebook Le Livre des joueurs.]

"Strange creature that Medusa. She is deceitful, cruel, manipulative and vicious but she knows how to attract the sympathy of many. She shows great versatility in her alliances. Her vengeful spirit is such that her enemies are not sure they will have the chance to live until the next day. Indeed, it seems that she likes to use twisted plans to defeat her opponents, wholly to put herself personally in danger. She likes to resort to murder and she is always extraordinary violent. She is an unstable subject that tends to abandon herself to schizophrenia.

It is imperative to monitor all known subjects."

—Excerpt from an Illuminati report on the mores of the Medusa

Chinese Portrait

If I were..., I would be...

  • A natural phenomenon: The melting ice
  • A metal: Silver
  • An animal: A tiger
  • A color: White
  • A mythical being: A gorgon
  • A famous person: H.P. Lovecraft
  • An activity: hunting
  • A work of artLes Racines du mal ("The Roots of Evil") by Maurice G. Dantec
  • A weapon: a dagger
  • An object: a stone statue



As the Medusa grows crueler, her nails lengthen and harden into hooked claws while her canines elongate and narrow into sharp fangs.

When this Trait reaches 16, the Medusa has claws and fangs that deal minimal damage (1d3+db) but drip with psychotropic poison. The POT is equal to her Cruel Trait and grants the benefits of the Snake's and Satyr's Indulgent Traits at once. This renders the subject reckless and highly susceptible to suggestion, halving resistance against Bargain, Fast Talk, Persuade, etc.

If she's careful and succeeds on an appropriate social and/or agility roll, then she may inject a target without raising suspicion by playing it off as an accidental bite or scratch. If her Vengeful Trait also reaches 16, then she can try to play it off as a freak papercut by her hair.


As the Medusa grows into a social chameleon, her skin develops into chameleonic scales. These are bluish and soft most of the time, but their color and texture changes at her whim.

When this Trait reaches 16, the Medusa may blend seamlessly into crowds even when being pursued, a la the Phoenix's Loyal Trait and the Undine's Prudent Trait.


As the Medusa becomes more reckless, she exudes an aggressive and bestial scent like a she-cat in heat.

When this Trait reaches 16, the Medusa gains a 30% bonus to social rolls against those attracted to her Simulacrum's sex. On Mondays her scent grants those in proximity the benefit of the Snake's Indulgent Trait, but those affected must succeed on an Idea roll to avoid becoming lost in schizoid states. This even affects the Medusa herself, but she instead gains a point of Khaiba, Narcosis or Shouit if she falls the roll.


As the Medusa becomes more manipulative, her voice becomes serpentine and seductive. She insinuates into the ears and ensnares the mind.

When this Trait reaches 16, the Medusa may make suggestions as the Baen Shide's Manipulative Trait. She applies the bonus from her Indulgent Trait if applicable.


As the Medusa grows increasingly vengeful, her locks grow thicker and writhe of their own accord until they become live snakes. Meanwhile, her pupils narrow into slits and her eyes become unblinking like a serpent. 

When this Trait reaches 16, the Medusa gains 360 degree vision and can no longer be surprised unless the attacker uses magical stealth. Even then, she is entitled to perception rolls with a +30% bonus.

If her Cruel Trait also reaches 16, then her snakes can bite for 1 point of damage and inject the same poison with their fangs.


If the Cruel, Reckless and Manipulative Traits are used in concert, then an intoxicated target automatically loses the resistance contest against the suggestion and may be convinced to do things he wouldn’t do sober.

The Naga... or The Man in the Moon?

[The following quote and Chinese portrait translated from the second edition supplement Le Ka.]

"Malak is a fundamentally unstable Onirim: this is what forces me to refuse his integration into our Arcanum. Indeed, he is totally subject to the lunar cycle: from the full moon to the new moon, he passes from one extreme state to another, and his metamorphoses accompany these changes. 

At full moon, he can stay long moments without acting; lost in thoughts that he is the only one to understand. He becomes shy and almost fearful, but exerts through his silence a strange fascination on others. 

Conversely, when he lets his other elementary influences express themselves, it is in an explosive and polymorphic way. He overreacts to circumstances and passes without warning from anger to laughter, from wonder to anguish. He becomes a real melting pot of contradictory emotions that he amplifies and to which he gives completely free rein, unable to contain them. 

For all these reasons, I cannot contemplate entrusting him with significant responsibilities."

—Internal note written by Gyrmaod, Adept of The Empress.

Chinese Portrait

If I were..., I would be...

  • A natural phenomenon: The lunar cycle
  • A metal: Sodium
  • An animal: The chameleon
  • A color: Pearl grey
  • A mythical being: Janus
  • A famous person: Marcel Marceau, French actor and mime artist
  • An activity: Theater
  • A work of art: "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds", song by The Beatles
  • A weapon: A hallucinogenic gas
  • An object: A broken mirror


Despite the name, the Naga isn't related to the naga of Vedic folklore. If a different name is preferred, then call it something like Mēnē or Māni from Proto-Indo-European religion... or maybe Loony or Moony? Lunatic? I'll go with Man in the Moon...

The Man in the Moon's Traits shift between extremes as the Moon waxes and wanes, giving way between the majestic purity of the Moon and the cacophonous pandemonium of the other four elements. Each Aspect switches between one of two Personality Traits, with a correspondingly different Transformation and game effect, depending on the lunar phase.

The two Personality Traits are presented together separated by a slash. The former is the Trait under the Full Moon (i.e. from the First Quarter to the Third Quarter), the latter is the Trait under the New Moon (i.e. from the Third Quarter to the First Quarter).

Under the former, the Man in the Moon appears made of sparkling crystal. His eyes are huge and black, his skin sparkles, his movements are slow and hypnotic, and even his voice sounds like the tinkling of crystal glasses. He takes on a calm and meditative aspect, seeing the beauty in the moonlight and feeling nostalgic for its purity.

Under the latter, the Man in the Moon appears made of a rainbow manifest. His hair and skin are prismatic and variegated, his movements are smooth and slippery, his voice pierces the night like a knife, and he smells dry and sweet like cosmetics powder. He reflects external elemental influences, becoming a playful and impulsive jester.



As the Man in the Moon grows more unpredictable, his movements ironically synchronize with the phases of the Moon. When this Trait reaches 16, the Man in the Moon experiences either of the following effects depending on the current phase:

Under the Full Moon, his movements are slow and hypnotic, like seductive tantric yoga poses. He gains a +30% bonus to Perform rolls involving dancing or playing musical instruments. He may temporarily calm and fascinate targets by winning a Moon-Ka vs INT contest, causing them to stand entranced for his Moon-Ka modifier in minutes.

Under the New Moon, his movements are smooth and slippery, as though he were made of rubber and covered in oil. He uses his Moon-Ka modifier to calculate his Meta-DEX instead of Water-Ka and adds a +30% bonus to rolls involving dodging, moving through tight spaces, slipping out of restraints or grapples, etc.


As the Man in the Moon grows more contemplative and nostalgic, he conceals an angry side within. When this Trait reaches 16, the Man in the Moon experiences either of the following effects depending on the current phase:

Under the Full Moon, he stops to meditate and loses himself in nostalgic daydreams. He may cast the spell Dream Sending as if he had it inscribed, rolling his Trait×5% to cast it and using his Moon-Ka to calculate the spell's POW, but only to sent pleasant nostalgic dreams and messages. He can even send these dreams to himself.

Under the New Moon, his dissatisfaction with his nostalgia makes him angry and impulsive. While so incensed his voice sounds alternatively roaring or shrill, majestic or plaintive. He doesn't need sleep and doesn't get tired, so suffers no penalties for fatigue or sleep deprivation. 


As the Man in the Moon grows more spiritual and meditative, he sees the beauty hidden within the Moon and longs to share it with others. When this Trait reaches 16, the Man in the Moon experiences either of the following effects depending on the current phase:

Under the Full Moon, he stops to meditate and sees the subtle beauty in the world under the moonlight that others miss. This enlightens him regarding the mysteries his intellect always tried to solve. He laughs at his own ignorance, and his voice sounds like the tinkling of crystal glasses, distant and musical. He uses his Moon-Ka to calculate his Meta-INT.

Under the New Moon, he becomes playful and tries to make others happy. He exudes a dry and sweet scent that inexplicably raises spirits by reminding people of the joys in life. Those around him become resistant to mundane and magical attempts to make them scared, angry, sad, or otherwise unhappy. They add his Moon-Ka modifier×3% to any such resistance rolls.


The Man in the Moon becomes very withdrawn during the Full Moon, even fearful, but is unable to conceal his inner light even as it grows stronger. Conversely, under the New Moon he comes out of his shell so curious that his newfound wonder confounds the senses of others. When this Trait reaches 16, the Man in the Moon experiences either of the following effects depending on the current phase:

Under the Full Moon, he sparkles silvery like a lunar Tinkerbell. His presence illuminates dimness and total darkness up to a range of his Ka-vision.

Under the New Moon, his aura appears prismatic and variegated. He gains a +30% bonus to Hide/Stealth rolls, even against Ka-vision, because this shifting multicolored aura confuses the minds of observers. He may temporarily blind targets for his Moon-Ka modifier in minutes by winning a Moon-Ka vs CON contest.


The Man in the Moon becomes humble and obsessed with his work, even fearful, during the Full Moon. Conversely, under the New Moon he becomes suspicious that others aren't similarly humble and so becomes paranoid and overprotective. When this Trait reaches 16, the Man in the Moon experiences either of the following effects depending on the current phase:

During the Full Moon, his eyes appear huge and completely black. He gains thermal vision, allowing him to see in the dark. He gains a +30% bonus to tracking by heat signature and may see heat signatures through walls.

During the New Moon, his eyes, hair, and skin shine like rainbows as though wearing a suit of medieval armor right out of a stained glass piece. This isn't just cosmetic or poetic, but provides 4 armor points.

Hope you enjoyed!


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