Spells jargon

Different types of magical effects have different fluff/rule jargon associated with them. Here is overview for those wanting to keep track consistently. This isn’t vitally important information, but might be fun for roleplaying flavor.

A spell is any effect designed and created by sorcery or summoning, typically used in reference to first circle sorcery.

A ritual is a method of casting a spell, used for second and third circle sorcery and all circles of summoning.

An evocation is specifically any summoning spell/ritual.

An entity is an elemental being called into material existence by casting an evocation.

A procedure is any effect designed and created thru alchemy, typically used in reference to first circle alchemy.

An athanor is an alchemical laboratory, used only in first circle alchemy.

An alchemical creation is a substance created by first circle alchemy that is applied outside of the laboratory to produce the desired effect.

An alchemical work of art, or just work of art, is an art object created by second circle alchemy to produce the desired effect in audiences.

A meditation is an effect created by third circle alchemy.

A focus is any record of a spell’s design.

A grimoire is a collection of foci.


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