My rules for the Selenim’s metamorphosis
Altho the line was canceled before the Selenim supplement could be drafted and released, Ian Young’s surviving notes provide a sufficient foundation for me to devise my own rules for it. Essentially, Selenim had an emotional metamorphosis like Nephilim but it represented and evoked the emotions they preferred to assuage rather than their own. These rules are going to differ from that proposed by Ian’s notes. Originally the Selenim’s metamorphosis comprised of five emotional traits would’ve been linked to an Imago, a construct of Black Moon-Ka that invisibly loomed behind its owner like a malignant shadow. While interesting, it’s clunky to have two ratings for each pair of emotional trait and aspect. Furthermore, in my opinion it doesn’t really make much sense for Selenim to differ so much from Nephilim this way. The Selenim’s magic is based on BMK being ephemeral due to lacking its own planet, right? Nephilim suffer a similar ephemerality due to the magic fields being ...