The Ophidians again

Under 5e, all Metamorphoses have 10 Transformations. Instead of being rated individually, the Nephilim gains a permanent Transformation as their occult development progresses. However, only a limited number of Metamorphs from prior editions were officially converted. In a fanbook for the French 5e titled Liber Metamorphosis, many of these were unofficially converted including the Ophidians. 

In a prior post I shared my conversions of the Ophidians from earlier editions of the French version, long before reading Liber Metamorphosis. As an addendum to my last post on Ophidians, I'd like to recap the transformations from Liber Metamorphosis and adapt that to the US version's Emotional Metamorphosis rules.

Note: I've renamed the Chimera and Naga to the Sandman and Fractal Elf. I felt their original French names were inappropriate as it lacked any link between their metamorphosis and inspirational folklore. As always, your mileage may vary.

"Moon God" by ameliori

What are the Ophidians?

Metamorphoses are grouped into archetypes like Elf, Snake, Triton, etc. These archetypes have a commonly accepted set of five Personality Traits and associated Transformations, though individual Nephilim may differ by one or two of these while still being considered part of the same archetype. A shift in three or more Traits results in a different archetype.

The Ophidians are a unique case. They are an overarching category of unpaired Onirim metamorphoses, all of which display one or more reptilian traits. This is due to the corruption by the Black Moon according to Strength, the heritage of Blavatsky's saurian Lemurians, which the Ophidians forever display in their Metamorphoses. The Ophidian archetypes identified so far include the Snake, Sandman, Medusa, Lamia, and Fractal Elf. The Sandman and Fractal Elf in particular are contentious inclusions due to having the fewest reptilian traits, or even none at all for some Onirim.

Nephilim in their first incarnation lack a specific archetype, instead displaying a disparate mix of transformations from multiple different ones (cf. 4e metamorphoses), but usually mature into one during their first or second incarnation. Some Onirim never really outgrow this and assume a neotenous "generic" Ophidian archetype easily confused with the Sandman and Medusa (cf. 5e metamorphoses).

Symbolism and transformations

The Ophidians have the following analogies and symbolism given in Liber Metamorphosis:

Archetype Humor Elemental analogies Symbolism
Snake Lunatic An aurora borealis

The ambiguity of the night

Chimera Lunatic A moonless night

The excesses of the night

Medusa Lunatic An eclipse

The nocturnal monster

Lamia Lunatic A mirage

The uncontrolled attraction

Naga Lunatic The lunar cycle

The Ophidians have the following transformations given in Liber Metamorphosis:

Archetype Transformations
Snake Absence of smell, Hissing voice, Cold skin, Reptilian eyes, Abnormal thinness, Unhealthy aura, No eyelids, Forked tongue, Atrophied hands, Scaly skin
Chimera Fascinating Aura, Opiate Smell, White Hair, Hypnotic Voice, Black Claws, Totally Black Eyes, Sharp Teeth, Milky Skin, Atrophied Ears, Snake Tail
Medusa Asymmetrical face, Pointed and elongated canines, Aggressive smell, Hooked hands, Insinuating voice, Chilling Aura of shivers/thrills, Elongated skull, Bulging eyes, Scaly skin, Snake hair
Lamia Pale complexion, Atonal voice, Smell of vanilla, Aura of attraction, Black and oily hair, Slender hands, Pointed teeth, Moving hair, Slender pearly claws, Scaly and dark limb skin
Naga Refinement of the Body, Cold Touch, Aura of Instability, Large Black Eyes, Slow Gestures, Crystalline Voice, Smell of Gunpowder, Slippery Hands, Prismatic Hair, Glistening / Variegated Skin

Full writeups associating these transformations with Personality Traits, in the style of Chronicle of the Awakenings, are presented below. In lieu of precise rules, I'm noting the Personality Traits, Aspects and Transformations only briefly. Groups are free to interpret these as they see fit.

The rest of the writeups is pure fluff, sharing inspiration for roleplaying and some commentary of mine.


See Nephilim rulebook p39, Chronicle of the Awakenings p70.

Adam and Eve tempted by the Snake in Eden


The Snake received a full writeup of its Emotional Metamorphosis in Chronicle of the Awakenings. The table below assigns the ten transformations from the 5e rulebook to that existing Emotional Metamorphosis, expanding on those listed in CotA for purpose of inspiration and roleplaying.

Personality Trait Transformations Game Effect
Cruel Hissing voice, Forked tongue. Venomous fangs
Deceitful Reptilian eyes, No eyelids.
Indulgent Unhealthy aura. Recall any sensation
Private Absent smell, Cold skin, Scaly skin.
Unpredictable Abnormal thinness, Atrophied hands.

Etymology and mythology

The Snake is an oddity among the original set of Metamorphoses published in the first edition rulebook, in that it seems not based on a mythic archetype but on a real animal; a totem. However, the Snake is based on a mythic archetype: the Snake of Eden or the Serpent, long identified with the Devil or the Adversary. In medieval Christian iconography, the Serpent is depicted with human features.


Note: The Sandman is adapted from the Chimera metamorphosis in the French version. I have also incorporated the Oneiros metamorphosis, an original fan-made archetype introduced in Liber Metamorphosis.

"Fallen Angel" by LySandra Vuong

[The following quote translated from the second edition rulebook Nephilim: Second édition and the third edition rulebook Nephilim: Quintessence.]

Excerpt from the confidential report of Special Agent Mathew O'Flanagan, a member of the CIA's Extra-Biological Entities Department (EBED):

“The Moon cannot be reduced to a single manifestation. The analogies linked to the star of the night are numerous and the Nephilim do not fail to discern in its magic fields the complexity and the variety of its influences.

Also, even though the Serpent is the most common shapeshifter of the Moon, one can sometimes come across Onirim who express other faces of the Moon. These Nephilim nevertheless keep the characteristic traits of the lunatic mood of the Serpent, hence their generic name of Ophidians. We can thus call the Medusa or the Chimera...”

[The following exposition translated from the second edition rulebook Nephilim: Second édition.]

The Chimera is the expression of the dreamlike influence of the Moon. Linked to dreams, reverie but also to the use of drugs, the Chimeras are beings who live at night and seek places of debauchery but also of creativity. Fascinating predators, they carry in their wake those who cannot resist the call of the Dream.

[The following exposition translated from the second edition supplement Le Ka.]

Among the Ophidians, we can mention the Chimera, the incarnation of the dream and its infinite variations. For the Chimera, dream and nightmare are the two facets of a wonderful deleterious seduction, and all means are good to give in to her and make others discover her.

[The following quote translated from the second edition rulebook Nephilim: Second édition.]

Excerpt from the manuscript refused for publication by Gwennaelle L.:

“The night is my domain; the dreams of humanity are my gardens, my follies. Since the last century, during which I rubbed shoulders with the explorers of artificial paradises, the prowling in the dark corners of the places of perdition in search of those who sweat the Dream to delight me in their ephemeral madness or their slow descent into hell. A century later, they are more and more numerous and the chemical keys of the Dream ever more numerous and varied. Let yourself go; I stretch out my arms to you… 

Together we will cross the lunar arches and ride the silver rays.”

[The following quotation translated from Liber Metamorphosis.]

Entry -Oneiros- Index of Metamorphoses, Arcane XIV Temperance. Benetylins, Master of Life, Hospice of Metamorphs.

“The Oneiroi are the incarnations of dreams. They often associate with humans to provide them with compensatory rest and facilitate pleasant dreams. They themselves are natural Akasha explorers and take advantage of their grip on humans to travel the lands of their dreams.
However, they seem little interested in the well-being of humans, but more occupied with experimenting with their unconscious thoughts that they tend to transform into obsession, thus strengthening the power and stability of the Subtle Planes. In addition, they also do not seek to create particular Akashas, in the majority of cases, but rather to diversify experiences.
Some are able with the use of the appropriate occult arts to share the dreams of their favorite humans. They then play a secondary role as an observer or curious tourist. The pleasure they derive from it is more exoticism and fun than the accomplishment of a personal mystical quest.”

Chinese Portrait

If I were..., I would be...

[The following portrait translated from the netbook Métamorphes Nephilims: Spirale des Éléments.]

  • A natural phenomenon: The Dream
  • A metal: Obsidian
  • An animal: The Owl
  • A color: Pale gray
  • A mythical being: Morpheus
  • A famous person: Dr Sigmund Freud
  • An activity: Taking drugs
  • A work of art: The Cell by Tarsem Singh
  • A weapon: Syringe gun
  • An object: A hallucinogen

[The following portraits translated from Liber Metamorphosis.]


  • A natural phenomenon: A moonless night
  • A metal: Fool's Gold
  • An animal: The snake
  • A color: 50 shades of gray
  • A mythical being: Dracula
  • A famous person: Lucrezia Borgia
  • An activity: Drug trafficking
  • A work of art: Apocalypse Now
  • A weapon: The whip
  • An object: An opium pipe


  • A natural phenomenon: The red moon
  • A famous human: Sigmund Freud
  • A metal: The bronze
  • A human activity: The dream
  • An animal: A white rabbit
  • A work: Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
  • A color: A shimmering orange
  • A weapon: A chemical shell
  • A mythological being: Hypnos, my father
  • An object: A sleeping pill



The Chimera received a full writeup in Prometheus' Body Shop. The table below assigns the ten transformations from the 5e rulebook to that existing Emotional Metamorphosis, expanding on those listed for purpose of inspiration and roleplaying.

Personality Trait Aspect(s) Transformation(s) Game Effect
Creative Eyes/Hair White Hair, Totally Black Eyes. Shape dreams
Deceitful Skin/Outline Milky Skin, Atrophied Ears, Snake Tail. Blurred
Indulgent Breath/Health Opiate Smell. Addicted
Manipulative Movement/Voice Fascinating Aura, Hypnotic Voice. Influence others
Reckless Hands/Health Black Claws, Sharp Teeth. Drug tolerance


The Oneiros presented in Liber Metamorphosis is nigh-identical in concept to the Chimera as described in the French texts, so I’ve placed the two under a single metamorphosis. Alternatively, you can think of the Sandman as a paired metamorphosis: the material Chimera and the spiritual Oneiros.

The Oneiros originally had the following transformations listed: Warm touch, Looking in motion, Bewitching voice, Dark and dreaming eyes, Aura of reverie, Odor of opiates, "Perfect" and glabrous face, Ivory nails, Light black down on the arms, Wings with black feathers. I have assigned these as a variation of the above metamorphosis on the table below:

Personality Trait Transformations
Creative Dark and dreaming eyes, Wings with black feathers.
Deceitful Ivory nails, "Perfect" smooth hairless face.
Indulgent Light black down on the arms.
Manipulative Bewitching voice, Odor of opiates.
Social Aura of reverie, Warm touch, Looking in motion.

In contrast to the Chimera, the Oneiros focuses on indulging others rather than itself to satisfy his interest in dreams and the astral. Hence the replacement of Reckless with Social. He lacks the addiction and tolerance of the Chimera, but instead cultivates these qualities in his "clients".

However, you should feel free to assign these as your group sees fit, representing normal variations within the Sandman archetype. For example, the black down and black feathered wings might be granted by a Spiritual Personality Trait instead and allow the Sandman to fly through the astral plane.

Etymology and mythology

The Chimera's name comes from figurative uses of the word chimera, meaning "a flight of fancy" or "bogeyman." Unlike other metamorphs, including the Snake, it isn't derived from any mythic archetype but wholly an invention of the French writers based on the etymology of morphine. The word morphine derives from the name of Morpheus, the Greek dream maker, as his residence was covered in poppy seeds.

The Oneiros (plural Oneiroi) is named for the personifications of dreams from Greek myth, from whence also derives the name Onirim. The metamorph presented in Liber Metamorphosis may have been inspired by The Sandman comic book published by DC, but I cannot be sure.


"Lamia Sprite", RPG Maker VX

[The following exposition translated from the second edition supplement Le Ka.]

The Medusa passes for manipulative and gently crazy at the same time. She is the explorer of the unconscious, of its contradictory and wild expressions. Many give in to his traps that lead them into mazes where their minds multiply, fragment into truncated and simplistic personalities. The Medusa is also dangerous for herself because she often takes refuge in the delights of prolonged daydreams.

[The following quote translated from the second edition rulebook Nephilim: Second édition and the third edition rulebook Nephilim: Quintessence.]

Excerpt from the confidential report of Doctor Flanian, psychiatrist:

“The subject was presented to us by Commissioner Fresnes. Despite a noticeable state of catatonic prostration, tenuous contact was established after a week of isolation. Our approach made it possible to establish a deposition with confessions of the twenty-four murders. According to the following interviews, the subject would have acted under the orders of a castrating entity that he calls the Medusa (manifest schizo-paranoid psychosis).  

Despite a delirium poorly contained by the administration of neuroleptics, we were able to draw up an exhaustive range of the many perversions of the subject (remarkable case). 

After two daring escape attempts under mysterious circumstances, the subject was transferred to the Psychiatric Holding Unit in Pavilion 36 for his safety and to put an end to the rumors among the staff. Several agents reportedly saw a ghostly figure several times in the park.”

[The following quote translated from the third edition rulebook Le Livre des joueurs.]

Excerpt from a synarchy report on the mores of the Medusa:

“Strange creature that Medusa. She is deceitful, cruel, manipulative and vicious but she knows how to attract the sympathy of many. She shows great versatility in her alliances. Her vengeful spirit is such that her enemies are not sure they will have the chance to live until the next day. Indeed, it seems that she likes to use twisted plans to defeat her opponents, wholly to put herself personally in danger. She likes to resort to murder and she is always extraordinary violent. She is an unstable subject that tends to abandon herself to schizophrenia.

It is imperative to monitor all known subjects.”

Chinese Portrait

If I were..., I would be...

[The following portrait translated from the third edition rulebook Le Livre des joueurs.]

  • A natural phenomenon: Melting ice
  • A metal: Silver
  • An animal: Any predator
  • A color: White
  • A mythical being: Medusa
  • A famous person: H.P. Lovecraft
  • An activity: Hunting
  • A work of artLes Racines du mal ("The Roots of Evil") by Maurice G. Dantec
  • A weapon: A dagger
  • An object: A stone statue

[The following portrait translated from the third edition rulebook Nephilim: Quintessence, slightly modified in Liber Metamorphosis.]

  • A natural phenomenon: An eclipse
  • A metal: Lead
  • An animal: Weasel
  • A color: The color of a nightmare
  • A mythical being: The werewolf
  • A famous person: Janis Joplin
  • An activity: Torture
  • A work of art: “Batman”
  • A weapon: An Indian sword-whip
  • An object: A razor blade


The following are my suggestions for assigning Personality Traits and Transformations. I have left Game Effects unnoted for the freedom of the group. Feel free to assign transformations and effects as your group desires.

Personality Trait Transformations
Cruel Pointed and elongated canines, Hooked hands, Scaly skin
Deceitful Asymmetrical face, Elongated skull, 
Manipulative Aggressive smell, Insinuating voice, 
Uncaring Chilling Aura
Vengeful Bulging eyes, Snake hair

Here's an idea I had for an optional rule: Medusae have a mysterious relationship with Gorgons (see Nephilim rulebook p223). When a Medusa incarnates, the prospective Simulacrum perceives their new Paredrus as a Gorgon. A Medusa suffering a Khaiba seizure becomes a Gorgon with all the associated dangerous powers, only distinguishable by their Pentacle in Ka-vision and their more active hunting behavior (a normal Gorgon's Personality Trait is Private). Unlike a Gorgon, anyone a Medusa petrified while Inkhaibated is still alive (their Ka-elements are visible in Ka-vision) and returns to normal when the Khaiba seizure ends. Take it or leave it at your leisure.

Etymology and mythology

The Medusa is based on the Gorgon Medusa from Greek myth. Medusa was one of a trio of Gorgon sisters, alongside Sthenno and Euryale. Originally she was purely a monster with little background, but in later retellings started out as a priestess of Athena who was raped by Poseidon in the goddess' temple and punished for this by being turned into a Gorgon. In the 20th century she was reclaimed by feminist writers as a symbol of woman's vengeance, and her curse reinterpreted either as victim blaming or protection against future assault depending on the storyteller.


"The Knight and the Mermaid" (c. 1890)

[The following exposition translated from the second edition supplement Le Ka.]

Lamia is the embodiment of reciprocal desire, with all that it has of trouble and elusive. She seduces by necessity by playing with mystery and its ambiguity. It is never certain that it really seduces or that it simply flows into the forms of the fantasies of others. Often taken for an unscrupulous manipulator, the Lamia actually seeks above all to reveal to beings that she rubs shoulders with their true nature, the one they repress or ignore.

[The following quote and Chinese portrait translated from the second edition supplement Le Ka.]

Excerpt from the Memoirs of Odhallyn, Naiad of the Fraternity of Adamic Searchers, 1816:

“The most outstanding figure of our Fraternity has always been El-Saiph. When disagreements arose, he always ended up reconciling us with a smile. But the others resented him for what they saw as seductive manipulations. They were too proud to indulge in El-Saiph's game and recognize that his presence among us obsessed them. Their real problem was that he never offered them reassuring and comfortable certainty, and this because he was incapable of it. 

I think that in the end I was the only one who really knew him, if that's possible. I gave in to desire, which others channeled into resentment, and he opened up to me. We worked almost in symbiosis and I always discovered it increasingly, as I could hope for. I always knew that he concealed a fragile and dreamy nature, but he always denied it, repeating to me that it was only because I wanted him to be so.” 

Chinese Portrait

If I were..., I would be...

  • A natural phenomenon: A mirage
  • A metal: Chromium
  • An animal: The cobra
  • A color: White
  • A mythical being: Pandora
  • A famous person: Mary I "Bloody Mary" Tudor
  • An activity: Seduction
  • A work of art: Syrinx, L. 129, solo flute piece by Claude Debussy
  • A weapon: Innocence
  • An object: A rattle (the instrument)


The Lamia may be treated as a variation of the Bean Sidhe from Chronicle of the Awakenings p74. I have assigned the Lamia's transformations to the Bean Sidhe's personality traits on the table below:

Personality Trait Transformations
Deceitful Black and oily hair, Scaly and dark limb skin.
Indulgent Pointed teeth, Slender pearly claws, Moving hair.
Manipulative Smell of vanilla.
Modest Pale complexion, Slender hands.
Social Atonal voice, Aura of attraction.

As always, feel free to pick different Personality Traits and arrangements as your group sees fit.

Etymology and mythology

The Lamia is based on the Lamia and the Lamiae of Greek myth. These were bogeymen and succubae that preyed on men and children. In one myth, the Queen of Libya is named Lamia and becomes a monster as a result of her children with Zeus being abducted or murdered by a jealous Hera.

Fractal Elf

Note: The Fractal Elf is adapted from the Naga metamorphosis in the French version.

"Transdimensional Elf" by TheThirdEye

[The following exposition translated from the second edition supplement Le Ka.]

The Naga is all the complexity of the lunar cycle. On moonless nights, he can only reflect external elementary influences: he captures emotions, atmospheres, and restores them in an exaggerated, sometimes caricatural way that goes so far as to frighten him himself. He is then playful and impulsive. But at the full moon, he takes on the calm and meditative face of the star, immersed in nostalgic and mute daydreams. He sees the beauty that hides in everything and remains delighted and amazed. It disappears behind the world to be nothing more than a pale and fleeting dream.

[The following quote and Chinese portrait translated from the second edition supplement Le Ka.]

Internal note written by Gyrmaod, Adept of The Empress:

“Malak is a fundamentally unstable Onirim: this is what forces me to refuse his integration into our Arcanum. Indeed, he is totally subject to the lunar cycle: from the full moon to the new moon, he passes from one extreme state to another, and his metamorphoses accompany these changes. 

At full moon, he can stay long moments without acting; lost in thoughts that he is the only one to understand. He becomes shy and almost fearful, but exerts through his silence a strange fascination on others. 

Conversely, when he lets his other elementary influences express themselves, it is in an explosive and polymorphic way. He overreacts to circumstances and passes without warning from anger to laughter, from wonder to anguish. He becomes a real melting pot of contradictory emotions that he amplifies and to which he gives completely free rein, unable to contain them. 

For all these reasons, I cannot contemplate entrusting him with significant responsibilities.”

Chinese Portrait

If I were..., I would be...

  • A natural phenomenon: The lunar cycle
  • A metal: Sodium
  • An animal: The chameleon
  • A color: Pearl grey
  • A mythical being: Janus
  • A famous person: Marcel Marceau, French actor and mime artist
  • An activity: Theater
  • A work of art: "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds", song by The Beatles
  • A weapon: A hallucinogenic gas
  • An object: A broken mirror


The following are my suggestions for assigning Personality Traits and Transformations. I have left Game Effects unnoted for the freedom of the group. Feel free to assign transformations and effects as your group desires.

Personality Trait Transformations
Reckless Aura of instability.
Social Prismatic Hair. Sparkling/variegated skin.
Spiritual Refinement of body. Crystalline Voice. Powdery scent.
Uncaring Cold touch. Big and black eyes.
Unpredictable Slow gestures. Slippery Hands.

Unlike other metamorphs, all Fractal Elves have two Directions that automatically apply to their Personality Traits at character creation. "Direction: under the waxing moon" applies to Spiritual and Uncaring, whereas "Direction: under the waning moon" applies to Reckless, Social and Unpredictable. Thus, their transformations become more pronounced on such nights.

When a fractal elf suffers a Khaiba seizure, their form is always a mix of dwarfism and etherism, turning them into the "machine elves" described by DMT users. In this form, they are invisible to mundane senses; hallucinogens like DMT allow muggles to perceive them by temporarily activating Ka-vision.


The Naga was odd because originally each of his transformations shifted between two different forms depending on whether the Moon was New or Full. I tried adapting this to the Emotional Metamorphosis rules, but I admit that my implementation was clunky. I only realized afterwards that CotA's Directions were a simpler way to implement it, as I did above.  

In Liber Metamorphosis the Naga's Transformations were changed to match the standard 10, but didn't shift according to the current lunar phase. I think my adaptation above is a sufficient compromise between the the two.

Etymology and mythology

The Naga has no relation to the Nagas from Hindu myth, but is wholly an invention of the French writers inspired by the lunar cycle. I have no idea why they picked the name "Naga" other than to fit the Ophidian aesthetic.

The Naga's transformations bear far more resemblance to the "machine elves" described by DMT users than anything else. So I renamed it to “fractal elf” when adapting it to the US version.

Bonus: Naga

In the Ex Oculis files on the current iteration of the US mailing list, a brief pitch for a Naga metamorphosis is listed with the following description and personality traits: "Giant, reclusive snake-people. / Like a good villain, always busy. Scheming." "Private, Deceitful, Manipulative, Prudent, Unpredictable."

Here are my suggestions for the corresponding transformations:

Personality Trait Transformations
Deceitful Forked tongue, gecko's eyes
Manipulative Additional arms, reptilian tails
Private Scales, rattle on tail(s)
Prudent A mantle of multiple cobra heads
Unpredictable serpentine features, abrupt and jerky movements

Hope you enjoyed!


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