What happens when a Nephilim is possessed?

In the original rules and setting, the Nephilim are elemental spirits that possess hapless human hosts they call Simulacra. Whenever the Simulacrum was possessed by some other elemental, such as a ruptured summoning or a Necromancy spell, then the Nephilim was ejected from the host. The astrological Nephilim aka Ar-KaIm were awakened humans, so when they were possessed their soul wasn't forced out. Otherwise, the Nephilim could only be forced out by killing the Simulacrum.

In my campaigns, all Nephilim fusional beings formed by the fusion of an elemental beast's magic and a human soul's awareness, will and identity. Basically like the Ar-KaIm, but with Pentacles and Occult Sciences instead of Hearts and Talents. So whenever a Nephilim is possessed, then their soul remains trapped in their body… usually. There is no way to sever the fusion without causing death or at least severe spiritual damage, unless it was a temporary incarnation to begin with.

The terminal stages of Khaiba and Shouit kill or severely damage the Simulacrum’s soul. Terminal Inkhaibation causes the Nephilim’s body and soul to be consumed and dissolved into the magic fields. Terminal Overshadowing causes the Nephilim's body and soul to separate. The Ka-elements are drawn back to the Stasis item and the body drops dead or enters a permanent depression or vegetative state.

If possessed by another elemental, then the same thing can potentially happen. Best case scenario is that the Nephilim is forced into the backseat until freed. Worst case scenario is that the Pentacle is forced to reincarnate while the Simulacrum is possessed; if the Simulacrum survives the experience, then he suffers the soul damage described previously.

Just to clarify that.


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